screen age

Chapter 209 Box Office Explosion

Chapter 209 Box Office Explosion

In fact, many Chinese movie fans are not only in complicated moods, but also a little regretful and angry... Because the current trailer of "The Raid" should be a very exciting movie, and it is no wonder that it can be released in Toronto. Awarded at the film festival.

But everyone has a lot of worries, because judging from the current trailer... they already vaguely know why "The Raid" has never been heard of being released in mainland China, and judging from the current situation , this movie may not be released in mainland China!

Under the influence of these current events, "Raid" has become more and more famous, but everything has to wait for the official screening of this film in North American theaters.

"Embroidered Spring Knife" also ushered in the third week of its release in such a situation. In fact, according to everyone's estimation, "Embroidered Spring Knife" in the third week should have entered the state of exhaustion : For most domestic movies, the real box office explosive power is basically concentrated in the first two weeks.

Of course, although "Xiu Chun Knife" should be reduced at the box office, most people know that there is no problem with the total box office of this film breaking through 5000 million, so that is to say, "Xiu Chun Knife" The final box office can also make this film the second film directed by Chen Xi to break through 5000 million, two 5000 million. In terms of commercial achievements, Chen Xi can basically be said to have achieved a little.

At least among the new generation of directors in China, he is definitely the best. Even if he is compared with some of the older generation, he can roughly rank ahead of the top [-] directors in the country in terms of commercial achievements, because in this year, The box office of tens of millions is also very good...

In this way, "Embroidered Spring Knife" ushered in the third week of its release.

However, when it really came to the third week of the release of "Xiu Chun Knife", everyone saw some effects of the good reputation of this film so far, although this film cannot be regarded as a true myth. However, up to now, the film schedule of "Xiu Chun Knife" has remained at about 20%, and the attendance rate is still not low. On the box office rankings, it is basically still in the position of daily champion. A feeling of monkey dominating the king, because there are no powerful movies online, but so far, even for this reason, the results of "Xiu Chun Knife" are quite amazing.

The current "Embroidered Spring Knife" probably also brought an effect that his imagination of the box office of the movie in September's movie schedule has completed the role of boosting the box office. Before that, everyone did not know that a movie was in September. Such an achievement as "Embroidered Spring Knife" can be completed in this kind of schedule.

The third week!
Although the rating of "Xiu Chun Knife" on Douban has dropped, it still maintains a rather terrifying level of 7.8 points. The rating on is a little lower, but it is still a pretty good 7.7 points. This rating is Many domestic films are dreamed of, and these two films have been released for so long, which proves that such scores can be maintained almost forever, and there will be no sudden and excessive reduction in the future.

Such a high score and a lot of good reputation also maintained the box office of "Xiu Chun Knife" in the third week. After the third week, "Xiu Chun Knife" performed well at the box office until Friday. The addition of a new relatively powerful blockbuster has greatly reduced the film schedule of "Embroidered Spring Knife", but even so, the film still won a box office of 1687 million yuan within this week, compared with From the past two weeks, although there has been some decline, the decline is still quite small.

So, at the end of this week, the cumulative box office of "Xiu Chun Knife" reached 6042 million yuan, which became the first time that Chen Xi's film reached 6000 million yuan. This figure also made Chen Xi officially enter [-] million. Club, become a relatively small member of this club.

Although the commercialization of Chinese films has started for seven or eight years, and the reform of the theater system has been around for six or seven years, there are still not many Chinese-language films that can really earn more than 5000 million at the box office, let alone 6000 million. up!Moreover, although "Embroidered Spring Knife" has been released for three weeks now, strictly speaking, the real release date of this movie is 17 days, which is only a little more than half a month. In terms of the inclusiveness of domestic films, the box office of "Xiu Chun Knife" can still increase in the next period of time, and there should be no problem in getting 7000 million in the end...

Therefore, after the box office of the movie he directed broke through 6000 million, Chen Xi would once again let his movie break through, and the box office of the movie exceeded 7000 million!
Time is still moving forward.

