screen age

Chapter 247 Various Sharp Questions

Chapter 247 Various Sharp Questions
"Now I know what it means to stump a hero with a penny!" When Chen Xi insisted on bringing Ning Hao before everyone's eyes, Ning Hao's tone was full of helplessness. It doesn't have much to do with him, but now Chen Xi has directly brought him up, and there is almost no way to refuse him.

But for what Chen Xi promised at that time, he had no choice but to do so.

At this moment, Chen Xi made cakes in Ning Hao's ear: "Director Ning, I'm totally thinking of you! I know you came here today to talk to me about "No Man's Land" , Let me tell you right now, a lot of investment in that film is still in "BJ Meets Seattle", you listen to my arrangements now, if you do a good job, I will share some of the profits of this film with you as soon as possible."

Ning Hao pointed at Chen Xi's side face: "You said that."

Chen Xi patted her chest and promised: "Do you think I look like a bad debtor?"

Ning Hao: "It's very similar to..."

Having said that, the two of them came to the big screen of the movie at a relatively fast speed amidst such mutual gags, facing the audience in the movie theater.

Seeing Ning Hao appearing in front of everyone, the audience was also somewhat surprised. Many people were wondering why Ning Hao and Chen Xi would appear together, and it was at Chen Xi's new movie conference.Soon, some rotten girls associated this incident with the relationship between the two, and began to fantasize about the possible entanglement between these two guys and other not-so-good pictures. , Many people already had ambiguous smiles on their faces. These smiles made Chen Xi feel very embarrassed. Sure enough, these guys had too much imagination.

However, all of this is for effect!

Chen Xi's current "BJ Meets Seattle" anyway, he thinks that there is no need to go through too much publicity and hype. He even worries that sometimes too much publicity and hype will cause some audiences to resent it. It's scary... So based on this kind of thinking, Chen Xi didn't let "BJ Meets Seattle" participate in too much hype, but today's hype must come and must be done Well, after all, this is Deep Space Films' own movie theater. This is a movie theater that really belongs to its own children. Of course, I have to manage it well.

Any hype actually has a great effect on a movie theater, especially for the current movie theater, "BJ Meets Seattle" is of great significance.

This is a very important shot after the movie theater actually opened, and it should be played loudly.

That's why Chen Xi called so many reporters... In fact, he even has a thought in his heart now, that is, he plans to make some noise, it is best to do something like Chen Dapao again... Of course, he is not talking nonsense, but It's purely just acting tougher than before, otherwise, it's not a good thing to say something bad for a movie theater.

"Director Chen, the movie "BJ Meets Seattle" is about to be released." A reporter asked Chen Xi: "For this movie, the outside audience mainly saw the trailer in advance, and many viewers think that the middle The topic of the third party is involved, and everyone feels that this may be a thankless thing, especially if some settings do not really meet the standards that others want, the controversy of "BJ Meets Seattle" will be even greater, What do you think about this, and it will even affect the reputation you have accumulated before?"

The reporters' questions were indeed very sharp, but to be honest, from Chen Xi's point of view, he felt that such questions were not bad, and they were somewhat similar to the effect he wanted to achieve. He just wanted to let these guys People provoked the whole thing because of some questions, and it will become a little hotter at that time.

Of course, such questions also need to be answered carefully. In fact, the topic of mistress will always touch people's backs, especially in the era of rampant Internet violence. If the answer is not good, people may even be scolded by eighteen generations of ancestors , this point is quite obvious, anyway, there are too few things that discuss facts on the Internet, and more of them are crazy attacks on life.

Chen Xixiao said: "Because "BJ Meets Seattle" does have the element of the mistress, but from the beginning to the end the mistress is just an auxiliary of the movie plot, she has never been the mainstream of this movie, what the movie wants to describe It’s also far from this topic... In fact, this is just a love story, but it just happened in the United States, so I don’t think everyone should keep focusing on the mistress, who doesn’t have much content..."

Chen Xi is actually a relatively slick explanation. "BJ Meets Seattle" really has nothing to do with Xiao San?That's definitely not the case, Wen Jiajia was almost a mistress from the beginning to the end, and she even managed to get into position... But it would make sense to say that this story has nothing to do with mistresses.

Sometimes this kind of word game is quite good, and for people like Chen Xi, it is a must-have product for killing people.

Even under such an explanation, the reporters are not bothered now.

"In "BJ Meets Seattle", there are some people who go to the United States to give birth. If their children are born in the United States, they can indeed become Americans. This has also become the choice of many pregnant women. Then you shoot this The similar things involved in the movie, do you intend to release some exposure and your own opinions on this kind of behavior?" The second reporter once again brought the matter to a sensitive topic about the movie.

This is also a sensitive social issue, and it is really impossible not to respond.

At the moment, Chen Xi said: "I still have the same attitude... I don't think there is anything wrong with reflecting social issues in movies, and I also think that sometimes, movies do have the function of reflecting social reality... But I Now I am not too old, and I have relatively little experience. I don’t have a kind of affectionate experience that can really be completed. More can only come from other people and some materials... So I won’t really go to it for the time being. Do something that can reflect social issues. *** once said that without investigation, there is no right to speak, and I have no right to speak now. "BJ Meets Seattle" did appear that this kind of pregnant woman gave birth in the United States I don't have much personal opinion on this matter, and I don't intend to react. In the movie "BJ Meets Seattle", this matter is actually just a background. As a Wen Jiajia raised her eyes in the United States Suddenly meeting Frank with no relatives and no one to love... This is just the background of the beginning of a love story, so I don't want people to think too much."

