screen age

Chapter 255 Chapter 256 Big hit: Chen Xi is the hero

Chapter 255 The second fifty-sixth hit: Chen Xi is the male protagonist

Regarding Chen Xi's upcoming audition, he had thought about it a lot.

In fact, many people have a dream of fame in their hearts, including Chen Xi, who also has the desire to be exposed in front of everyone's eyes, but now he has a high degree of exposure, and after shooting more scenes, many things will disappear Such a big feeling.

Chen Xi wanted to act by himself, but in fact, the main reason was that he didn't want to give up the opportunity to gain fame overseas to other people, and it wasn't his own company.

If Chen Xi came by himself, then this kind of problem would not exist.

Moreover, after all, he has seen the movie "Source Code", and he has a lot of understanding from the director's point of view, which makes Chen Xi feel that if he plays this role himself, he will have a better understanding of many things. Explain the angle.

After having such thoughts, Chen Xi accepted Wu Hanchuan and Ye Dongnan's suggestions very humbly.

"Okay, let's record it, you guys will comment once, and I will comment once myself."

Chen Xi made an agreement with Wu Hanchuan during the audition, and then he will use the video to judge... However, he may be affected by some factors when watching his own performance. Strong subjectivity, so it depends on others.

Chen Xi auditioned for a scene in the middle where she saw that her appearance was different in front of the mirror. This point is indeed more able to show her own acting skills.


When Chen Xi stood in front of the mirror, she didn't feel any strangeness.

In fact, many times, when some people perform for the first time, they feel a little cramped, unable to find a seat, nervous, and at a loss.

Of course, this is not the first time Chen Xi has acted, but at this time, strictly speaking, it is the first time he has acted in an audition in such a big movie, but he is not restrained at all. The experiences are basically all rolled into one.

When he saw another face in the mirror, he retracted instantly, resting his head with his hands, shocked and in pain, and quickly took out the ID card in his hand.

It was over when we came here, but Wu Hanchuan improvised and wanted to see more things, so he spoke directly in Chen Xi's direction.

——"Xiao Lin, are you okay?"

"I don't know, and I'm not the Xiao Lin you said, and I don't even know you!"

- "We'll get off at the next stop, forget about it, trust me, everything will be fine."

The performance is over... because the plot advances here, the train explodes.

Wu Hanchuan, who finished his speech with Chen Xi, had a look of shock on his face, and he couldn't help applauding!He is the casting director, and he has carefully thought about it, so of course he understands how this part of "Source Code" should be acted... and Chen Xi's performance is much stronger than his thinking.

It can only be said that this guy is really talented... not only is his director career envied by many people, but also his performance is so awesome, at least judging from the sense of camera and the tension of his performance just shown , really no problem.

It can only be said that some people are so enviable, jealous and hateful, there is absolutely no way to do it.

Chen Xi's many things are indeed unique. From the appearance, he is more than enough to be a movie star, and his eyes with a little bit of minority feeling can also be appreciated by Westerners, and this guy's acting skills are quite good... …

Coupled with his ability as a director and his current achievements in directing... It really makes people feel that God has given too many benefits to Chen Xi.

"How?" Although Chen Xi had seen Wu Hanchuan's expression and guessed something, he still said that.

Wu Hanchuan looked at Chen Xi like this, and changed his words: "It's relatively ordinary, but... who asked you to be the director, you can barely do it."

"Get lost!" Chen Xi pretended to kick him, and said with a smile, "If you admire me, just say so, don't be shy."

While talking, he watched the replay of the previous one.

The demeanor I have mastered is indeed remarkable, of course it is incomparable with Liang Chaowei, Zhou Runfa and the like, but it can actually crush many young actors who rely on their appearance for a living.

Of course, this is his own feeling, and now Wu Hanchuan is no longer joking: "Director Chen, you can indeed play the male lead, and I believe the effect will be quite good..."

Chen Xin hummed: "I think so too." This guy is not humble. In fact, it is just a scene now, but whether it is Chen Xi himself or Wu Hanchuan, they basically know and understand. It can also be seen that the most important thing is that Chen Xi is the director himself, and he has a standard for judging whether the acting is good or not.

