from end to end

Chapter 69 Trading

Chapter 69 Trading
Jiang Ganoderma lucidum, which has been mixed in Qinnan Beiling for half a year, can be said to be familiar with the road.And because of her level suppression, in the past three months, she led a team of 20 people with only minor injuries, no serious injuries or deaths.

They swept across the mountains in the west, harvesting a lot of mutated animals and plants.

Fighting in a team is faster than fighting alone. They often take turns to consume energy, and when the ability has just recovered, they start the next round of attack.

Unlike when Jiang Lingzhi was alone, she only dared to go to the mountains once a day, and when her abilities recovered to [-]%, she didn't dare to go into the mountains alone.Moreover, the mutant animals and plants in that time and space are too strong, and it is a bit difficult for her to play, so the upgrade is not too fast.

When she first entered the seventh-order peak, Shen Mo also rose to the seventh-order, and other sixth-order supernatural beings also began to touch the barrier of the sixth-order peak. After half a month, half of them will have reached the peak. Into the seventh step.

The goal was not achieved, and the 20 people stayed in Qinnan Beiling for another half a month.

Half a month later, a total of 12 people finally reached the seventh step.

They gathered together the supernatural beings needed for crystal-making nuclear weapons, detoxification pills, and superhuman awakening pills, as well as materials for making composite protective gear and materials needed for pharmaceuticals.

Five days later, the group returned to Chenxi Base and began to manufacture some nuclear weapons and pills in small batches, which were used for Lu Shuxing to negotiate and trade with several other bases.

Of course, Jiang Lingzhi did not contribute the meteorites picked up from the garment processing factory. The meteorites used by Lu Shuxing were found by the Lu family's army before.Her meteorites are her capital for getting rich, and she can't contribute to others in vain.

The news of the Lu family could not be hidden from the Sun family and Zheng family who were also in the Chenxi base, and the news quickly spread like wildfire.

When the crystal nuclear weapon was first manufactured, the Chinese and North Korean bases also sent friendly talks, wanting to know about the refining of the crystal nuclear weapon.They picked up a crystal nucleus weapon a year ago, and finally found out that it was made of a meteorite, but they couldn't find a way to chisel or melt the meteorite, and they couldn't imitate the crystal nucleus knife at all.

Here, Jiang Lingzhi, who was at the peak of the seventh step, also temporarily stopped, and no longer actively led the team to do tasks as before.Just incubating the eggs, and getting bored with Shen Mo for a day.

Because of the production of nuclear weapons, people from the other three bases came to the Chenxi base to negotiate. Shen Mo had to take over the burden and got busy.

Jiang Lingzhi, who was idle and valued sex over friends, finally remembered her friends, and found Hao Wenjing and Yan Xiaoqing to chat and go shopping, and only then did she know some gossip in the team.

Hao Wenjing broke the news that Ning Kaige is chasing Yan Xiaoqing, looking for her to have dinner with her every day, and forming a team with her every time.Yan Xiaoqing couldn't stop her, so she could only complain in a low voice about how clingy Ning Kaige was, but Jiang Lingzhi still heard the signal from her complaining tone that the two were about to become.

For another example, Bai Yi, Bai Ran's elder brother, was spotted by a powerful female supernatural being and used various methods to pursue him. It was Chen Chen who came forward to solve his brother-in-law's troubles.

Of course, Jiang Lingzhi also noticed some signs. During the three months in Qinnan Beiling, she always felt that there were some pink bubbles between Hao Wenjing and Lu Shuxing.

As soon as she said it, she got Yan Xiaoqing's strong approval. It turned out that before Jiang Lingzhi came back, when Lu Shuxing asked Shen Mo for someone, Hao Wenjing went to help a few times. touch.

But later Hao Wenjing complained with a sour taste and melancholy that the Zheng family planned to marry a daughter and marry Lu Shuxing.

Lu Shuxing is obviously a career-oriented person. There are many people behind him, and he is a well-to-do family, while Hao Wenjing is just a high-level supernatural person. It is hard to say whether the two can get together.

Jiang Lingzhi and Yan Xiaoqing also fell silent immediately.

On the other side, Lu Shuxing and Shen Mo dealt with the other three parties and offered conditions to the Chinese and North Korean bases: send the three old generals of the Lu, Sun, and Zheng families back to their respective bases, and send three manufacturing industry bosses and their families to Chenxi. base.

