screen age

Chapter 213 Rave reviews and 1 million bold words!

Chapter 213 Rave reviews and [-] million bold words!

Many people applaud not really because of how wonderful and hilarious some things in the movie are, or how they applaud... In fact, their applause is largely because of the moving emotions contained in this movie. The ability, especially the touching feeling that secretly breaks into the heart.

When many people have experienced broken love, watching this movie again, they will basically be touched by the true feelings and strong sense of substitution contained in this movie, and then they will experience Huang Xiaoxian's joy and anger Sorrow and joy, of course they also know that the Wang Xiaojian who appears in the ending is a person who is not easy to appear in real life, not everyone has a Wang Xiaojian in their lives.

But Wang Xiaojian in the movie did give everyone a hope, and it also made many things in this movie positive.

Everything is full of tension.

After the movie ended, many reporters became excited, because they had just seen an extremely wonderful movie, and they also felt that the influence of this movie might not be too low, and Chen Xi did not accept the interview before, but Now that the movie was over, it was time for him to be interviewed, so the reporters naturally began to pay attention to this matter, and Chen Xi's answers to some things about the movie.

More and more people surrounded Chen Xi, paying attention to every word he said.

The reporters' long guns and short cannons are basically around Chen Xi's mouth. All kinds of questions have been prepared. When the time is right, they will land directly like a storm. Everyone is waiting for Chen Xi. Officially accepting the interview... Under the attention of so many people, Chen Xi was really embarrassed not to accept the interview, so he also started to face all the reporters.

"Director Chen, hello, from now on, the performance of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" is quite good! So why did you want to make such a movie in the first place? You must know that your previous movies are all similar to this movie. The types are different!" The first reporter asked directly.

Chen Xi said: "There are many types of movies in this world. No matter what type of movie it is, I think it needs people to shoot. There are indeed many possibilities among them. I myself prefer challenges. A new type, I think this is also an experience for myself."

Not a good question.

"What do you think is the main attraction of this movie? Why do people have a sense of identity with the content of the movie?" Another reporter asked.

"I think it's mainly a sense of bringing in experience. Many people do have the experience of falling in love, and most people have such experiences of falling in love, and everyone will naturally bring these experiences into themselves. Come on, of course, Huang Xiaoxian's luck is actually good, because there is a Wang Xiaojian in her life, but I am willing to believe, and choose to believe, in fact, everyone will meet their own Wang Xiaojian! I think this Movies can provide everyone with something uplifting."

""33 Days of Broken Relationship" is the first urban comedy romance you tried, right? Can you predict the box office that this movie will get?" Someone asked.

This is a question that many people are concerned about...

"As a director, and this is the first time I've tried this type of genre, my goal is to break through [-] million at the box office!" In fact, at the beginning, many people felt that Chen Xi often cheated on numbers, just casually Say a number so that everyone can't guess what he thinks in his heart.

Unexpectedly, such a number suddenly broke out on Chen Xi's side today.

"1 million yuan?" At this time, a reporter asked: "Director Chen, although many of your films have achieved good box office figures before, I have to say that the genre of Anxie movies and "33 Days of Broken Relationship" are both different. Similarly, so far in the mainland market, few purely romantic comedies have done well at the box office, how confident are you that "33 Days of Broken Relationship" can reach [-] million at the box office?"

The box office of 1 million yuan is really a big bomb thrown by Chen Xi for everyone, making everyone feel that they have been blown up.

Chen Xi was so talkative before that he was even called "Chen Dapao" and it only appeared during the filming of "Raid". Such a statement, but now, Chen Xishi fired the cannon, and finally reappeared in the world!

Everyone knows that now that they have information to distribute, today's news is indeed particularly valuable.

For the reporters, this is absolutely good news. With such good news, everyone will start to prepare for the description of Chen Xi in the next report.

Although Chen Xi's breaking point is already there, but if it is to be converted into words, it depends on their respective skills.

But this is nothing to them.

Of course, they still have to work harder on this matter and dig deeper, so there will be such problems.

Chen Xi thought for a while, and then said: "I'm just talking about a goal. 1 million yuan is my goal. I'm not sure that I can achieve such a goal. As for where my confidence comes from... ...I think it mainly comes from the attractiveness of my film itself, so I have such a goal...Of course, the specific box office, I think it depends on the specific situation."

... After Chen Xi said this important information, he didn't say much. What he wanted to say today and what he wanted to be known to everyone, he has already said it now. That's the way it is... He is indeed right The box office of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" has high hopes!
When the premiere officially ended, there were many comments on the Internet and in many traditional media, and these comments were basically positive.

All of a sudden, such many comments are gradually sweeping the entire network and making everyone feel the powerful power from this movie.

Judging from the point of view of these moviegoers, this is undoubtedly a pretty good movie.

At least it also guarantees that Chen Xi's work has gradually formed a gold-lettered signboard. Once a director's reputation is established, although it is also a shackle on him, the meaning of the shackle is far less than the positive one. , because when the director has this fame, their films will get more and more attention, even if they make a lot of films, there will still be many people who will pay for it.

And Chen Xi has always hoped to build herself into such a gold-lettered signboard.