Chen Xi's long explanation sounded more cunning to the reporters, but to be honest, what Chen Xi said was quite reasonable.

There are many people who say that they want to reflect reality all day long, but in the end they just forcefully add something in the middle to try to poke the deepest feelings of the audience and feel that they have completed their task, but in fact, their methods It is not very useful at all, and it is difficult to truly reflect reality.

If you really want to make a movie that reflects reality, it really needs to be investigated. Some excellent movies such as "Blind Mountain" and "Blind Well" need similar things.

Chen Xi does not feel that what he is doing now reflects reality.

""BJ Meets Seattle" should belong to the commercial category, and it is also a movie defined as a romantic comedy, so what do you think of the difference between this movie and "33 Days of Broken Relationship"? What do you think of these two movies? Which one is better?" The reporter quickly concocted a very explosive question, indeed, "BJ Meets Seattle" is a very magical film, there are many things in it, and many people will watch it just now After seeing the trailer and the like, I unconsciously compared and evaluated it with Chen Xi's previous box office miracle "33 Days of Broken Relationship". Of course, I wanted to hear what Chen Xi had to say.

Chen Xi was slightly taken aback when encountering such a problem, and then said: "From my personal point of view, they are all films made by me, and it is more appropriate to say that they are both my children, so which of these two films is better?" It is not so easy for me to distinguish between the good and the bad. Besides, although the two films have certain similarities in themes, they are two completely different stories... It reflects two different stories. If you have to judge who is better, "33 Days of Broken Relationship" may be a little bit scattered in some things, but it has a stronger ability to accept and engage the audience. The comedy may be better, and "BJ Meets Seattle" is indeed a little less in terms of comedy, but this film is more complete in terms of storytelling, and the emotions of the characters are more inclined to be a closed one. story……"

It's all my own movie, no matter whether it's praise or criticism, I'll leave it to the audience... Anyway, Chen Xi shouldn't talk too much.

"Then can you predict the box office of "BJ Meets Seattle"?"

"Well... I personally think that the film's box office should be more than [-] million yuan, and the goal is to break through [-] million yuan! Of course, if it can exceed [-] million yuan, I am also very welcome." Chen Xi said with a smile.

When the reporters heard such words, if they were put on other directors, even if they were put on Ning Hao, everyone would feel that it was a bit too much for themselves, but if they were put on Chen Xi, it would just give It gave everyone a very convincing feeling, everyone actually believed in Chen Xi!

They even think that Chen Xi is a relatively conservative estimate... From this point of view, the current Chen Xi, everyone's expectations and trust in him are really relatively high.

At this time, someone suddenly asked a super sharp topic: "Why did you choose Tang Wei as the heroine of the movie? You must know that from the last movie to the present, Tang Wei's transformation in this aspect is still quite big .”

Of course, this guy still pays attention to what he says, otherwise Chen Xi and Tang Wei might go crazy now, and of course it's mainly because Chen Xi went crazy to defend Tang Wei.

But there was nothing wrong with this guy's question, he was just talking about one thing. At that moment, Chen Xi said: "There is no big reason for this. I chose an actor, but just because I think he can play this role well!" Chen Xi What Xi said was actually the truth, but for some guys, there was disbelief. For such disbelief, Chen Xi had no choice but to correct it.

Chen Xi's next answers were also reduced, because he felt that he had answered enough questions. Now that the reporters rolled their eyes, they had already thought of Chen Xi's meaning in their hearts. They turned their guns on Ning Hao. Although Ning Hao only came up for a cameo appearance, everyone is not going to let him go now.

"Director Ning, are you and Director Chen good friends? How is your relationship?"

Ning Hao took a look at Chen Xi and said with a smile, "Director Chen and I are indeed good friends. We have a lot of exchanges in movies, and we agree with each other's movie ideas!"

"At the beginning, some people described Director Chen as the second you, but now he has surpassed you in commercial achievements, so how do you think he and you should be positioned by the audience in the film industry now?"

Ning Hao frowned: "I think it's worthless to compare these. Everyone has their own career. It is certain that we have differences in some places. There is no second opinion for me. Everyone can do it on their own. I think that's enough, isn't it?"

What Ning Hao said now made everyone temporarily stop asking questions on this issue. After saying it, Ning Hao even gave Chen Xi a look...

The comparison between Chen Xi and Ning Hao has never been responded to by Ning Hao, but today he actually responded here. Although there is no real content that makes people think it is tearful, it is already good enough. It is a pity that this is the case. Chen Xi's movies and cinemas will benefit from some of the effects... It's really annoying!
Chen Xi smiled at him...

After these things are done, the movie will be officially released. Chen Xi is no longer worried about what he wants to achieve, because what he said before should be enough for the media to promote it and bring it to the cinema.

Although the audience had enjoyed listening to the close-up interviews before, everyone was also looking forward to the official opening of the movie, so now that the movie is about to start, everyone is sitting upright with their ears pricked up.

PS: I have something to do today, I will update it temporarily!

(End of this chapter)

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