For the first condition, the Chinese and North Korean bases quickly agreed.The veteran generals of these three families, after more than a year or two, have basically been emptied of power by their descendants, leaving only their prestige, and they cannot be killed again and again, and it is of little use to stay in the Sino-North Korean base.

But the second condition—sending three manufacturing bosses, the visiting Chinese and North Korean bases dare not make decisions at will.

Their China-North Korea base is full of talents, but the talents belong to different factions. If someone is moved, there will definitely be chaos inside the China-North Korea base.

They had no choice but to send a message back to the China-North Korea base to inquire, and wait for the high-level games and discussions of the China-North Korea base to discuss the deal.

At the same time, Lu Shuxing also offered Sun and Zheng two conditions: supplies and replacement of troops.

Needless to say, the meaning of materials is money.

Replacing troops is a little more complicated. For example, in the Sun family's hope base, [-]% of the Lu family's army is replaced to the Chenxi base, and [-]% of the Sun family's army in the Chenxi base is replaced back to their Sun family's hope base.

If the replacement of troops is successful, the distribution of forces in the three bases will be: Chenxi base contains [-]% of the Lu family's army, [-]% of the Sun's family's army, and [-]% of the Zheng's family's army.It is hoped that the base will contain [-]% of the Sun's army, [-]% of the Zheng's army, and [-]% of the Lu's army.The free base includes [-]% of the Zheng family's army, [-]% of the Sun's family's army, and [-]% of the Lu family's army.

Although the result is that the Lu family's control over Freedom Base and Hope Base is weakened, but also, in the Chenxi base, the Lu family will have absolute control.

And now that the overall strength of the four major bases is equal, it is impossible for the Lu family to swallow the other three bases in one go.Even if they swallow it hard, the Lu family will send people to manage the other three bases. Due to the inconvenient transportation after the end of the world, the Lu family's control over the management personnel will also be reduced, and the possibility of mutiny in the three bases is also very high.

Instead of making great efforts to bring down the three bases, and then worrying about the mutiny of the management personnel sent, it is better to absolutely control the one-acre three-point land of the Chenxi base, and use interests as a link with the other three bases.

The senior officials of the China-North Korea base knew about the replacement of troops just after discussing which three talents to send to Chenxi base.They really hated it, the internal forces of the other three bases were not chaotic, how could the North Korean base benefit from it.

But manufacturing bases and pharmaceutical bases will bring greater benefits to the China-North Korea base in the future. They can only temporarily give up their coveting of the Chenxi base and hold their breath and agree to the terms.

The Zheng family readily agreed to the conditions for giving supplies and replacing troops. Anyway, their foundation is in the free base, and of course they have no objection to buying supplies.

But the Sun family is different. There are too many descendants of the Sun family, and the people in the three bases have different opinions.

To the outside world, they are all the Sun family and are regarded as one.But internally, the Sun's armies in Hope, Freedom, and Chenxi bases are fighting each other.

The reason for this situation is that General Sun was detained at the Sino-North Korean base and lost control of the Sun family's army. His descendants are busy vying for the position of the person in power.

In the end, all parties coordinated, and [-]% of the Sun's army in the Chenxi base was replaced, and half of the Sun's army in the hope base was transferred to the Chenxi base.

Chenxi base still has [-]% of the Sun's army, but half of it is the original Sun's army, and half is the Sun's army who hopes to come to the base.

As for the Sun Family Army in Hope Base, [-]% are the former garrison troops, and [-]% are Sun Family Army transferred from Chenxi Base.

So far, the transaction, which took nearly two months, was successfully completed among the four bases.

Time flies by like a white horse, and in a flash, another two months have passed.

Jiang Lingzhi has already touched the barrier between the seventh and eighth ranks, and she should be able to enter the eighth rank with only two more fights.Just when she and Shen Mo were going to take Lei Ting's teammates to Qinnanbeiling to experience and upgrade, Lu Shuxing called again urgently.

At four o'clock in the morning, in Lu Shuhang's villa in Area A, Lu Shuhang greeted Shen Mo and Jiang Lingzhi to sit down. He said with apologetic expression, "I'm sorry to delay you from taking the team out for practice, but it's really urgent." He sighed.

