screen age

Chapter 307 3 million box office!

Chapter 307 13 million box office!
Everyone knows that the box office of domestic films on National Day is about to usher in a fight, and many people know that the result of this fight will determine many things in the future, especially the box office capacity. This is very important. .

The current "Legend of the White Snake" and another "Painted Wall" are now after gearing up, and I feel the shocking thing, although the box office of the first day of these two films is not bad, especially "Painted Wall" , "Legend of the White Snake" also has Li Lianjie, so people feel that this movie is full of expectations. However, the box office of the movie before them is not as good as some people imagined, but "Painted Wall" is Very good.

The gimmick of "Painted Wall" is quite enough, especially the appearance of Liu Yan makes this gimmick much better, but no one knows that this movie should not be easy to watch. There are five kinds of special effects and rough backgrounds made by very simple green screen keying...

But the first-day box office of this film was not bad.

The first-day box office of the two films both exceeded 1000 million... This result is still acceptable in general, but unfortunately they have a horrible comparison in front of them. It seems a bit crude...

Next, the National Day file officially begins!

In fact, the Spring Festival in 2015 and the summer in 2015 have proved that the capacity of the Chinese movie box office market is unimaginable to many people, and it is often possible for many movies to have a higher box office. Therefore, it is possible that the current "Lost in Thailand" together with "Legend of the White Snake" and "Painted Wall" won a pretty good box office...

However, amidst the brilliance of "Lost in Thailand", "Legend of the White Snake" and "Painted Wall" are quite simple in comparison, and their own box office feels a little underwhelming.

This really has a feeling that it's not that we are too incompetent, but that the enemy is too cunning.

The competition for the hegemony of the three movies is still going on normally, and the National Day file will officially arrive at this time...

Therefore, "Lost in Thailand" presented a terrifying firework show in front of everyone. , There were two days in a single day, and the box office hit 9 million yuan, and the box office was still more than 30 million yuan in three days. After one National Day file, the entire Chinese film market got a total of 7000 million yuan at the box office... It’s just that Among the 5000 million RMB, "Lost in Thailand" alone took in a terrifying box office of 5.6 million RMB, and other "Legend of the White Snake" and "Painted Wall" jointly scored 5.6 million RMB. The rest is divided up by other movies...

The National Day box office of 5.6 million yuan has doubled compared to last year's 2.8 million yuan, but everyone knows that this increase is almost due to "Lost in Thailand". As for the other two Movies, and other movies, are basically just a foil, and this is also a bloody reality.

After the fight in the National Day file, "Lost in Thailand", the cumulative box office has reached a terrifying 6.1 million, which has also created many miracles in the Chinese movie box office market. From this point of view, everyone feels that Chen Xi is getting more and more The stronger the power that affects the entire Chinese market!At the very beginning, when Chen Xi said that his movie could break through one billion box office, many people naturally didn't believe it. But now, everyone has really seen the feasibility of this one billion box office.

Next, there is still 3.9 million box office space left. Of course, by this time, "Lost in Thailand" should gradually enter the period of box office exhaustion. It will also gradually disappear... However, in the third week brought to you, "Lost in Thailand" still carries a rather terrifying energy and continues to impact.

In the third week, "Lost in Thailand" basically maintained a daily box office growth of more than 3000 million from Monday to Thursday, and the box office of the three-day weekend basically exceeded 5000 million every day. , after the third week, "Lost in Thailand" still got a terrifying 3.1 million yuan, and the cumulative box office has reached a terrifying 9.2 million yuan!Many records have already been pulled behind me by "Lost in Thailand".

Nowadays, many movies that are scheduled for this time period are regretful. They don’t know why they are so unlucky. How come they happened to meet this damn "Lost in Thailand". Even if the box office is good, it should be difficult to maintain it for too long. After that, it will be their time to play, but... now they have seen the terrifying "Lost in Thailand" with a score of 3000 to [-] million per day to refresh everyone The anticipation, the terrifying box office records are still increasing, and the things created by Chen Xi are also being broken by himself little by little. The horrible records achieved by "Source Code" are now smashed one by one in front of "The Journey to Thailand"...

A movie storm sweeping through China is taking everyone's breath away because it's just too scary.

"In addition to the success that everyone thinks, I personally feel that "Lost in Thailand" also has some distinctive features in the operator. The film was selected in Thailand, not only won the sponsorship of the Thailand Tourism Bureau, but also for mainland audiences. It has created a sense of visual freshness. At the same time, the customs of riding an elephant and watching a ladyboy fight Muay Thai are also combined with the comedy plot, which makes people feel bright. This actually created a good domestic film model, excellent actors combined with scenery For movies or concept films, "囧太囧" is far better than "If You Are the One". This type of film is suitable for mass production... It is also more accessible for the development of ideas and industries.

