screen age

Chapter 273 Why do we want to make blockbuster movies? !

Chapter 273 Why do we want to make blockbuster movies? !

When Chen Xi saw the grand occasion in front of him, he didn't have the complete pleasure of being watched by others. On the contrary, he still felt a little dignified in his heart now. It seemed that so many people If you want to settle yourself, it shouldn't be an easy thing...

That is to say, in the current situation, Chen Xi must be facing a terrifying verbal war!

There are also many cameras in the lecture hall of Beijing Film Academy today, and of course there are also many cameras and the like... In fact, these cameras come from a wide range of sources, mainly the cameras of some people on campus. The purpose of course needless to say...

Prince Li, here are the cameras used by some journalists coming in from outside...

The reporters are actually only able to come here with the special permission of Beiying. Otherwise, it would be quite difficult for ordinary reporters to directly enter Beiying...

After they entered Beiying, these reporters from Beiying acted in a unified manner and were managed militarily... Otherwise, if they did something beyond the scope of what Beiying allowed them to do, it would not be a problem. Something that will please everyone.

Seeing so many people watching so many cameras now, Chen Xi also knows that many of the things he said today will definitely appear on the Internet in a short time, which means that many people will see the For these things of my own, I will also hear some of my own justifications...

But now Chen Xi has put a lot of thoughts into her heart after taking a deep breath. To convey it, of course, it would be great if it could have some better publicity effect.

Under such circumstances, today's symposium officially started, and in front of Chen Xi's eyes, this group of heaven's favored sons and heaven's favored women also began to listen attentively.

Chen Xi started her own opening remarks: "Everyone, teachers and students of Beijing Film Academy, hello everyone!" Chen Xi's opening remarks can also be said to be quite satisfactory, and there are not many outstanding points, but it also makes people feel that they cannot be picked. Something went wrong!

The topic of the symposium that Chen Xi is talking about is the commercialization of Chinese film genres. In fact, this symposium actually allows students to interact with Chen Xi to a certain extent, so at the beginning, Chen Xi Some of the words said are not very important, what is more important lies in the interaction between everyone afterwards. At this point, many things will really be revealed in front of the big guys.

The topic Chen Xi is working on is actually not that big. In fact, this thing is the same as writing a thesis. If a topic includes too many things, it seems that this is a very high-level thing, and many people will think that , such a topic will cover everything...

But in fact, the bigger the thing, the harder it is to do, because many things include many aspects, and a slight change will affect too many things. If you do a project, if it is too big, then In the end, the biggest possibility is that it sounds like everything is said and everything is brought to a point, but in fact nothing is in-depth.

At this time, it finally entered the questioning session. At this moment, many reporters began to be energetic and ready to record the collision between Chen Xi and this group of students. They wanted to see if any sparks could be produced. Of course, if they could It would be even better if there were bloody flowers in the collision.

Many students today are also full of energy. In fact, for them, now is the most anticipated part. They have too many things in their hearts that they want to communicate with Chen Xi...Of course, there are also many people who just feel that they are in the There are so many things in my heart that I can accuse Chen Xi and the like...

At this moment, Chen Xi had a smile on his face. He was standing before, but now he is sitting on the stool behind the podium in front of everyone, waiting for everyone's questions.

The first person who asked the question was actually a girl, who looked quite bookish, and seemed to be a literary young woman: "Director Chen! You really feel that you have mastered the sci-fi films you are shooting now." In fact, I'm also a fan of yours, so I don't want to see your new movie fall into the sand because of the subject matter..."

Chen Xi knows what this person means. In fact, many of Chen Xi's fans have similar thoughts: they are also worried that Chen Xi's rush to touch the subject of science fiction is really too easy to cause some bad reactions, which will make Chen Xi The word of mouth accumulated by Xi's previous efforts has been wiped out. At that time, many angry movie fans will completely cancel their attention on Chen Xi, and even they will suffer some harm.

So judging from the current situation, there are indeed many such people, and they will indeed start from Chen Xi's point of view.

Chen Xi smiled slightly: "First of all, thank you for your attention. The next thing I want to say is that since I plan to shoot a science fiction film, I naturally have my own ideas, and I also have my own confidence! Now I can pat my chest and say, In fact, I have not made any bad movies, and you can also watch my previous works, so I am very confident that I will let you see a very good movie like "Source Code"."

Chen Xi's answer was relatively satisfactory to the girl. She nodded to express her gratitude and then sat down. However, what Chen Xi said now has begun to arouse some people's resentment. In fact, in traditional Chinese culture, With the word humility, many things in this word are being integrated into everyone's bones and blood, so although this cannot really rise to the moral level, it will indeed affect many people's judgments on things.

Therefore, now some people began to sneer in their hearts: I didn't like Chen Xi very much at first, but now after hearing such words, I feel even worse.

At that moment, someone stood up straight away: "Director Chen, I think sometimes you are overconfident. After all, in the history of Chinese movies, there are only a handful of really good sci-fi movies. I even feel that China has no real sci-fi movies. Sci-fi! And the "Source Code" you're about to release now sounds like it might be good in some places, but I don't think it makes sense, your movie may not really get the grades and scores that match your confidence quality."