The fourth week of "Embroidered Spring Knife" has begun, and this week is also a complete week, but now many movies have joined the ranks of competition, and because "Embroidered Spring Knife" has been released for several After all, the box office potential of the movie has dropped a lot, but even so, after the fourth week, "Xiu Chun Knife" still got a good box office of 1011 million yuan, and the cumulative box office reached 7053 million yuan , Afterwards, "Embroidered Spring Knife" was officially released 47 days after it was released in China's first-tier markets. The final box office when it was released also reached 7583 million yuan. Now his latest masterpiece has completed a brilliant comparison in terms of commerciality.

Moreover, it is only released in the first-tier market now, and the second- and third-tier markets can basically contribute 300 to 900 million box office to this film, so if "Embroidered Spring Knife" includes all the movie markets in the country, it may eventually reach [-] The box office is around [-] million.

In fact, even in the terrifying era when the Chinese movie box office market has reached 300 billion a year, the second and third tier markets of Chinese movies have not yet been developed, and the penetration rate of the county-level market is still very low, so for the second and third tier markets Speaking of which, being able to capture two to three million box office is also a terrifying thing.

Chen Xi's influence may also begin to cover people in the second and third tier markets!

But these are all influences later.

With the movie box office of "Xiu Chun Knife" breaking through 7000 million, it is the super high reputation of this movie so far, with 7.7 points on and 7.8 points on Among domestic films, it is definitely the first echelon.

Many long comments on this film are not limited to these networks, but have begun to penetrate into many other places, including some traditional media, and many comments belonging to "Xiu Chun Dao" have appeared.

"One thing that attracts me more about "Xiu Chun Knife" is that the movie tells a very moving story. Fate and fate are based on wishes. Wishes are one thing, but fate is another. Every happiness and tragedy of the protagonist in the play It all comes from the love for another person. If you are ruthless, you will have no weakness. This movie is always complete and wonderful. Director Chen Xi is very young. As an ordinary audience, I am also very fortunate to have such a young director inject such freshness and freshness into domestic films. Healthy blood, of course, we still have to look back at director Chen Xi’s previous "Frontier", which was also a very good film. In this deformed and impetuous Chinese film market, when our beloved directors A little bit old, new young directors like Chen Xi are inheriting them and developing them with a serious attitude towards making films, giving domestic films more hope... This is also giving us more expectations!"

""Embroidered Spring Knife" is a movie that truly has the charm and characteristics of martial arts movies. Generally speaking, this is a very unique movie. After watching it, I feel that it has far exceeded the initial expectations of the movie. The new director Chen Xi actually created such an amazing martial arts work, which can be regarded as a new hope for the rise of domestic ancient costume martial arts films that I thought had been tossed to the end by Zhang Guoshi and others. The martial arts scenes are all commendable. The first martial arts film that is fist-to-flesh feels like being revived. Everyone in the film has very different personalities. The design and use of the film are even more unexpected, and one has to admire Director Chen's preparation of homework and the development and selection of the actor's characteristics...Director Chen Xi, his maturation process is indeed full of expectations!"

"This "Embroidered Spring Knife" personally thinks it is one of the most recommended domestic commercial films this year. I am very happy that Chinese films can tell tragedies in such a mature and stern manner. Everyone in the film has a doomed tragedy No matter what they do, no matter how they struggle, this sense of tragedy always hangs over their heads like a dark cloud, so that they will not be exploited by this tragic fate all the time... This is the same as "The Frontier". Leng Jun feels very similar, the director Chen Xi is indeed very talented and full of future!"

...Countless praise appeared on the Internet and traditional media, combined with the news about Toronto's award-winning "Raid" that is still going on, for a while, the name Chen Xi even felt like he was in the sky , the number of his post bar fans is still rising, and his blog fans are also growing.

...And at this time, another thing began to appear in front of everyone: "33 Days of Broken Relationship" will hold an official press conference on October 10. This official press conference is really exciting. It feels quite weird, because when the movie is officially finalized, there are only 21 days left before the movie's official release!

Thanks to a lot of publicity and hype, in short, the binding between "33 Days of Broken Relationship" and Singles' Day is quite good. Most people will unconsciously think of it when they talk about Singles' Day on November 33th. The movie "[-] Days of Broken Relationship" reminds me that I can go to the cinema to watch it.

(End of this chapter)

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