Chapter 39

Time passed by every minute and every second.It's twenty minutes to five o'clock.Su Qi seemed to be intentionally torturing these little hooligans, and looked at them with a calm smile, wanting to do something, but he didn't do it for a long time.Yuying High School is only 10 minutes away from here, so he has plenty of time to spend with them.The hooligans didn't know how strong he was, so they could only confront him, not daring to take a step forward.

There was the sound of brakes ahead.Then came the sound of steady footsteps.It is usually so quiet that the sound of the wind blowing can be heard here, why is it so lively today?Eyebrows glanced at the person in front of him, Su Qi looked towards the alley.

Suddenly, his lips tightened instantly, his face suddenly lost temperature like ice a few degrees below zero, and his smile froze instantly!The little hooligan who threw away the knife took the opportunity to sneak away, turned around and ran away.Seeing him leaving, the others abandoned their weapons and fled.And Su Qi was like a frozen sculpture, except for his ten fingers clenched tightly, his face became paler and paler, he didn't respond in any way!

Those people are still approaching him step by step with malicious intentions...

The breeze caressed the earth gently, and the world was instantly quiet, only the sound of footsteps from far to near.Is Su Qi here?The smile on An Xuexia's face became more obvious.But she didn't open her eyes, she still closed her eyes and leaned against the cherry blossom tree, waiting for that person to approach her.Su Qi, you are late today——

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and then stopped a meter away from him.It's strange, it doesn't feel like Su Qi——

"Are you deaf or blind! Didn't you see our President Shen coming?!" A rough growl sounded in An Xuexia's ears, and she suddenly opened her eyes to look at the source of the sound.A slightly chubby middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes stood in front of An Xuexia without a smile. Behind him stood two tall and thick young men. The man with a scar on his face looked particularly aggressive.He should be the one who yelled at him just now, right?When did this city have more people like this?Hmph, and that obnoxious thing?

Mr. Shen?His surname is Shen... An Xuexia realized something, her lips parted slightly, and her dilated pupils instantly met the man's eyes.The man smiled contemptuously, raised his eyebrows and gave up.

Could it be that he belongs to Su Qi...

An Xuexia's hands behind her back were clenched suddenly, her eyes fixed on this heartless man!Su Qi hasn't come yet, he has never been a latecomer, how is he doing now! !

Ouyang Yingting finally got up and went downstairs after two reminders from Butler Park.He is so greedy for the beautiful scenery here, but it is a pity that there are too many things on his body, he can't do what he wants to do with his temperament like an ordinary high school student.When he reached the first cherry blossom tree under the building, he inadvertently looked up and saw An Xuexia and the three strange men.Judging by the momentum, it seems that the visitor is not good.Being in a wealthy family, he was used to these occasions since he was a child, so he developed a calm personality.Seeing the middle-aged man, Steward Pu, who has always been indifferent to things, seemed a little surprised.

Ouyang Yingting turned and walked to the right, but Butler Pu's extremely subtle facial expressions could not escape his sharp eyes.He bent his beautiful eyes, and asked sideways as he walked forward, "Do you know that person?"

Butler Pu didn't seem to want to mention it, but in front of Ouyang Yingting, he never concealed anything.He did know that person.The president of Shen's company, Shen Yichen.

(End of this chapter)

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