Chapter 76

After calming down, Su Qi saw that Aunt Zhao was also in the car.He took off his sunglasses, nodded and smiled.Aunt Zhao said kindly: "You must be very tired after going out for so many days? Why don't you go home and take a shower before going to see Xiaoxia?"

"Yeah brother, Mom and I have been here waiting for you for more than an hour, why don't you come back with us and stay for a while?" Shen Xuan looked sideways at him while driving.

Su Qi has no hostility towards Shen Xuan and Aunt Zhao, but——

"I don't want to see Shen Yichen." Su Qi said indifferently, then took a sip of coffee, and turned his head to look at the beautiful hometown he hadn't seen for a long time.

Aunt Zhao quickly said, "It's okay, he's on a business trip, and he won't be back for a day or two."

"I don't want to smell anything related to him. As long as there is him in that home, I will not go back. Aunt Zhao, Xiaoxuan, I know you are very kind to me, and never blame me and my mother for ruining your relationship." Family, but, I blame Shen Yichen, I also hate Shen Yichen, I will never forgive him in this life." Su Qi's eyes flashed a shadow, and his fingertips almost pierced through the paper cup.

Shen Xuan saw these small changes one by one, so he stopped talking.Aunt Zhao said: "Xiaoqi, your mother has already forgiven him, why do you have to hate him so much? No matter what, he is always your father..."

"I don't have a father, Aunt Zhao. I only have a miserable mother. Since the day I was not born, my world with my mother has been without him. Thank you for caring about me all these years, but I don't admit it Shen Yichen, I will never admit him." Su Qi looked back, his constricted pupils faintly flashed unquestionable firmness and determination.

Aunt Zhao didn't say anything anymore.There was a touch of sadness in the air, this sadness not only belonged to Su Qi, but also belonged to Shen Xuan and Aunt Zhao.The two of them have never regarded Su Qi as an outsider. Seeing Su Qi torture themselves like this, they feel uncomfortable.

Ning Muchen did not return overnight.An Xuexia only thought that he went somewhere to drink and race cars again.Qiye called to tell her about his injury just before get out of class ended.

An Xuexia was always the last one to leave school.Walking silently on the spacious road, her heart suddenly felt empty.Ning Muchen is the kind of maverick, and she has always hated that kind of boys.I always thought that even if he died, I would not shed half a tear for him.But now that he is so seriously injured, I suddenly start to feel pity for him——

Although he is very annoying, he is not a person who commits the greatest crimes. Shen Xuan's actions are too much...

When passing the familiar corridor, the phone vibrated.It's Su Qi.At this moment, An Xuexia was not as pleasantly surprised as expected.Perhaps the news of Ning Muchen's injury has disturbed her thoughts of missing Su Qi!An Xuexia raised her hand to brush her hair, trying to dispel her restlessness and soften her voice.

"Hey, are you still abroad?" Her voice sounded intoxicating.That kind of tenderness is Su Qi's ultimate goal in this life.

"I'm back, the plane arrives at eleven o'clock." His gentle voice came from the phone.

"Then where are you now?" An Xuexia's irritability dissipated immediately, and anyone could hear the joy in her voice.Although Ning Muchen's injury was a big deal, no matter how big it was, Su Qi simply said "I'm back"!
"I'm...behind you." Hearing her joy, Su Qi smiled happily.An Xuexia turned her head slowly. He was standing ten meters away, holding his mobile phone and covering half of his face with his textbook.Seeing her standing there blankly, he smiled and stepped forward.

(End of this chapter)

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