screen age

Chapter 301 "Run, Brother" is a hit

Chapter 301 "Run, Brother" is a hit

This is an unexpected thing, no matter who it is.

"Wan WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWan Fang" is actually just a decent web drama in the final analysis, but many things in the middle have gone beyond people's imagination, especially those in this web drama that seem very simple or even Something that some people think is out of tune, but because of its own novelty, it just hits everyone's itching.

As a result, the popularity of this online drama has also increased, and the number of hits has also increased.

In just one week, the click-through rate reached 3000 million!

Then, the second episode also started playing.

Compared with the first episode, the second episode of "Never Expected" actually continued the style of complaints in many places, and it also involved the subversion of some familiar characters and stories in the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West.

Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West, if it is applied a few years later, it will be a super hot IP that will last for many years and will continue in the future, and it is almost inexhaustible. When everyone calls this IP, they can basically attract the attention of many people.Even if a movie like "Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven" is rotten to the bone marrow, it still hits a billion box office. Although there is a Spring Festival schedule in the middle, many Chinese people have deep feelings for that monkey. unimaginable.

The same is true of the Three Kingdoms, and the upper and lower parts of "Red Cliff" are enough to prove everything.

The second episode of "WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanThe second episode only aired for one day, and the hit rate has reached 2000 million, and it continues to grow.

And the hits of the previous first episode were still increasing, so when the third episode of "Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Wan Fang" started, the total hits of this online drama had reached [-] million, becoming the first purely on the Internet. It started broadcasting, became popular on the Internet and hit over [-] million hits.

All of a sudden, many people felt a strong sense of shock... They also further felt the terror of Chen Xi. At the beginning, they were basically not favored by others, but they will soon prove their energy.

It's like the current "WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWangWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanbang Before You Are The One, And some subsequent shows are the same, No one realized it at the beginning, But then they saw the energy in the middle.

The first three online drama plans of Deep Space Film and Television, at that time, basically everyone thought that Chen Xi came up with this plan on a whim, including many video sites who were secretly waiting to watch these three online dramas The joke, however, is now beyond their reach.

Many video sites used to be quite disdainful, but now, they are only surprised, so many video sites have also moved under such circumstances, and began to use the fastest speed to formulate plans for their own self-made web dramas .

But they also know that although the market cake of video websites will definitely grow bigger and bigger, many things usually have a timeliness. When some new things first appear, it may not be difficult to get popular. Too bad, then these new things can become popular with the help of their own characteristics, and the place where these new things are made will naturally rise.

But if a lot of things have already appeared, and this emerging market already has certain brilliant things ahead, then those who enter later will feel a bit like picking up the old ones.Those people at the beginning will also make certain market rules...

Of course, many things were developed by later people, and the first people may not really enjoy the usefulness of the things they created, just like the person who invented the container did not own the benefits of many containers later. It's a truth.

Based on this possibility, Chen Xi would directly produce such things as "Red" and "The Year in a Hurry". The type moves onto the computer screen.

What he wants to do is a place equivalent to DreamWorks for online dramas. The online dramas here will be completely different from traditional TV dramas. After all, online dramas are now the era of enjoying policy dividends. It's quite strict, but now radio and television basically don't add too much human intervention to online dramas.

Of course, if there are some particularly excessive things, it will definitely not work, but the scale in the middle is indeed much larger than ordinary TV dramas.

Therefore, there is still a lot of room for online dramas to play. Therefore, after the success of "Never Expected", the time for the launch of "Hurry That" will gradually be determined. This TV series is still very awakening to some past feelings in people's hearts. of.

The film development experience of later generations has proved that the Chinese are actually quite hypocritical. Those nostalgic films, films that can evoke people's memories, will get a pretty good box office, such as "To Youth" and "You at the Same Table" The same is true for bad films such as "The Year in a Hurry" and "Gardenia Blossoms".

When "To Youth" first appeared, everyone still scolded Zhao Wei, splashing a pot of dog's blood on himself and all living beings... But when the bad movies like "You at the Same Table" appeared later, everyone remembered Zhao Wei's is good, others' is not so bad.

The online drama version of "The Year in a Hurry" is actually not particularly well shot, but it is already an extraordinary work of conscience.

As for "Red", the schedule of this online drama has also begun to be confirmed. This drama is relatively down-to-earth. Focusing on ordinary people, struggling to survive in troubled times, and doing what they can, this TV series quickly attracted the attention of too many people.

Next, Chen Xi plans to launch a web drama like "Soul Ferry" that has really benefited from the policy. There are also web dramas such as "Wuxin Master", "Psychological Crime", and "Dark Man" that will be released in the next 2-3 It will be launched within the year, and he also plans to get a few good American dramas in all aspects to film and broadcast by himself. These online dramas will seize most of the market and make the deep space video website the position of the domestic video website. Completely stabilized.

Online dramas are the place where breakthroughs and explorations can be most achieved in the Chinese TV drama market. Chen Xi sees this very clearly.

When the "Unexpectedly" was played in the tenth episode, the average single -episode clicks have reached more than 8500 million terrible, and the cumulative click rate is close to one billion. It is also a particularly scary number.

After all, there are very few traditional TV dramas that can break through one billion hits. Strong dramas such as "Gu Jian Qi Tan" and "Flower Thousand Bone" have more than 100 billion hits in this era. myth.

In this way, Deep Space Film and Television has indeed created an era, and judging from their current actions, it is obvious that everyone can see that Deep Space Film and Television intends to continue this era.

...At the same time, another blockbuster program of Deep Space Films began to build momentum and publicity on TV stations and Deep Space Video Network. This is "Run, Brother". This program has been produced and brewed for a long time. There is also Chen Xi personally present to guide, so the quality of the production is still relatively high, and there is no Korean running man as a comparison, so Chen Xi is already full of confidence in the prospects of this show.

In fact, "Run, Brother" on the original track is still doing well, and the stars in it can be considered very relaxed. Everyone has done their best, but many people still can't help being picky, and feel that it is inferior to the Korean one. Far away, and many people know that this is adapted from South Korea. The first impression is that it is very bad, or the first impression is that it is definitely incomparable with South Korea. Therefore, "Run, Brother" also has many negative comment.

But now this deep space film and television version of "Run, Brother" has no South Korean gems at all, all of which are original, so it should not be widely criticized in these places, and this version has Chen Xi as the The producer is naturally not bad, so the prospect of this variety show is indeed quite broad, there is no doubt about it.

The second half of June!
Now, "Unexpectedly" is still in full swing on the Internet. More and more people have seen this online drama. The number of clicks of this online drama has also exceeded one billion, becoming a real god drama. At this time, the broadcast of "Run, Brother" is within this period of time, because there are still many stars appearing in the campaign, and with the backing of Deep Space Film and Television, this show became popular before it was broadcast, and the people who are paying attention to it are especially many.

Many people have been waiting for this variety show for a long time, and some people even feel that they are hopeless. On June 6rd, Friday, "Run, Brother" will officially start broadcasting.

Although this program does not have running men as the front market, after all, it has other things as background, so the attention is even greater. Just after the first episode was broadcast, the ratings broke through a terrifying 2 points, reaching 2.14 [-]%, this rating shocked everyone.

This is obviously a popular program right after its broadcast, and, on Deep Space Film and TV, the number of simultaneous live broadcasts of this program has exceeded 1000 million.

The show has just ended, and the ratings are soaring, and the praise is also rushing out like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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