Hearing such words, Chen Xi frowned slightly. He really didn't like to hear such words... because it was indeed filled with a strong sense of doubt, and there was a bit of self-righteousness towards Chen Xi. The attack, such things can make people happy, so there is a ghost.

Chen Xi said directly: "Our film industry has grown from scratch, and so is China. For example, it is impossible for us to never stop doing something because there is no precedent. Otherwise, how can we humans progress? What is the level of what is said today? How do new genres emerge one after another in our film industry?" Chen Xi's words are also well-founded, and the person who just mentioned it suddenly felt a little bit I don't know how to say it, but he didn't react slowly, and quickly continued: "But I don't think you have the ability to shoot good science fiction films. In fact, science fiction films are quite difficult to shoot. You really feel that you are shooting Will your sci-fi film be as smooth as your previous films? Where is your sci-fi film so brilliant?"

Such questioning made Chen Xi really frown. Sure enough, this place is prone to such aggressive guys, but from Chen Xi's standpoint, he is not a saint. anger.

"I have such confidence. Of course, I don't need to convince you to believe it. I should convince the audience. They will vote for my movie with movie tickets. Whether it is good or bad, there will be a result. ..."

After Chen Xi said this, this guy was speechless. If he continued to speak, he could only use strong words. Indeed, the movie still needs the audience to buy it, and the final voting and scoring are left to the audience. It is indeed better, and this is also in line with some of the spirit of the movie.

However, someone soon stood up and asked, "Director Chen, I liked some of your movies before, including films like "Front and Cloud". Shooting "Source Code" and many other movies proves that you plan to start the road of blockbusters in the future, isn't that right?"

Chen Xi nodded: "It's generally correct. I will follow the road of blockbuster movies. Of course, it's not that I haven't paid attention to other movies since then. It's just that I mainly focus on blockbuster movies."

The person then asked: "But why do you have to go on this road? The road to blockbuster movies in China is now approaching the bottleneck, especially the films of many directors such as Zhang Yimou who have failed in word of mouth one after another. The road began to be pushed to a narrow corner. Why don't you stick to your previous characteristics and start from another angle? Make blockbuster movies and look forward. Is this the direction of the film industry? Our country used to There have been so many brilliant other genres, and I think it's important to revive those as well."

Such words really have a taste of generalization, but Chen Xi quickly discovered that many people in front of him have become more concerned and nervous... This means that everyone is actually quite interested in this topic. Interest, I am afraid that many people will feel this way and even despise Chen Xi who "looks ahead".

Chen Xi shook her head slightly in her heart, and said in her mouth: "Big movie, I would like to ask everyone, why do we make a big movie?"

Hearing this sentence, some of us looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chen Xi said to himself: "In the 90s of the last century, Chinese people really began to come into contact with Hollywood blockbusters. At that time, we saw the splendor of Hollywood, the lifelike horror of dinosaurs, and the amazing Terminator robots... and our own Movies, but there are many movies that are still partial to humanistic concerns, and there are almost no real commercial blockbusters."

"So, we began to have more introspection. With the era of Chinese commercial blockbusters opened by "Hero" in 2002, in fact, this is an inevitable choice for Chinese films. It is a kind of cultural awareness. Chinese film art under the wave of globalization Creation has given way to commercial films. To borrow a term from the study of intellectual history, this has actually become 'salvation over enlightenment.' Learning from large-scale machine production in the West...Our movies are just replicating such a process, but in fact, light industry is not enough to save the whole country, we must start from heavy industry, this is the same reasoning for movies.”

"Why do Americans make blockbuster films? Because of the more than 100 years of film industry, they have almost exhausted the imagination space that 'small films' can narrate and express. With the emergence of television as an audio-visual art broadcast platform, films are bound to show their media advantages To give the audience a reason to go to the cinema, and to replace the "visibility" with a kind of "must-see", which will shock the audience in a short time."

"So, when Hollywood blockbusters invade, what can we rely on to resist? If all are literary films, even if we have a protection month, what is the use? How many people will willingly go to the cinema? When How can we resist when Hollywood giants invade the world, and they use powerful visual effects to eliminate cultural discounts, but add their own values ​​in it? Is it relying on literary films?"

In fact, if Chen Xi said this sentence in three to five years, it would be even more deafening, because the problem of domestic films at that time was that many cheating youth films that robbed money were occupying the mainstream of the market, which was quite worrying.

Indeed, in fact it is.

The right to speak culturally is really too important. The Soviets who were stupid and black back then lost their right to speak very badly, and the consequences were quite serious. Now, when there is not much left in the socialist camp, China suffers The cultural siege of China is quite terrifying.

From this point of view, everything is more important.

Hearing Chen Xi's words, the hall fell into a brief silence.For them, what Chen Xi said was really reasonable, and it also occupied the commanding heights...

Of course, from Chen Xi's point of view, he does have the desire to make a blockbuster movie and make a lot of money, but what he said just now is indeed from the bottom of his heart.

Blockbuster, it's a must.

(End of this chapter)

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