Before the official premiere of "33 Days of Broken Love", it was actually a movie known to many people because of Chen Xi's own fame. The movie has been pushed to a higher level, making the movie even more popular.

There are quite a lot of movie fans who pay attention to the final evaluation of the premiere of this movie... Right now, everyone is waiting for the evaluation of this movie from the first batch of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" moviegoers, Can she still maintain Chen Xi's usual level?

Fortunately, now Chen Xi's movies are usually watched by many people, including many film critics, and they will basically show you the specific situation of the movie as soon as possible, so now everyone I also know that "33 Days of Broken Relationship" will be able to see reviews soon.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, without making them wait too long, the evaluation of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" appeared in front of everyone's eyes... and they were not too surprised by the praise!Indeed, it is their unsurprising praise!Because Chen Xi's movies have indeed gradually become a brand, and this brand tells everyone that his movies are basically pretty good boutiques, so his movies are guaranteed to enter the pit, and there is no need to worry too much, so if If there were only negative reviews for "33 Days of Broken Relationship" at the beginning, this would make everyone quite surprised: No way, Chen Xi has become like that now?

Obviously, that didn't happen.

Now, there are good reviews everywhere on the Internet, and there are Chen Xi movies that are different from the past. This time, everyone’s praise for "33 Days of Broken Relationship" comes from a different angle from other movies: this time everyone Many of them started to analyze the good parts of this movie from the sense of substitution and warmth of "33 Days of Broken Relationship".

In the past, many film critics analyzed Chen Xi's films, basically from the overall perspective of the film, from the structure of the film and many other special professional aspects, but now "33 Days of Broken Relationship", many film critics People and movie fans, like those pretentious guys on Douban, began to analyze emotionally...

In fact, movies are often like that... Although after so many years of development, movies have already become a relatively mature commodity, and many things can be traced, but in many cases, emotional factors are still very important. Some physical goods, such as mobile phones, will have some public knowledge to sell their feelings, not to mention the current movies that can be called works of art, that is even more so, so when a movie touches some places In terms of the emotions of movie fans, it is actually easy to get everyone's approval and get a high box office.

And movies like "33 Days of Broken Relationship" actually have a feeling of selling feelings. If you can get everyone's emotional approval, that is actually good news.

"A real lovelorn has to go through three stages: the first stage of course loses self-esteem and is in pain, and jumps up when hearing his name. The second stage pretends to forget and avoids sad things, but the heart is aching. In the final stage , his name is the same as that of a passer-by, but it’s just a name and has no special meaning at all... This is my own experience, and it’s also the feeling I felt from "33 Days of Broken Relationship". The emotion of this movie is so direct Mind, let you plunge into that emotion while feeling hurt, think of your broken love, but until now, maybe it is just a short stage in life... Thanks to "33 Days of Broken Love" at the end There is a good ending, which gives more love to the broken-hearted people”

"Leftover women with mean words + cold and poisonous tongue + delicate tenderness + teasing dialogue + sensational romance = interesting, Wenzhang's sissy Wang Xiaojian is a classic character, the part of scolding his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is super funny, Zhang Jiayi's "love is not equal to breasts" Four Two' is very realistic, the ending is very touching, and the most amazing interview at the end is the most realistic interview, no drama, no climax, and a straightforward narrative. The ordinary life continues every day, until you get used to losing your TA... This is a kind of pain, but it is also a kind of growth! Chen Xi gave us a surprise, "33 Days of Broken Love" is obviously a chick movie, but he can shoot "Frontier Wind and Cloud", "Embroidered Spring Knife", It’s really monstrous that a film like “33 Days of Broken Relationship” can be produced while a purely male-perspective film like “Raid” is made!”

"After this movie, my feelings towards Chen Xi have deepened... Strictly speaking, "33 Days of Broken Relationship" has the feeling of a TV series that I don't like, as if it is a TV version of a TV series... …Although the story is clearly told, it always makes me uncomfortable. Of course, not many domestic films can tell the story clearly, but it is difficult for other directors to tell the story clearly. For Chen Xi But it hardly needs to be said, because he can definitely do it! However, "33 Days of Broken Love" shows a very wonderful feeling with the current feeling. Broken love, many people have experienced it, Chen Xi performed very well , and also gave a bright way out..."

...After hearing everyone's comments like this, many people now have a preliminary and intuitive idea of ​​"33 Days of Broken Relationship", and understand what kind of movie it is.

However, these good reviews just let everyone know that they can go to the cinema to watch it, and it didn't cause much sensation. The pre-hype and publicity of this movie are already hot enough, and the good reviews are nothing to Chen Xi's movie. So the things I'm talking about now, the sensation is not too important...

However, Chen Xi's rhetoric was quickly shouted out by the reporters, and then, everyone heard Chen Xi's words to make "33 Days of Broken Love" a box office of [-] million!

Before Chen Xi, none of his movies exceeded [-] million, even the closest one.

And now is this okay?A chick movie, a romantic comedy movie, how could he have such high hopes?In short, many people were surprised!
PS: Sorry, there is still an update today, but it is all a big chapter, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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