screen age

Chapter 18 Amazing ratings!

Chapter 18 Amazing ratings!
Tonight, quite a few people discovered a magical program on Suhuai TV.

The program is called "If You Are the One".

Everyone has disliked dating shows for many years, but now they are being reborn on Suhuai TV.

Comments on "If You Are the One" have increased a lot.

Of course, these things are more of a kind of word-of-mouth fermentation. When a program is really good and is sought after by many people, many things will be highly valued, and more and more people will watch it.

However, when these things haven't happened for the time being, Chen Xi is now waiting for the verdict, waiting for the ratings of "If You Are the One" in the first week.

""Lucky 100%" has an audience rating of 0.39%." At this moment, Xu Zhaokui said to Chen Xi: "This rating, as you know, is actually very good. It is a bit of pressure to exceed it!"

Chen Xi nodded.

He knew that was the case.

The ratings of 100% of "Lucky 0.39%", if you look at it, you will think that the ratings are too low, but in fact, among the major TV stations with fierce competition, this is a pretty good figure .

In the previous publicity, "If You Are the One" is really far inferior to "Lucky 100%", and it is also a theme that does not seem to be very pleasing.

So to exceed this ratings figure, it seems impossible to everyone.

Of course, Xu Zhaokui's goal is not to exceed "Lucky 100%", after all, even in his own opinion, such a thing is unlikely.

"Our show, I also think we can fight for stamina, maybe 0.3%, and it can't be lower than this number." Xu Zhaokui said to Chen Xi.

In fact, Chen Xi also knew Xu Zhaokui's mentality, this guy just felt nervous, so he said something to divert his attention.

[-] percent, this data does not sound high, but it is indeed a difficult number to achieve.

"0.3" Chen Xi nodded slightly: "Should we still be able to arrive?"

But to be honest, deep down in his heart, he was still not fully sure.

At this time of worrying about gains and losses, Chen Xi was not full of real confidence in herself.

He and Xu Zhaokui even intended to comfort each other.

At this moment, the staff came over.

What he held in his hand was today's ratings report.

Now that the TV station has reached the present, the feedback on the ratings is still very timely. It doesn't take long for many things to come out.

"How much?"

Chen Xi and Xu Zhaokui looked at each other, seeing the expectation and worry in each other's eyes.

This is an expression that wants to be heard, but is too afraid to hear it.

The report card in the hands of the staff has been handed over to Xu Zhaokui.

Just like an ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law, now they also always want to see the specific figures of the ratings.

They saw the numbers on the paper: 0.45%.

"No way?"

Xu Zhaokui couldn't believe it.

He had been worried all along, worried that the ratings of the first issue of "If You Are the One" might not exceed 0.3 points... Who knew, it exceeded [-], and even directly reached the terrifying [-]!
"How many?"

Seeing Xu Zhaokui's appearance, Chen Xi lost all confidence.

"Could it be less than zero point two?" Chen Xi also began to prepare for the worst in her heart.

"Look for yourself." Xu Zhaokui handed the report to Chen Xi, and then Chen Xi saw the number [-], rubbed his eyes, and said, "I really didn't expect that!"

"This number really exceeded our expectations! It's pretty, Xiao Chen!" Xu Zhaokui patted Chen Xi's shoulder with his hand and said, "Good job!"

He was a little too shocked now, so he was also a little incoherent now.

He was under too much pressure before, but now he was suddenly surprised, and he really felt enlightened.

... "Who is that, what is the ratings of Chen Xi's program?"

The deputy director was also concerned about this issue tonight, so he started to ask it out of concern as soon as he got the ratings.

Judging from his expectations, this kind of program also needs to watch topics. Without topics, it will be difficult to become popular.

In the first episode, you can't be too harsh on the ratings, and many of them have to be watched from the second episode.

So his requirement for the first issue of "If You Are the One", that is, a rating of [-], is almost enough.

"Wait a moment." There was a rummaging sound from the phone.

At this time, the other side also began to reply to him: "0.45%."


"0.45%?" The deputy director was very speechless: "Really?!"

"of course it's true."

"Okay, it's okay." The deputy director hung up the phone, but thought of many things in his mind.

He really didn't expect that the first episode of "If You Are the One" had such a high ratings.

It seemed that his previous worries were gone.

There might even be a big fight!
The ratings of the first episode of "If You Are the One" spread quickly.

Li Jifeng and Wang Weitao had been expecting that the ratings of the first episode of "If You Are the One" would not reach [-], so that they would have more opportunities.

"If such a program can reach 0.3%, it should be impossible." Li Jifeng was still comforting Wang Weitao: "Anyway, this is only the first episode, and there may be some stamina, but at least it depends performance after that."

" should be." Wang Weitao could only reply in this way, but both of them were absent-minded because they were waiting for the ratings of "If You Are the One".

The two finally got the ratings numbers.

When they kept saying that the number of the first issue of "If You Are the One" was definitely lower than [-], they saw the specific ratings figures.


After Wang Weitao saw it, he immediately turned pale with shock: "How is this possible? So high?"

"Is it fake?" Li Jifeng also snatched the report directly. Seeing this absolutely true number, he felt very uncomfortable.

But the numbers on the report say it's true.

As harsh as this fact is, it does happen.

... Recently on Suhuai TV, many people are discussing the matter of "If You Are the One".

Because of this TV show, the ratings exceeded everyone's expectations.

At the same time, there is also the ferment of word-of-mouth on the Internet for "If You Are the One".

A lot of topics exploded on the Internet like hail, bringing a lot of saliva, and a lot of scolding and fighting...

The tearing continues.

PS: Be sure to start updating!
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Thank you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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