Big A and Small Q chat - those things about losing weight

Chapter 3 Don't Think You Know How to Lose Weight

Chapter 3 Don't Think You Know How to Lose Weight

Opening remarks
Losing weight is not difficult, but if there is not enough knowledge reserve, the result of empty-handed white wolf is often "a dream".

Still worrying about not knowing how to get started?Are you still depressed about weight loss?Then please come with Big A and Little Q to recognize the true face of fat.Who says there are no shortcuts to losing weight?Finding the right method and avoiding detours is a shortcut.

"After developing a good habit of losing weight, I found that my waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, and even my sleep has improved." -- Xiao Q
AQ talks about weight loss from many angles
Sunnyday114: Life lies in sports, let's make life more valuable!what!what!what!I'm a sports lover.

Q: This is the kind of person who appears in an anime, very gorgeous, but will be blown away soon.

A: While saying "I will come back!" Oh, isn't this Big Big Wolf!

▲ Big A and Little Q appear mysteriously!

▲Sunnyday114 baby's "Shaking" comes out!
A: First of all, let’s take a look at what kind of thing weight loss is, and how we should explain it.When we talk about losing weight, most of us mean losing weight.

Q: Like "I want to reduce from 100 catties to 90 catties!".

A: In fact, the factors that affect weight are very different from what we think. Maybe we usually think that we will lose weight if we eat less, which is OK. In fact...

Q: If you have been paying attention to weight loss, you will find a problem. I lost weight and lost weight very hard, but why do I feel that I am still not thin?This is because weight is not the only criterion.

A: That's right. Weight is not only controlled by calories. In fact, it also includes, for example, how much water you drink and how much food you have accumulated in your body. These will all affect your weight.Including before women's menstrual cycle, there will be different degrees of edema, and the body weight will fluctuate naturally by 1 to 2 kg, and then it will usually decline naturally. Changes in hormone secretion will also affect our body weight.

Q: When I have irregular work and rest, such as working overtime, my weight tends to fluctuate.If we only look at the weight, our mood will be easily affected, and our weight loss plan will be easily disrupted.

A: If you have a preliminary understanding or read our courses, you will also understand that the most important goal of losing weight is to lose excess body fat.

Q: At this point, the answer has been revealed. What exactly is losing weight?To lose weight is to lose fat!In what ways will the changes in fat be manifested?Mainly weight, circumference, and fat percentage which is not easy to measure.

A: Measuring the fat percentage will be a little more troublesome. You need a special instrument - a fat scale, or you can see more professional measuring instruments when you go to the hospital or gym.Therefore, it is recommended that babies pay more attention to the two aspects of weight and circumference.

▲Fat scale
Q: I also remind everyone here that in addition to paying attention to the weight that is more convenient to measure, you must also pay attention to the circumference!What do we need to prepare to lose weight?In addition to a weighing scale, you also need to prepare a soft ruler.If there is only one scale at home, the detection of weight loss effect is not scientific enough, and there will be some deviations when there is a fat scale.But if you have a scale and a soft ruler, it is the soft ruler that you usually go to the clothing store to measure your waist, and the measurement will be more comprehensive.

▲Soft ruler

A: Just now we talked about what weight loss means. One is to lose fat, one is to lose weight, and the other is to reduce circumference. We also mentioned a data: what range is the fat rate of young people relatively normal, or relatively What about health?Big A remembers that it is normal for girls to have a fat percentage of 21% to 34%, but now it seems that girls generally look better at 21% to 24%; if it really reaches 34%, although it is said From a medical point of view, it is still within the healthy range, but it may be a bit unacceptable from the outside.

Q: Just a little bit fatter, very rich?

A: Then look at men, and you will find that men are really pitiful. The fat rate is 11% to 21%, which is relatively healthy. The body has lost so much fat!

Q: There is no way. Men have more muscle and are stronger.

A: Why is this happening?The main reason is that in primitive society, men need to go hunting, while women are mainly engaged in picking.

Q: Picking is okay, but later on, you don’t even need to pick it!
A: Has it become a matrilineal society?
Q: No, just weave flower cloth at home and become a female celebrity, and you don’t even need to read books. "A woman who has no talent is a virtue", and there is no mental exhaustion.So there is nothing to do with a high fat rate, we are forced to!

A: Men really work very hard. In order to support their families, the fat rate has been so low since ancient times?

