screen age

Chapter 128

Chapter 128
"So, do you think the way out for our action movies lies in realism?"

On this day, Liu Jialiang asked Chen Xi this.

The two have been basically discussing many of The Raid's tricks lately.

Originally, at the very beginning, Liu Jialiang felt so neglected towards Mr. Chen Xi...

Of course it's not disdain for this person, he won't do that.

Liu Jialiang just felt that as a director, Chen Xi's "Front and Cloud" is enough to demonstrate his strength, but as an action director... there is no previous movie that he can use as a basis.

Chen Xi's views on action movies are only on paper: this is exactly what Liu Jialiang thought of Chen Xi before.

But when the two really communicated deeply, Liu Jialiang realized that his thinking was completely wrong.

Chen Xi is like an old fritter who has been immersed in this way for many years. He has a deep understanding of many things in martial arts.

His understanding includes things in the general direction, as well as details. In short, Chen Xi can grasp many things at his fingertips.

Moreover, he has a deep understanding of martial arts movies and action movies, whether it is theoretical or practical, in short, he can combine reality and speak out Zichou.

As a result, the two continued to discuss and design many actions at the same time.

In terms of specific design actions, of course, only Liu Jialiang can come, and Chen Xi can only give opinions based on memory.

He is not a professional...

But for the general direction, Chen Xi's keenness and many grasps surprised Liu Jialiang.

The discussion between the two actually carried the meaning of forgetting the year!
Today they talked about the outlet for action movies and kung fu movies, and naturally they talked about the outlet for Chinese action movies.

In fact, by now, it is obvious that the once most glorious and unique genre of Chinese film is gradually approaching a dead end.

The performance of Chinese kung fu and action movies reached its peak in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", so that every movie of Zhang Yimou after that, "Hero", "Ambush from Ten Daggers", and "The Golden Armor in the City" are actually " Some of the aftertaste of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, special effects plus elevated shots, and then random stuffing of so-called "freehand brushwork" according to the recipe...

Therefore, our movie also has a bottleneck here.

Even if last year's "Fearless" still sold 2000 million US dollars in North America, everyone can see that Chinese action movies are getting weaker and weaker.

Hollywood has gradually learned some things about Chinese action movies through "The Matrix" and so on. They have their own integration and development, but the kung fu moves in Chinese movies have gradually become just like toys in a store.

That's why Chen Xi said this.

"Yes..." Facing Liu Jialiang's words, Chen Xi said, ""The Matrix" did trigger the trend of Chinese Kung Fu in Hollywood, but soon Hollywood absorbed the strengths of Chinese Kung Fu movies, and the audience's most respected action movie style, It was also quickly replaced by films based on realistic fighting such as "Boxer" and "The Bourne Shadow". The former is fierce muay thai boxing from fist to flesh, and the latter is special fighting with sharp editing to create an immersive effect... It’s not hard to see that our movies are being replaced by a brutal, practical style.”

"People are still warlike in nature! Although everyone pretends to be a civilized person, the barbarism in their bones may not fade away so easily." Chen Xi said: "Violent things, actual combat Things are still everyone’s favorite! The simplest example, you also filmed "Seven Swords" with director Xu Ke before, and you can see the style of Zhen Zidan, he is more practical... and last year It is not without reason that his "Slaying the Wolf" is so popular."

In "Seven Swords", Xu Ke stepped out of his previous unconstrained style, and began to try a real combat style.

Liu Jialiang played one of the Seven Swords in it.

The movie is indeed quite wonderful in terms of actual combat style.

And "Slaying the Wolf" became popular in 05. This film combined the MMA technology, which was rare in China at that time, into the action scenes, and injected a touch of darkness, coldness and sharpness into the decadent action movies. vitality……

Zhen Zidan also took an important step towards prosperity!
Liu Jialiang thought deeply.

In fact, Liu Jialiang's action films are indeed close to actual combat, but his action films are still based on actual combat under traditional kung fu routines in terms of thinking, rather than traditional routines based on actual combat. very critical.

"Okay." Liu Jialiang nodded: "On this point, I agree with your point of view."

Chen Xi smiled slightly: "I didn't mean to persuade you, I just put forward my opinion..."

He was also thinking in his heart, saving Chinese action movies, this is too big a proposition for him, and the framework is not small, it is very difficult to complete... Let's shoot "Raid" first.

The two continued to discuss.

"My "Raid", I think, the most important thing is to solve two problems! The first problem is the fake fight, and the second problem is the group battle..." Chen Xi said.

"Well, we have discussed this point before, but we haven't discussed it in depth. Let's talk about your thoughts now."


Chen Xi organized his words and said: "The first question is that the filming is fake. I have said this before. Now our kung fu movies rely too much on special effects, and they are played like a show."

In fact, it's really not a problem to make fists and embroidered legs...

After all, actual combat is not the selling point.

For example, at the very beginning, "Swordsman: The Undefeated in the East", that movie, although Li Lianjie was said to have a strong figure, agility, and good looks at that time... But in that movie, how many A practical move?All through dazzling lens editing and unconstrained effects.

It was at that time that Mr. Xu established his own style of action movies!

Bizarre, unconstrained style!

But he also has a lot of good movies, the reason is very simple: that kind of movie is about feeling, about feeling...

But if on the one hand, it is filmed with flamboyant fists and embroidered legs, and on the other hand, it can't play out the feelings and feelings, then what's the point of the movie?
Liu Jialiang and Chen Xi have discussed the issue of false beatings many times, and they have some solutions.

"The second problem is that the group battle scenes are hard to be convincing. There are always a bunch of minions swaying around with knives!"

PS: Another chapter in the morning!
I don’t know if everyone has slept, if you haven’t slept, get up and vote, hahahaha!

Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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