screen age

Chapter 198 Toronto Official Premiere of "The Raid"

Chapter 198 Toronto Official Premiere of "The Raid"

The Midnight Madness section of the Toronto Film Festival has an award. This award is the Midnight Madness Unit Award. Every year, a few films are shortlisted in the Midnight Madness section, and only one stands out in the end.

The award setting of the Toronto Film Festival is all decided by the audience, basically trying to prevent things like buying tickets with water as much as possible.

The film festival votes on the spot, and the audience has to vote with their own ticket stubs. If they are on the spot, they can vote for multiple films at the same time, but if they vote online after returning home, this can only be voted for one movie. Movie voting... Anyway, there are still a lot of requirements for these things, and the Toronto Film Festival is indeed relatively complete, and a lot of preparations have been made for various mechanisms.

If Chen Xi's "Raid" wants to stand out among many movies, it needs a lot of audience support...

In fact, the Midnight Madness unit itself is a gimmick, but this is also a disadvantage of "Raid". After all, this Midnight Madness unit is still a screening unit specially set up for horror and bloody movies. "It is indeed full of violence and gore, but it is not very sufficient in terms of horror, which is a disadvantage...

Of course, the earliest estimates of these things may not be useful. After all, many movies are like this. Maybe they had a lot of ideas when they first estimated, but when it came to the actual scene, many things were different from theirs. Imaginations are different: At the beginning, these movies seemed to make a lot of money, and the box office would be high, but the box office turned out to be mediocre, and some didn’t look good at all, and the box office Lao Gao...these things are completely uncertain...

So how "Raid" will perform next depends on the specific battle situation in the movie, and many other things are fake.

All of this is waiting for the first journey of "Raid"!

After twelve o'clock, it was the time when "The Raid" officially began to be screened. At this time, many people went to the cinema because of seeing the poster.

In fact, the Toronto Film Festival is, after all, a world-renowned film festival. It pays attention to many places, so the films that can enter the major screening units of this film festival are actually quite good. People here will choose according to their own interests. Come to choose the film, after the certification of the Toronto Film Festival Organizing Committee, they are very confident in the quality of the film and other things!

Therefore, many people also saw this "raid".

In fact, the North American market started with Bruce Lee's films, and then Jackie Chan's "Red Zone" broke into North America, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" captured [-] million US dollars, and "Hero" swept the box office charts. The famous capital is full of people...the deep impression of Chinese kung fu movies has been established all the time, and there are also many fans who have hobbies and imaginations about Chinese kung fu. The previous year's "Fearless" and the previous "Ip Man" all Deepening everyone's impression of Chinese Kungfu...

Therefore, many people are interested in "Raid", they just think, when did Chinese Kung Fu have something to do with Midnight Madness?

You know, Chinese Kung Fu is either a Kung Fu comedy like Jackie Chan, or a movie like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Hero" that maximizes the colorful and colorful Chinese classical beauty. Anyway, they have never seen such a movie before. A kind of Chinese Kung Fu movie related to Midnight Madness: After all, "The King of Power" is a niche movie, and not many people know about it.

Many people became even more curious, so they got tickets and walked into the cinema.

…Steven and Brant bought a ticket respectively. The two buddies are relatively loyal fans of CULT movies, horror movies, and bloody movies. When they talk about CULT movies, they can talk for a long time. ...But the two of them are also the kind of more experienced movie fans. Of course, the word hunting is not necessarily the same as the perverted horror movie in Japan when used on the two of them. The word hunting just refers to a kind of movie that they have not seen before. The genres I have been to, at least the genres of movies that I have not seen well performed.

Chinese kung fu is actually a kind of curiosity for North American movie fans. Even though many North American movies can use the core of Chinese Kung Fu, for many North American movie fans, it is still not as good as the Chinese themselves.

But after getting the tickets, when "The Raid" was about to be officially released, with only the last ten minutes left, the two guys had a disagreement over the purchase of tickets.

Because Brandt felt that the ticket should not be for "The Raid", and he wanted to see another bloody movie.

