screen age

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

The advertising title fee of "If You Are the One" has been quarreled, as if it can earn countless money once it starts broadcasting.

But this is not the case. After deducting various costs and offsetting the moisture in the advertising price, what Suhuai TV can really get from "If You Are the One" is mainly popularity.

Variety shows are strong, this is not just for fun.

After "If You Are the One", Suhuai TV Station has become an important part of the national territory. They have risen outside Zhongnan Satellite TV and attracted the attention of many people.

The price of 4000 million is indeed a wild asking price.

...Chen Xi outside was already absent-minded.

What he was thinking about was no longer about "If You Are the One".

For him, "Frontier Wind and Cloud" is now a treasure, he fears it will melt in his mouth, and he fears losing it in his hand.

When the real movie was about to be released, the panic in my heart grew more and more.

First of all, there is the issue of filing.

This movie, Chen Xi, will be released as soon as possible. Anyway, it will definitely be released before August this year...

His popularity has been concentrated during this period of time, if left alone, it may disappear instead.

In addition, he doesn't have much time. He has a lot of movies in his head, but it takes time and cost to realize them. Time and cost, first of all, time, he wants to grab time.

The summer of 2007 will be a fierce battle between domestic and imported films.

This year, Chinese films did not go too far on the road of the chick genre, and did not rely on the so-called youth films to compete with Hollywood blockbusters. In this era, China still has men like "Tou Ming", "Assembly", and "Red Cliff" Movies can also reap good box office.

But this year's summer file, domestic films are close to losing their voice.

"Harry Potter 2", "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", "Transformers" and "Spiderman 3" will carve up the entire market.

These days, although the box office capacity of movies in mainland China is growing at a high speed, it is only 30 billion yuan a year, and those domestic blockbusters and imported blockbusters can basically divide up at least 70% of the box office, and the rest can be used by other movies. Order leftovers.

"Border Situation" is a small-to-medium-budget film, a domestically produced small-to-medium-budget movie. Last year's "Crazy Stone" gave everyone hope, but the momentary light disappeared in a flash.This year, so far, there are more than 50 domestic films that have been shown to audiences in theaters. Unfortunately, almost all low-cost domestic films come and go in theaters. After a short spring, domestic low-cost films are about to enter a cold autumn...

This is a pretty grim situation.

Of course, compared to those movies, Chen Xi of "Front and Cloud" is a bit popular now, Sun Honglei is also a well-known star, Ni Dahong, Yang Kun, and Wang Luodan also have their own audiences...

But these advantages mean that in low-cost domestic films, short people can be taller than others. When encountering blockbuster films, no matter Hollywood or domestic production... they are like a small boat in front of a giant ship, which can be directly torn to shreds.

However, if "Border Situation" is released in August and September...

It was a cold winter for movies. Even if they won the top spot, they would not be able to drive the box office at all. It would be better to share some cakes when Hollywood blockbusters pushed the market to a particularly high level...

Thinking about this matter gave Chen Xi a headache.

Second, there is the issue of publicity.

The problem of publicity, this can be carefully considered, but the issue of distribution is imminent...

His "Deep Space Film and Television" has production and distribution in its full name, but in fact, they only have the ability to produce, and at most they have a little bit of publicity ability. As for the ability to distribute...

Strictly speaking, it is a problem for the current "Frontier" to enter the cinema.

There are so many movies produced in China every year, less than half of them can actually be released, and the rest follow the DVD route, or are purely underground movies. Of course, with the help of Sun Honglei, Yang Kun, Ni Dahong and others, it should be no problem to go to theaters with a little more money...

But publicizing and distributing...

How do you guarantee that the movie theater can give you enough movies?

If there is not enough filming...the consequences will be disastrous.

Take seven years later as an example, even if it is a box office bomb like "Taking Tiger Mountain Out of Wisdom", if you can only shoot one or two films a day, how many people will say that he is good?How can word-of-mouth effect be formed?How can you get that kind of box office?

this is a big problem……

Chen Xi thought about it carefully. In this regard, there is no way to go except to cooperate with a professional publicity company.

In this regard, he has three main choices: Huayi, Bona, and Chengtian.

Three companies, each with its own advantages and disadvantages...

There is also publicity, Chen Xi's public relations and publicity department has been established, and they have made some achievements in hyping "Frontier Storm" and Chen Xi, but they have not gone through blood and fire at all. It is even more blank, so for publicity, Chen Xi and the others can only provide concepts, but they cannot do it.

In terms of publicity, it has to be posted under the banner of other companies, with the help of their various publicity measures that have matured...

So many things!

But only a little bit.

These questions are so many and critical that people feel that there is no way to avoid them, but you have to come one by one. He comes from many sides, and I only go all the way.

This way, Chen Xi is ahead of this era and able to stand at the top of the pyramid's movie vision.

If Chen Xi didn't estimate these difficulties before, and didn't have the slightest solution, then of course it is impossible.

Time is passing……

After an hour, Suhuai TV Station and "Deep Space Film and Television" have reached a rough negotiation!
Chen Xi was still pointing at the promotional expenses of "Border Situation" and the like.

The final number was finally about the same as Chen Xi expected.

80 million!

The copyright transaction of "If You Are the One" was completed.

This number means that Deep Space Film and Television has received a large amount of capital injection, and various departments may also be established. The announcement of "Frontier Wind and Cloud" has a solid background.

"Finally I have money again!"

Chen Xi felt relieved for a while.

With this money, at least, if the movie wants to enter the theaters, that is not a problem, and if it wants to be distributed, it is not a problem.

The only problem is the effect and the final box office.

"How is it? After so long, it's hard to sell it like this, isn't it?"

Chen Xi's face was still gloomy from the myriad of clues in "The Frontier", Ou Yangzhi would be wrong and patted his chest with a file folder.

"A little bit." Chen Xi didn't say anything, and then said: "But no matter what, we finally have money..."

" have to keep it!"

Ou Yangzhi said something quietly.

PS: I'm sorry, I went to watch Running Man last night... Alas, I regret it, and I must put the codeword as the first place in the future.

I really want to complain, why is Huang Xiaoming so high-profile?

(End of this chapter)

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