Chapter 2

Seeing her smile, Su Qi felt a slight pain in his heart.Ning Muchen found countless women to fill the emptiness in his heart, An Xuexia's smile remained the same, as if he was the only one like an idiot, and almost gave up on himself for this relationship.

Thinking of this, Su Qi felt a little angry.Looking at her face, his heart was roaring: You can give up on me so casually, you can live such a wonderful life, and you can sit opposite me like a normal person!An Xuexia, don't you ever feel a little uneasy because of me?
"Since I met you in the cemetery, you seem to have disappeared from the world. The house was sold, and I dropped out of school—I have been looking for you for the past four years. I have searched almost all art colleges at home and abroad. It's just that you don't have your name." Su Qi's voice gradually became sad.Just like in the cemetery.

An Xuexia thought that her heart was at peace, but when she heard him say that, she still felt a little pain in her heart.Perhaps, time has never changed anything.

Su Qi intertwined his fingers, still arrogant.He asked lightly: "What did I do wrong to make you hate you so much? In the past four years, I have often thought that I ignored you at the time, and it was my fault, but... no matter what It doesn't make you hate me that much, does it?"

"Maybe it was because I was young and energetic at the time. Thinking about it later, I really blamed you. The time is coming, I think I should go." An Xuexia didn't want to mention the cause of An Sheng's death.And Su Qi will never know.Back then, there was only her, Anyayan, and Ning Muchen on the bridge.Except for these four people, no one would know the shock and pain of that scene, and no one would realize that her heart was as dead as ashes.She raised her hand to check the time, but the huge heart-shaped diamond ring on her ring finger hurt Su Qi's eyes.

He held the cup tightly with his fingers, and asked in shock: "You...are married..."

The sadness in his eyes and the heartache in his words made An Xuexia's heart hurt again.She said casually, "Yes. What about you?"

"Me? It should be soon!" An Xuexia, I've been waiting for you!Su Qi no longer wants to expose his emotions to the sun and let others wantonly hurt him.He smiled lightly and said, "Should I send a car to take you back?"

"No need, someone is waiting for me outside." An Xuexia smiled slightly.

He looked at her quietly and slowly closed his eyes.Heart, so painful that I can't breathe.

"I'll take you out."

"it is good."

An Xuexia took her own things and walked side by side with Su Qi.All the way in silence, there is no more sweet love in the past.Outside the white carved gate, a cool red sports car parked there quietly.Seeing An Xuexia coming out, An Yayan and a young and handsome boy opened the car door and walked towards her.

Anya Yan's eyes moved to Su Qi, and said politely, "Brother Su Qi, hello." Su Qi nodded with a faint smile.

"Xuchen? Why are you with Xiaoyan?" An Xuexia left Su Qi's side, and walked towards the two sunny boys in surprise.

Zhuang Xuchen has always been a person who is not good at expressing, so he just looked at An Xuexia and smiled silently.Anyayan came over and took An Xuexia's arm, and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law is here on a business trip!"


The sports car slowly left Su Qi's sight.The security personnel stood quietly by the side, not daring to approach Su Qi.

The warm sunlight shone on the sports car, reflecting wisps of faint light.Su Qi silently turned around and went back, coughing uncontrollably!
He took out a white handkerchief to cover his lips and coughed violently, his shoulders kept shaking, and a fishy sweetness welled up his throat amidst the heart-piercing pain.Slowly took off the handkerchief, traces of blood looming.Yi Ren is still the same, but he is powerless to keep her, and he is powerless to look at her again.For four years, I have been looking forward to seeing her every day and night, but seeing her like this is worse than not seeing her.Thinking of this, Su Qi closed his eyes in despair, letting his body slowly fall down like a light cloud——

"Quick, the young master has fainted!!" The security guards were extremely nervous, and rushed to hug Su Qi who was on the ground and sent him to the hospital.


(End of this chapter)

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