Chapter 16

It looks like everything is right
Zhang Nuanxue stood in front of the window looking at the street lights stretching outside, lost in thought.He seemed to be thinking, but his mind was clearly still chaotic, even more chaotic than before.I don't know how much time slipped by, she stood in front of the window like a sculpture, her eyes were empty.

Someone opened the door and came in, and the slight "click" sound instantly switched the scenery outside the window to her reflection on the glass.Behind her, Shen Ruiqian's right hand was still on the position of the light switch, and his left hand was holding a bowl, which was slightly steaming.She turned to look at him, her mouth moved, but nothing came out.

At this time, I don't know what to say to him.

"Why are you standing in front of the window? I thought you were sleeping." Shen Ruiqian came over and put the bowl on the table beside her.

"Well, I woke up." She hugged herself, glanced at the things in the bowl, but didn't pick up the chopsticks.

"You can eat something." He picked up the bowl and brought a vegetable dish to her mouth.She looked and opened her mouth.

"You came upstairs, what about the others?" While eating, Zhang Nuanxue walked back to the bed, pulled the blanket over and covered her body, sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, and looked up at him.

"They all finished eating and left." His tone was as flat as hers, and the conversation between the two was like strangers who couldn't be more polite, but the tacit understanding and ambiguity between their behaviors could not be ignored-this feeling is very strange.

"So... what about her?" She lowered her head and thought for a while, then asked in a low voice.

"In the guest room, I fell asleep after playing tired."

"Oh... that's right." She turned her gaze to the clock on the wall, and it turned out that it was already very late.It's impossible to go home, the shuttle bus is gone, maybe it's because of illness, she doesn't have the strength to take a taxi, but how can she say that she wants to stay...

"You can sleep in my room tonight." He looked at her pretty eyebrows and said what she couldn't say.

Zhang Nuanxue raised her head, her eyes were filled with surprise and sadness.He put down the bowl and chopsticks, and handed her a tissue, "What? Why do you look so surprised. Do you think I won't let you live in my house or are you afraid that I will violate you?"

"It's nothing." She couldn't think at all now, as if everything was in chaos, and her senses and heart also became blurred, and she just felt tired.

In fact, love is very tiring, especially when you don't know whether you are right or wrong.

She stopped talking, and he followed suit.Under such silence, there is hidden emotion that no one can see clearly, but it is clear that the dark tide is raging.If the relationship between two people is too close, then being together is no longer pure and clear.The feeling after fermentation, the fragrance is long and deep.

Fortunately, such silence did not embarrass them. Zhang Nuanxue raised her eyes and looked around the room. The layout was very simple, nothing special.When I saw the head of the bed, I found a brown paper bag containing chestnuts on the table, so I moved over and picked it up.

The bag is full of peeled and sugar-fried chestnuts.

Gu Yun, he stripped it and left it behind.

At this moment, only the breathing of Zhang Nuanxue and Shen Ruiqian could be heard quietly in the room, as well as the sound of the air conditioner working, but the love of three people lived.Choose to love, or choose to be loved?

No matter which side you choose, it means pain.The mermaid dances on tiptoes, which is a tragic beauty in itself. Just like growth requires a price, we also learn to love and be loved through being hurt and being hurt.

Zhang Nuanxue raised her head to look at Shen Ruiqian, the familiar face was right in front of her eyes, within reach, and the incomparable aura remained deeply in her heart.But, since we are deeply in love, why is there such pain and entanglement when we are together?If it hurts, it's wrong.

Shen Ruiqian saw her holding a bag of sugar-fried chestnuts, guessed with her knees that it was left by Gu Yun, so is she looking at me like this now to compare me with him?
"What, miss him?" The words came out, sharper than a knife, obviously full of care and grievance.

"Can't you talk nicely?"

"How can I speak well? I'm not as humble and courteous as him. If you want to speak well, you can go to him."


That's it, that's it, why is it always like this?We clearly shouted "don't leave" in our hearts, but our mouths were hurting with the most vicious words.It has been said that only the people you care about most can hurt you.Is it because you care, so you understand, so you care, so you are vulnerable.

So, did we break up because we knew each other too well, or because we were too naive?

At this moment, Xia Yu opened the door and came in.Sleepy-eyed, wearing loose pajamas, looking at the two people in the room, his mind gradually became clear: "What are you doing?"

"It's okay. Why are you awake?" Shen Ruiqian turned to Xia Yu.

"Get up and drink some water. I came here when I heard your voice. You...?" She said, seeing Zhang Nuanxue sitting on his bed, she deliberately took Shen Ruiqian's arm, "I don't want to sleep In the guest room, can I change rooms with you?"

Seeing her coquettish expression, Shen Ruiqian wanted to refuse, but because of his gratitude to her, he didn't know how to refuse.

"You can sleep here, I'm going home." Zhang Nuanxue said as she put on her shoes and walked out, but was stopped by Shen Ruiqian.

"How do you go back so late, there is no bus anymore." His left hand tightly clasped her right arm, strangling her in pain, and took a light breath of pain.

"She can take a taxi." Xia Yu said this seemingly without intention.

With a sneer in her heart, Zhang Nuanxue pushed his hand locked on her arm, looked at him with a smile and said, "Your girlfriend is right, I can take a taxi."

The word "girlfriend" was emphasized to remind him: Shen Ruiqian, you already have a girlfriend.

Suddenly I felt wronged, as if I was watching my love being embraced by others.Gu Yun's kindness to her was so clear, touching, and warm at this moment, thinking of this, her nose was sour that she just wanted to shed tears.

"I'm leaving. I'll ask my boyfriend to pick me up. Goodbye." After saying that, she left without looking back.

Shen Ruiqian was confused by the "boyfriend" she called.

This time, she knew in her heart that it was really impossible.We split up and reunited many times. In fact, after every quarrel and breakup, whether we can get back together or not, I always have an idea in my heart.This time, my heart was filled with emptiness, which was a feeling of disappointment.

She took out her mobile phone from her bag to call Gu Yun, but the other party hung up.She frowned, and dialed again, but was still hung up, so she sent a text message - I was waiting for a taxi by the side of the road.

A few seconds later, Gu Yun called,

"What do you mean?" His voice was warm for the moment, even though the line wasn't very flattering.

"I mean I promise to be your girlfriend."


(End of this chapter)

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