A: OK, we just talked about the fat rate, and then there is another very important indicator.People call "IBM" in reverse, diagonally!

Q: Is it okay to cross over? BMI, Body Mass Index, is the body mass index. It is a very important indicator used to measure whether you are obese and overweight.A person who is about to start losing weight or starts to pay attention to his health status, the first thing to do is to know his BMI value, measure his height and weight, and then calculate his BMI to see if it is within the healthy range.

A: A BMI within the range of 18.5 to 24 is relatively healthy.

Q: This is also the latest BMI standard released by the Chinese Nutrition Society in 2007. Some adjustments have been made to the worldwide standard published by the World Health Organization, which is more suitable for Chinese people.We also remind everyone that if the BMI value is lower than 18.5, the weight is too low. At this time, we should focus on controlling weight, changing and improving circumference, rather than blindly pursuing weight loss.If the BMI value is already higher than 24, it is already in the overweight range, and we need to control our weight reasonably.

A: Another point, we just mentioned that 18.5 is actually the healthy lower limit of BMI.

Who says there are no shortcuts to losing weight?Find the right way and don't take detours, this is a shortcut.

Don't let the weight go up and down like a roller coaster, get ready to lose it to the end this time!
The best partner of body weight--fat rate

Well, if I say to focus on fat percentage instead of weight, you will definitely widen your eyes to express your doubts, which is normal.In order to dispel doubts, we need to look at the definition of obesity: obesity refers to the abnormal increase in the ratio of adipose tissue in the body to the body [that is, the fat rate].

Through the definition, we clearly see that the scientific judgment of obesity is based on the fat rate!Obesity itself refers to an abnormal increase in fat rate, that is, it exceeds the normal range, which confirms what we said: the essence of weight loss is to lose excess fat, not simply lose weight!

Of course, we usually judge whether a person's fat percentage exceeds the normal range by two simple and direct ways, visual or weighing, because:

The fat volume of the same weight is four times that of muscle. If a person can be judged to be obese visually, then from the perspective of fat percentage, most of them will not be wrong;
The weight reading is simple and straightforward.Usually if the weight exceeds the standard, the fat rate will also exceed the standard.

Combined with the obesity standards of the World Health Organization and some obesity societies in Asia, mint experts have made a judgment suitable for Chinese people on the healthy fat rate and obesity:

▲For adults, the fat rate exceeds the standard level, which means that they are more likely to suffer from various chronic diseases than ordinary people.For children or adolescents under the age of 18, because the fat cells have not yet fully matured, this standard cannot be used as their reference.

The essence of losing weight is to lose excess fat. The question now is how to achieve it.

After summarizing thousands of examples, we found an interesting phenomenon: there is only one weight loss method used by everyone, and that is dieting.

The word "diet" is a free translation of "On Diet", which means eating only limited food, or eating according to the recipe given by the doctor.Nowadays, dieting has become synonymous with weight loss in many cases. As long as weight loss is mentioned, we will all think of it involuntarily and start dieting immediately.

By definition, dieting generally means partial eclipse, or a change in diet to treat certain diseases.If it is a dietary change to treat some disease, I think there should be no "hypocrisy" because it has a clear purpose and generally needs to be followed by a doctor's order.If you are on a diet to lose weight, then you have to uncover its "hypocrisy".

Debunking the Hypocrisy of Dieting

Before the official start, let's take a look at an interesting conversation:

The Story of the Three-Day Apple Meal
Weak body: Huh, wait, see if I don't turn everything I eat into fat, it doesn't count as giving you some color to see see!

1 days, 2 days, 3 days!
Host: Yeah, the three-day apple meal is over!Huhu [sound of nose sniffing]...

Weak body: Hahahaha, after holding back for so many days, I finally have something I need.Well, in order to prevent me from being deprived of nutrition, I still turn these into fat and store them first, um!That's it!
Body: Hey, who told you not to give me enough nutrition before, I have to be careful, Yeah!

After reading this dialogue, have we guessed what it is about?That's right, what this vivid dialogue describes is how our bodies change in the now popular three-day apple meal.

The Three-Day Apple Diet is a typical diet, and it is a good example of the typical problems that come with dieting:
Partial eclipse, unbalanced nutrition;

The body is sleepy, the resistance is weakened, and it is easy to get sick;
Easier to store fat;
Greatly increase our chances of regaining weight;

Shatter our confidence and shake our resolve.