The mixed elements of the film are also a major feature. It successfully combines scenery films, road films and comedy films, and it is more ingenious to integrate their respective advantages.It is worth mentioning that the special design of 'Liu Yifei' is completely a strategy of knowing what the audience wants.Therefore, in the creation of commercial films, if you know how to please the audience, you must cater to the market, complain that the audience does not understand or claim that you are not trying to please the audience. …What we see is the real rise of Chen Xi. He can shoot a movie with charm like "Front and Cloud", and a science fiction film like "Source Code", which has never been successful in China. He can also shoot pure Entertainment's "Lost in Thailand", this is really a genius! "

"People on the Journey: Lost in Thailand" is indeed an astonishing film. What surprised us the most is Chen Xi's director ability. This is indeed the most powerful young director I know. It can be said to be an enlarged version. The famous Feng Xiaogang, maybe his movies don’t have many things that can really taste decades or centuries, but he can still surprise people time and time again, and the movies he makes are basically good-looking. It gives people the long-winded feeling of many domestic films, and the plot is also very compact. The most important thing is that Chen Xi's ability to grasp the audience's taste is amazing. "Source Code" is a conceptual sci-fi film, but Chen Xi It can be made into a commercial film with European and American action thrillers and suspense, and Thai Jiong Chen Xi purely captures everyone's joy and happiness. From the initial operation to the filming of the film, it can almost poke everyone's hearts. This ability is unique to others. It's hard to do. "

"Lost in Thailand once again proved the strength of director Chen Xi. A comedy is basically done to the extreme. The series of many things makes people dumbfounded. This movie allows everyone to see our market's ability to accept a comedy. , This is incomparable to many other types of films, of course, it is an indisputable fact that only Chen Xi's films can achieve this step."

…With the continuous ferment of such remarks on the Internet, and the snowball box office effect, "People on the Journey: Lost in Thailand" embarked on a brilliant road. The ratings of this movie on and Maintained at a decent 7.8 points, this number has dropped from the initial period but only slightly.

What everyone is looking forward to now is that the box office of "People on the Journey: Lost in Thailand" exceeded one billion. At the beginning, everyone thought that the box office of one billion was just a fantasy, but everything has been proved now. Chen Xi He is a man who keeps his word, even if what he says is incredible.

The box office of "囧囧" reached 9.2 million in three weeks of its release, but the actual number of days it was released was only 17 days. After all, the first week was only released for three days.

In this way, it is indeed a certainty that this film will eventually win one billion, and now it is only a matter of time.

Sure enough, in the following week, the release on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and three days made Jiong Thai break through one billion box office without any suspense, becoming the first movie in the history of Chinese-language movies to break through one billion box office. Behind this movie is With countless broken records, Chen Xi also reached the pinnacle with this movie.

The title on Chen Xi's head is also rising at a very fast speed. Directors with a box office of one billion have already made him the most powerful commercial director in China.

Now many people are beginning to pay attention to the question whether the box office of "People in Lost Journey: Thailand" can finally surpass the previous "Avatar" and reach a terrifying 13 billion. If it can really reach that point, then Chen Xi will obviously really Set foot on the altar and become a monument in the commercialization of Chinese films.

In this way, the Chinese film will take back the title of big box office champion that has not been lost for too long from Avatar's head.

It was at this time that "囧峰囧" was still being screened, and now Chen Xi
It can be said that his domestic prestige and popularity have almost reached the peak, especially his box office record can prove this.

Because Chen Xi's previous source code created a brilliant box office abroad, the global box office of more than 3 million US dollars is also a particularly terrifying figure, but now that he has returned to China, Chen Xi has given other Chinese directors a lot of hope. After all, the previous Avatar The box office has become an immortal work, and it has made many Chinese filmmakers almost feel like shit. They feel that it will be difficult for them to surpass the box office of this film no matter what. Who knows that it will be less than a year. Chen Xi The box office of "Lost in Thailand" exceeded one billion. This kind of box office figure will make everyone feel a sense of excitement, even if they know that they are not Chen Xi, but they also know that there is still hope for their movies. The inflated ticket warehouse in mainland China is still very promising.

Under such circumstances, the box office of the next fourth Zhou Taijiong won a total of 1.7 million, and the cumulative box office has reached 11.9 billion beyond what many people imagined. Now the final box office of this film is almost as far as Avatar’s box office. a step far.

It's just that there are many other movies released at this time, and the daily box office of "囧囧" is constantly being diluted. Everyone feels that the box office of "囧囧" is starting to weaken, and the next week will also start a single-day box office of less than 1000 million. Days, but this weakness is only relative to itself. For many movies, a daily box office of several million is already a terrifying achievement that is hard to imagine.

By the fifth week, because the daily box office of "囧囧" was still able to reach more than 500 million yuan, the film's schedule was close to [-]%, and the key extension was launched.

It is only possible for rare movies to obtain such things as the key extension. Of course, the most important thing is that it can help Thailand to expand the box office.

The box office of the film is still growing. After the fifth week, the box office of "囧囧" reached 12.7 billion. The cumulative box office figure is horrific, but the following releases are more or less like grabbing the box office.

Of course, for many other movies, it is still difficult for the box office to exceed 3000 million in a week, but Thailand is different. Although this movie may still win 3000 million in a week, it is not too long after all. it is good.

As a result, the film finally stopped showing at a box office of 13 billion in mainland China. This figure did not break the record of Avatar, but everyone saw the character of Chen Xi: he did not blindly extend the screening time in order to break the film record.

In fact, it is important for Chen Xi to have such a box office, but he does not want to lose his reputation for this box office.

Later generations of Monster Hunt were caught by netizens here. Chen Xi felt that there was no need for him, because he was confident that he would use other movies to break box office records in the future, and there was no need to leave stains on such trivial matters.

(End of this chapter)

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