"What's the matter?" Shen Mo thought, now the inside of the Chenxi base is all about the Lu family's affairs, there will be no problem, it should be something happened outside.

"The base has been looking for meteorites. You know about this." Seeing the two nodding, Lu Shuxing continued, "Ten days ago, I just received information that the Zheng family collected a lot of money when the end of the world just came. The meteorite is now hidden in the free base."

Hearing this, Shen Mo knew that there must be something inside. If Lu Shuxing wanted meteorites, he could just go and trade with the Zheng family directly, and there was no need to be so irritable.

"Originally, I have negotiated the terms of the transaction with the Zheng family. We just wait for people from our side to exchange materials and bring the meteorite back." Lu Shuxing rubbed his temples with a headache, "As a result, an hour ago, More than half of the Zheng family's meteorites have been stolen, and now as long as they can't get the meteorites back, they won't do business with us."

"That's what we need to do?"

"My people at Liberty Base have found out that the people sent by the China-North Korea base stole the meteorite. Now my people and the Zheng family are chasing them. I need you to intercept them and steal half of the meteorite. "

"Why not take them all?" Jiang Lingzhi was a little puzzled.

Lu Shuxing added, "The amount of meteorites that the Zheng family traded with Chen Xi at that time was only one-tenth of the amount that was stolen."

Shen Mo patted Jiang Lingzhi's hand, and carefully analyzed to her: "If we snatch them all away, not only will we offend the Sino-North Korean base, but we have made great efforts to snatch it, so it is impossible to return the meteorite to the Zheng family in vain.

But in the hearts of the Zheng family, the meteorite was originally theirs, and if we snatch it back, they might even blame it, saying that it was a joint setup by China, North Korea and Chenxi.Even if they don't want to think about it, they are willing to give us a little labor fee at most.

And as soon as their meteorite was stolen, they would softly threaten the Lu team to help them get it back, otherwise the transaction would be cancelled.They know that we pay close attention to meteorites, and they may even sit on the ground and raise the price, taking advantage of the dawn, and we can't get it right with the Zheng family.

The Sino-North Korean base stole the Zheng family's meteorite, and they would definitely not admit it.But if they are all robbed by the Chenxi base, the China-North Korea base will unite with the Freedom Base to accuse the Chenxi base of stealing. Their China-North Korea base just discovered it first and helped track it down.

But if only half of it was taken away, and the Sino-North Korean base stole the meteorite from the Zheng family, they would definitely strongly deny the theft.

Even if they admit to stealing the meteorite, there will be no evidence to prove that we also stole it, let them take the blame, and we can eat meat with peace of mind.

Besides, the interior of their China-North Korea base is so chaotic, maybe they still suspect that their own people are guarding themselves, and several factions will fight. "

Lu Shuxing added: "I think you take a small group of troops to intercept them secretly. On the surface, the Lu family's army and the Zheng family's army are chasing the bandits together. It is impossible for the Lu family's army to avoid the eyes and ears of the Zheng family's army and get in touch with the bandits at the Sino-North Korean base alone. "

Some Jiang Lingzhi understood, and said to Lu Shuxing: "So you have to stay at Chenxi Base and continue to negotiate deals with the Zheng family to prove your innocence.

Even if the Sino-North Korean base drags the Lu family into the water, it can only be said that they are throwing dirty water indiscriminately.Because after the accident, the Chenxi base was still promoting transactions, and the Lu family army in the free base had been with the Zheng family army, so there was no chance to commit crimes. "

"Yes, that's what it means." Lu Shuxing nodded, "Actually, as long as there is no evidence on the surface, it's fine. The Zheng family has already made enemies with the Sino-North Korean base. Even if they suspect us, they won't tear us apart for the time being. After all The Zheng family doesn't have the guts to confront two bases at once."

Seeing that Jiang Lingzhi had fully understood, Lu Shuxing discussed the next itinerary with the two, "The pursuers from Liberty Base have guarded the road to the Sino-Korean base along the way. The North and South Ridges have been turned over.