Wait, you will definitely ask me again: "I did lose weight at the beginning, but I rebounded later, woohoo!"

Well, well, if the above five points lifted the corner of the veil, then the temptation of "weight loss" is the biggest veil covering the real face of dieting.

When we go on a diet, our bodies generally don't get enough calories.Numerous data show that when dieting we usually consume less than 1000 calories from our diet.When the calorie intake is significantly lower than the consumption, we have to admit that in the early stage of dieting, the weight loss is indeed more obvious.

But let's get back to the fundamental question, are we losing fat? NO, most of what you lose is muscle tissue and water, not fat.

As mentioned in the interesting conversation above, dieting will make our bodies hungry, which will make it easier to convert what we eat into fat, and because we don’t get enough calories during dieting, in order to maintain normal functioning, the body It will first consume muscle tissue—not fat—and only use fat for energy when the muscle tissue is consumed to a large extent.

So when dieting, we often see a little weight loss, but the meat is getting looser and looser. This is because the muscles are being consumed, and the fat is trying to accumulate.

To sum up the relationship between dieting and weight loss in one sentence, it is:

If you lose weight, you lose muscle; if you gain weight, you gain fat!
Understanding the Distribution of Fat

When you lose weight, you often encounter such a situation. You have lost seven or eight catties, but your friends around you have not noticed that you have lost weight.This shows that the changes in the size of our bodies are relatively small compared to the changes in body weight. Quickly check your own weight loss methods to see if you have lost a lot of muscle tissue or water instead of burning a lot of fat.

Combining circumference and weight to test weight loss results is more comprehensive than simply using weight change as a standard for testing weight loss results.And the circumference measurement is also very simple, it can be regarded as a simplified version of the fat percentage detection, we only need to prepare a soft ruler.

Before the weight loss starts, the body circumference should be measured comprehensively and recorded; then one day a week, the circumference should be measured once before breakfast.It should be noted that the waist and abdomen circumference will generally change before and after meals, and the calf circumference at night is usually thicker than that measured in the morning. These are normal conditions.Therefore, fixing at a certain period of time can better eliminate interference factors.

Find out how to measure your body circumference correctly and get a good idea of ​​where exactly that fat is.

1. Why did my waist [arms and hips] get thinner, but my weight didn’t change?
Body circumference [such as waist circumference, arm circumference, hip circumference] has become smaller, but the weight has not changed?If this phenomenon occurs during your weight loss process, congratulations, you are now in a very healthy state of weight loss - the decline in body circumference is greater than the decline in weight, which often shows a reason: your muscles are slowly Gain, fat is being lost, and your weight loss progress will become smoother.

With the same mass of fat and muscle, the volume of fat is almost 4 times that of muscle, so when muscle increases and fat decreases, the impact on appearance is great [body circumference decreases], but the impact on weight is the same .If this is the case, then you should not feel depressed, on the contrary you should feel very happy: because muscle is the main place of energy consumption, it is directly related to the level of metabolism, if the muscle mass increases and the muscle strength improves, then it means Your daily energy expenditure increases, which is more conducive to weight loss.

2. Why is the weight different in the morning and evening?
It is normal to have different weight in the morning and evening, because the weight is affected by the water and food accumulated in the body.The weight measured before breakfast is closer to our true weight.

Weight is affected by many factors, among which the water retention in the body and the amount of food we eat are the most common factors that affect weight changes.When we just woke up in the morning, the body has recovered after sufficient rest, and the body has reached a good state of detoxification and water removal. In addition, we have not eaten before breakfast, and the weight measured at this time is the closest to the real weight.When measuring the weight at night, the weight value is heavier due to the retention of water and food accumulation in the body.Therefore, we should fix one day a week, measure our weight before breakfast, and wear the same clothes every time we measure, so that we can better eliminate the interference of other factors and compare the changes in weight.

3. Why does the body weight fluctuate greatly during menstruation?

Women's weight is greatly affected by menstrual cycles, which are caused by changes in hormone levels.

One week before the menstrual period, because the secretion of estrogen decreases and the secretion of progesterone increases, there will be water retention in women [especially for people who are prone to edema], and the weight will increase slightly at this time; and one week after the menstrual period , the secretion of progesterone decreases, the secretion of estrogen increases, the metabolism speeds up, and the water is easily excreted from the body. At this time, the weight will drop slightly.But whether it is rising or falling, it is a normal physiological phenomenon.

(End of this chapter)

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