Chapter 99

The second reporter who spoke asked, "Excuse me, have you ever investigated your own life experience? Do you believe that the Shen family is your home?"

Su Qi didn't change his face, and smiled lightly. "Never. I think, for a person, the age that needs the most love is childhood. And I have gone through a long childhood alone, why should I go back when I don't need him anymore? Now, do you have any relatives? It doesn't make much sense to me. Even if I get them back, my childhood is still a blank, and no one can make it up, it will only make me complain more. So, I like the tranquility now."

"Some people say that your mother is a college student, but she has passed away. However, there are reports that your mother is a bar girl and is still alive. Which one is true?"

An Xuexia nervously grasped Zhi's hand——

Su Qi's right hand on his knee slowly tightened, but because it was under the table, no one saw it.The pupils under the sunglasses tightened, and he tried hard to suppress his emotions. "My mother is dead, she was a pure college student."

"So, do you admit that your mother is the third party?"

Su Qi's fingers were stiff and pale, and his face became more and more ugly.Suddenly, a person rose up in response——

"Can we decide what kind of family we are born in?"

Ouyang Yingting, who was already standing in the crowd, rose up in response.All eyes were on him.Su Qi looked at him in the audience, his lips parted slightly.The gentle man in casual clothes seems to give him a kind of inexplicable intimacy... just like the person who keeps appearing in dreams...

Ouyang Yingting chuckled, "Everyone can't decide their own birth. The only thing we can do is how to live. If Su Qi was really born in such an environment, what we can do is to cherish him more, and It is not because of this that he is denied. He did not participate in the affairs of the previous generation, and he has no right to decide. For him, such a birth is also a kind of harm to him. Born in such a family, there is no father, nor is the mother. You can still live such a wonderful life without giving up on yourself. Shouldn’t you look at this young man with admiration? When looking at a person, you should not only stop at his birth, but also pay attention to his character. As his fans, we Shouldn't we support him more?"

Wonderful!The fans were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and there was a burst of warm applause from below.Su Qi looked at this man with some emotion.Ouyang Yingting sat down with a smile, and the crowd immediately overwhelmed him.When An Xuexia saw that it was him, she couldn't help admiring his elegance and talent even more when she was excited.

Seeing this scene, the reporters quickly changed the topic.

"Some people say that when you were young in the orphanage, you were not only beaten, but also molested by psychopathic men, so now you have homosexual tendencies, right?"

Regarding this point, Su Qi had ordered Wei Yingzhi to check it out last night.He spread his hands on the table and smiled lightly: "If there is evidence, you can say that, but this is just someone's malicious slander. Before I signed a contract with Yayun, Xinlan's boss came to me, but at that time I I want to study, so I rejected Xinlan's invitation. My current boss can prove this."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Zhihe, the boss of Yayun, walked into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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