So Chen Xi is now considering releasing this news...

He always felt that this matter would make people feel quite perfunctory: the director himself performed?Why does this sound so unreliable?Indeed, Chen Xi is very handsome, but many people said before that it would be a pity that Chen Xi did not act in a real movie, but many of these words were just taken for granted, after all, Chen Xi did not really act in the movie in front of everyone Pass……

Therefore, if there is one word to describe the big guy's true thoughts on Chen Xi's performance, it should be Ye Gonghaolong.

Of course, these are not big problems, as long as the acting is good.

Next, Chen Xi got all the preparation fees for "Source Code" so far, and he got any expenses.

All the preparation costs of "Source Code" so far are not much, just over 500 million. Of course, this is just all the pre-production costs. When the filming is actually finished, the shooting cost should exceed 1000 million, and it will be more if you include the post-production A few, but if all the investment is made, mainly including publicity costs, then the final investment of "Source Code" must exceed 7000 million.

However, it may cost more to actually shoot it. This thing will come to an end, and some problems will arise.

... Soon, the pervasive media quickly saw some information about "Source Code".

The current lineup of "Source Code" includes many shocking things.

First of all, the heroine of "Source Code" is Liu Yifei... This is the most popular female lead among all the films Chen Xi has ever made.

Of course, Tang Wei in "BJ Meets Seattle" is not bad, but Tang Wei is full of negative news about "Lust, Caution", and even if it wasn't for "BJ Meets Seattle", she would have been blocked directly.As a result, now Chen Xi opened the door and went to Liu Yifei. She is indeed a pretty good actress. Of course, it doesn't mean her acting skills, but her face is there.

The other heroine of "Source Code", that is, the female officer in the original movie, Chen Xi used Yu Nan, Yu Nan... To be honest, Chen Xi didn't particularly appreciate her looks, but She has a certain reputation overseas, and she has a lot of aura, so it's okay to play a female officer.

Of course, in front of the actor of "Source Code", the matter of the actress is simply too small, too small...

Because everyone saw a strange thing mixed in the cast list of "Source Code": Chen Xi!
"Fuck, did we read it wrong? Is it an actor with the same name and surname as Chen Xi? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Chen Xi went into battle by himself? What's the situation? Why is he acting all of a sudden? Can he act? Will it fail?"

"Chen Xi is really unexpected. He actually wants to be the leading actor? What does he think?"

... The fact that Chen Xi wanted to be the leading actor in "Source Code" really caused a shocking wave. Countless people were discussing and surprised by this matter. Chen Xi did indeed attract huge attention. Seriously, even if Andy Lau or Tony Leung were to play the leading roles in "Source Code", it wouldn't cause a sensation among the crowd...

But Chen Xi did it...

Now in China, there are too many people discussing this matter...

Everyone has a lot of different attitudes. Some people think that Chen Xi relies on his identity as a director to be a drama bully, regardless of whether he is that material. Some people think that Chen Xi is doing this to hype the movie. People have strong expectations for Chen Xi's performance. After all, there is really nothing wrong with this guy's appearance, and he performed quite well when he occasionally made guest appearances in some movies... But anyway, "Source Code" All of a sudden, it really exploded in topicality.

Chen Xi's movies, like this, are always on the cusp, especially the current "Source Code", many people feel that they are sorry for themselves if they don't comment.

Therefore, many reporters now also want to block Chen Xi on many roads, asking him questions, what kind of psychology did he write, direct and perform "Source Code" based on, this is a big thing , is also something that everyone really wants to understand clearly.

But Chen Xi seldom shows up recently.

In July 2009, there was another event on the Chinese Internet that had a profound impact on many things that followed: Weibo appeared!

Weibo is almost the same thing as Twitter on the shores of the United States. After its appearance, it has profoundly affected the lives of all netizens, and it has also brought the promotion of movies into a new era.

And just after Weibo appeared, Chen Xi also registered his own account, and also registered the account of Deep Space Films... And just after Weibo appeared, the first very hot topic became "Chen Xi starring in "Source Code" ".

Of course, Chen Xi and the others are responsible for this, but more of it is the spontaneous behavior of netizens.

(End of this chapter)

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