But if they turn over, it will take at least half a month for them to return.After a while, you will drive eastward along the northern part of Qinnanbeiling, day and night for ten days, and when they have just passed Qinnanbeiling, you can intercept and snatch half of the meteorites. "

Jiang Lingzhi asked: "Isn't it a person with space ability, otherwise I can only bring people back." Cutting off a person with space ability will not blow up the position.

"No, I used the space of the meteorite that I bought from us. Other space power users are not as strong as you, and the highest is only level five. It's too late for them to bring a space power user." Lu Shuxing replied.

Then she can rest assured that robbing things is easier than robbing living people, and the meteorite space is like a wallet, whoever picks it up can open it at will.

The silvery white dawn gradually turned crimson, and the morning glow was reflected on the window lattice of the Leiting Building. Jiang Lingzhi and his party also prepared and assembled, and drove east along Qinnanbeiling.

This time, there were a total of ten of them. They drove two off-road vehicles and drove day and night without stopping. Finally, on the tenth day of the plan, they arrived at the foot of the mountain where the Liberty Base turned Qinnanbeiling, leading to the Sino-Korean base.

It was predicted that the group of thieves would appear at the foot of the mountain around No.12, Jiang Lingzhi and the ten of them finally had time to stop and rest.

Shen Mo led ten people, and sent three seventh-level wind elements to three points to garrison. Once they found people from the Sino-North Korean base, they would send a signal to notify others.

For the success of this operation, Lu Shuxing also equipped them with a newly manufactured electromagnetic wave signal watch.

It is smaller and lighter than a walkie-talkie, and has a longer transmission distance, but the signal between the two watches is definitely not as far as the broadcast, and it is only suitable for communication between teammates who go out to do tasks.However, this watch also assumes the function of wireless routing. As long as there are enough nodes in the middle, it can theoretically transmit farther than broadcasting.

No. 12th arrived as scheduled, but Jiang Lingzhi and his party lay in ambush at various traps for a whole day, but no one was seen.

On the 13th, they waited for nothing again.

Finally, on the No. 14 day, Jiang Lingzhi and his party saw four men and a woman with injuries all over their bodies escape from Qinnanbeiling.

One of the thin-cheeked men yelled, "MD, how do the mutations and plants in here upgrade so quickly? Last time I came, they were only around level six."

"How come, I saw several seventh-level ones last time I came here." The only female ability user said.

Another chubby man said: "It wasn't the same time as your last time."

The burly man asked, "Do you know why the mutations and plant upgrades seem to have sped up suddenly?"

"Why?" the thin-cheeked man and the supernatural woman asked in unison.

The other man, who was silent all this time, clutched the wound on his waist and abdomen, and continued viciously: "It's not the group of people in the Chenxi base who practice every day in the western part of Qinnan Beiling, forcing this group of mutated animals and plants to flee Dong Duan is here." His wound hurt, he took a deep breath, and stopped talking.

The burly man went on to say: "So the living space becomes smaller, this group of mutated animals and plants can only fight each other, and then quickly level up. Alas, we are also unlucky, we met two seventh-order mutated animals, a A seventh-order mutant plant."

"That's right, bad luck, otherwise with the crystal core knife and protective armor in our hands, we wouldn't have been injured so badly, and three of us died." The fat man seemed to only have his right arm bandaged, It can be regarded as the slightest injury to a few people.

The five of them walked down the hillside. Jiang Lingzhi and his party waited patiently for them to fall into the deep pit dug by Hao Wenjing.The bottom of the pit is also covered with mutated plants that can paralyze the nerves of the supernatural beings. As long as the five people faint, they can snatch half of the meteorites without any effort.

Just when the five people were getting closer to the deep pit, the burly man seemed to have noticed something, he stopped and stopped moving forward, "There are people around." He stopped the other four people.

"Who, come out!" The thin-cheeked man shouted.

All five of them took up the nuclear weapons, showing a posture of guard.

"Go." Shen Mo ordered decisively.

Now that it has been discovered, it can only attack by force.

Ten people rushed forward.

Soon, the five injured lost to Jiang Lingzhi's ten and were kicked down the pit by them.

As soon as the five people fainted, the three wind-type supernatural powers searched the five people clean, and after Jiang Lingzhi took away half of the meteorite in the meteorite space, they threw the things of the five people back on them.

The goal was achieved, and the ten people successfully embarked on the return journey.

(End of this chapter)

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