screen age

Chapter 56

Chapter 56
Requirements and conditions, it is impossible not to exist.

For a TV series that a TV station needs to invest in, they must always be able to guarantee it.

After all, even if they go outside to buy, they will have rigid requirements on ratings.

"Well, please tell me." It's enough for Chen Xi to achieve her main goal, and other things can be discussed slowly.

"Our main requirements for this TV series are all above, you can take it and have a look." Zhao Like pushed a document over.

Looking at these few pieces of information, Chen Xi frowned slightly.

There's a lot going on on TV.

First of all, they need to control the broadcast rights of this TV series. Although the copyright can belong to Chen Xi's "Deep Space Film and Television", the broadcast rights can only be broadcast on Suhuai TV.

The second round of TV broadcasts can go to other TV stations, but these need to be arranged by Suhuai TV Station.

This one is mandatory.

Secondly, during the filming of TV series, Chen Xi must have a complete storyboard script, and the filming arrangements must be visible to them.

In addition, he needs to shoot 2-3 episodes to be reviewed by the TV station, and after passing the review, he can continue to the next row.

Then, the network needs to decide on some actors.

Chen Xi felt that this one was more personal.

After all, the TV station is not a star agency, and there are not so many actors who need to show their faces on TV, unless they want to hype some hosts, but if they are well-known and can be hyped by the TV station, there should be no shortage of TV dramas to shoot...

Therefore, this may be a personal favor.

Another thing is that Chen Xi's copyright share of "If You Are the One" will be used to offset the investment in "Latent". repay.

Such a number is the main condition.

"This's almost equivalent to me getting a loan from them." Chen Xi lamented in her heart when she saw these terms.

In Suhuai TV station, there are some good people. Even if they agree to Chen Xi's filming of this TV series, there are quite a lot of terms.

Chen Xi could only pinch her nose to recognize it.

Although he has to bargain for some conditions, he has no way to touch things that touch the bottom line of the TV station.

Who made myself now, fledgling?

If he is a TV drama director like Zhao Baogang, and he wants to set up a project to make a TV drama, it's like playing.

But there is one thing that Chen Xi will never back down on, and that is the copyright of TV dramas.

The copyright of TV series must be firmly held in one's own hands.

Once a TV series like "Latent" becomes popular, although the DVD and VCD market will not get much money due to the impact of piracy.However, the second round of broadcast rights, various rounds of broadcast rights, and future film and television adaptation rights, and even the broadcast rights of video websites after a few years...

These are very considerable income.

He wants to make "Latent" the first big IP of "Deep Space Film and Television". (IP is cultural copyright, which can be understood by signboards, and a big IP means a lot of fans).

"There are a few items that I think can be discussed." Chen Xi said: "There is no problem with the trial shooting of TV dramas, but I need to use the few leading actors during filming. If it exceeds the budget, it will also be included in my budget." invest."

"In addition, the TV station can decide some actors, but if it is a character with more than five lines, it must pass my review."

"Also, except for the broadcasting rights and some decision-making rights of "Latent", all other copyrights must be owned by 'Deep Space Film and Television'!" Chen Xi said in a very calm tone, but every sentence revealed Meaning, Zhao Like felt a little emotional in his heart.

Chen Xi, this kid, really hits the nail on the head!

He didn't dwell too long on innocuous details, but focused on the center.

And he also stuck a few paths with an audit.

"This is negotiable, who will you use as the leading actor?"

"Sun Honglei, Yao Chen."

The lead actor still plans to use the previous one.

People like Sun Honglei are quite pleasing to the eye after getting used to it.

As for Yao Chen...

She is the heroine of the original version, although because of "Wulin Biography" she may make people feel a little out of play, but indeed, she played well.

"In addition, there are several important roles that must be selected by me."

At least, Chen Xi couldn't let go of the roles of station master, Li Ya, and Lu Qiaoshan.

Fortunately, the old actor who played the station master, Zu Feng who played Li Ya is not very well-known, and the same is true for Wu Gang who played Lu Qiaoshan...

From Chen Xi's perspective, he couldn't put it down for the performances of Wu Gang and the others in "Latent".

These guys did a great job.

Without the wonderful performance of these people, it would not be easy for "Latent" to become popular.

With such thoughts, Chen Xi persisted.

"Sun Honglei, Yao Chen?"

Zhao Like glanced at Chen Xi, and then thought about it: "It's a bit difficult... and even if they are found, their salary will be very high. You might as well find a few unknown and powerful ones, and they have a schedule , and will not share the audience's attention to the plot."

Sometimes, if a star is the leading actor in a TV series, the audience will only look at their face and forget to watch the plot of the TV series...

In later generations, TV dramas like "Gu Jian Qi Tan" and "Splendid Edge Gorgeous Adventure" have the same plot as shit, but they couldn't bear a bunch of viewers who came to see their faces, so they still handed over billions of hits Quantitative transcripts.

The same goes for reasoning in reverse...

Big-name stars and big-name directors, in many cases, they do not build a crew with the script as the core, but instead build a crew with people as the core.

"Sun Honglei doesn't really care about face, and so does Yao I have to stick to my decision." Chen Xi smiled.

Many people have the impression that Sun Honglei only became popular after "Latent", but in fact, this person has always been well-known in the film and television industry. In "Seven Swords" directed by Xu Ke, he played an important role.

"This is still possible, as long as it doesn't exceed the budget too much..."

...Chen Xi and Zhao Like were caught in a bargain.

The more Zhao Like talked, the more frightened he became...

Because of this Chen Xi, his understanding of many things is simply incisive, and he can always hit the point in the conversation.

He knows all the small details of the crew and TV series like the palm of his hand.

Although the entertainment circle is a circle, Chen Xi and the others are already in this circle, and they know many things better than ordinary people.

But there is still a natural gap between them and the film and television industry, so unless they have been on the set, or have directly led soldiers in the set, otherwise, it is impossible for them to understand those things as clearly as Chen Xi.

Zhao Like was also quite shocked because of this.

This kid is really hard to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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