Brant: "Steven, it's all your fault, damn it, I don't know why, but I listened to you! Damn it! What about "The Raid", a Chinese kung fu dance? Okay , buddy, I have to say that the Chinese do have a way of dealing with these things, you can see all kinds of movements in those beautiful poses, but the problem is precisely here, what we want to see today is the continuous spewing of plasma, Horror scenes to watch! Oh man, we're friends, isn't that what makes these things our favourites? Why watch this?"

Steven frowned and said, "Brant, I've seen the trailer before "Raid", it's a great movie, it's not what you call Kung Fu dance, when can you change your kind The bad habit of making random comments without watching it? Let me tell you, maybe you will be conquered by this movie!"

Brandt pouted: "I won't!"

Steven is actually not very confident, but now that both of them have exchanged their tickets, it is impossible to get a refund. Whether it is life or death, they can only keep watching, so he is also cheering himself up now, to be honest Yeah, he kinda hated himself: What the hell movie did he pick? !What the hell are you doing here? !

Steven said: "Okay, okay, the movie is about to start. If you really don't like "The Raid" after watching it, how about I watch another movie with you? This condition is fine, right? ?”

Brandt glanced at him: "That's about the same!"

When the two walked into the cinema, they realized that there were quite a few people inside. However, they could often hear some people complaining because they thought they had bought the wrong ticket... It seems that everyone is indeed I have some regrets and no expectations for this Kung Fu movie shown in the Midnight Crazy unit.

After hearing these words, Brant regretted his choice even more, and even Steven himself regretted it a little, but the two of them didn't speak again, and it was a bit of a "chosen path". It feels like I'm going to finish... So, in this way, amidst the noisy voices at the scene, when Chen Xi, Wu Jing and a few people walked into the cinema, they didn't see any more attention from everyone. Just casual chatting.

Because this is not the premiere, this is just an ordinary movie screening unit for movie fans, so the seats for Chen Xi and the others are not bad this time, Chen Xi and Wu Jing are sitting in adjacent seats. The two main creators who came to North America are actually the two of them. Most of the other people did not come here for various reasons. Anyway, they are not well-known in North America, so Chen Xi didn't insist on letting them come. In this case, Chen Xi And Wu Jing became the main force.

Wu Jing's proficiency in English is not as good as Chen Xi's, so he doesn't know what Chen Xi heard now. When Chen Xi heard some people around complain that he bought the wrong ticket, he really felt so wrong Taste, it seems that if I want to open up the market abroad, it is really a long way to go.

However, although some people feel that they bought the wrong tickets, at least the attendance rate of this show still exceeds 70%. A big reason is that Chen Xi and the others are standing on the shoulders of giants: the predecessors, including Jackie Chan and Li Lianjie, have created a past for Chinese Kung Fu with their punches and kicks. What Chen Xi wants to do now is the future...

Chen Xi also very much hopes that after watching the movie, these people can change the initial feeling of being cheated and buying the wrong ticket...

Soon, the movie will officially begin!
Chen Xi secretly entered his fist. His current mood is like that of a student in ancient times who went to Beijing to take the exam after 20 years of poverty. Wait...Because Chen Xi has basically done everything about "Raid" to the extreme in the early stage, and he can't find any faults, so now he has done enough in the process, as for the remaining results... a large extent, in fact, we still have to resign ourselves to fate.

Resign yourself to fate, sometimes this is really a sad word...

The very beginning of the movie is Wu Jing's training session, he is the protagonist of the movie, which was arranged by Chen Xi at the very beginning.

Wu Jing's muscles also belong to the kind of people who are neither exaggerated nor small. He has muscles, but his body can present a beautiful streamlined shape. Everyone at the scene also likes this kind of muscles.

Moreover, some of Wu Jing's movements are also quite beautiful.

He said goodbye to his wife and set off in the wee hours of the morning to kick off the movie.

In this way, the movie has officially entered the main plot. Although many people may feel that they regret it a little, but at this time, they are all focused, let alone Chen Xi and Wu Jing Yes, both of them were secretly clenching their fists.

(End of this chapter)

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