Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 1013 It Really Was a Conspiracy

Chapter 1013 It Really Was a Conspiracy

Just when Yang Tianlong and the others were about to leave, the voice of the police telling them to stay behind suddenly came from behind.

I saw a policeman walking over with a solemn expression on his face.

"Sorry, I have to inform you about some situations."

"What's the situation?" Kassaid became even more interested.

"They recruited. It was indeed Rules who ordered them to do it, but this Ruhrs is no longer on Castant Street. He should have heard the wind and fled." The policeman said with regret.

"How do you know?" Yang Tianlong asked in surprise.

"The police from our sub-bureau just went to Rules's house to search. It was a mess. He must have run away. By the way, he also drove away a red Toyota off-road vehicle in his garage." The policeman said seriously.

"Okay, we got it, thank you." Yang Tianlong nodded at the policeman, but he was not ready to finish talking immediately, "So, do you have any photos of Rules, let us see?"

"Yes, it's on my cell phone." The policeman said as he took out his cell phone, Rules suddenly appeared in front of Yang Tianlong and the others.

Looking at the photo, Rules is a middle-aged man with curly hair and a big beard, just like the North African man, but his chin is very sharp. It looks a bit like a "monkey cheek" at first glance, which is better recognizable.

"This is Rules, right?" Kassaid couldn't help saying again to confirm.

"Yes, he is Rules." The policeman nodded again.

"Thank you, if we see him, we will definitely contact you." Kassaid said with a smile.

The policeman nodded, told them to pay attention to their own safety, and then left quickly.

"Huaxialong, what are we going to do?" On the car going back, Yang Tianlong, Kassaid, and Shizitou sat in the same car.

"Caside probably hasn't escaped too far, so let's search the whole city of Aswan. His appearance is easy to identify." Yang Tianlong decided not to let Casside go this time.

"But the entire city of Aswan is so big, and my men are limited, how should we search?" Casside became confused.

The lion head looked calm and unhurried, "Mr. Casside, I will divide an area for you at that time, and you will be responsible for the search there."

"That's right, Mr. Casside, what Lionhead said is right, we can't arrange people everywhere, after all, your people are limited." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay, that's exactly what I meant, so tell me, where should my personnel search?" Kassaid hurriedly asked.

"It's from the Nile River to the Nasser Reservoir." Yang Tianlong said, "You can even use helicopters. In fact, the red Toyota off-road vehicle is very easy to find targets."

Casside was reminded by Yang Tianlong, and then he remembered that the police officer just said that when Rouls escaped, he also drove away the red off-road vehicle. Isn't this red off-road vehicle just a very conspicuous vehicle? target?

"Okay, I'll arrange it now." After finishing speaking, Kassaid took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Yang Tianlong wasn't idle either. When he was in the desert oasis two days ago, he tamed several peregrine falcons at once. Now the peregrine falcons are fully in use, and they are sent out in all directions.

Back in the hotel, Yang Tianlong didn't let all his guys out, but asked everyone to rest in the hotel. Once there was anything, he would remind everyone in time.

Except for the fact that the lion head might know what kind of medicine Yang Tianlong sold in the gourd, the rest of the people didn't know, and they returned to their room with blank faces.

Seeing that his brother-in-law didn't seem to be in a hurry to rest, Jonny also became a little worried.

"Huaxialong, are you still not resting?" Johnny actually didn't know that Yang Tianlong had a private armed force in Africa. He only knew that Huaxialong was a businessman in agriculture and animal husbandry. I don't know anything else.

"I still have some things to do in China, you know, jet lag." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

Johnny was immediately deceived by this ingenious lie, he nodded involuntarily, and after telling Yang Tianlong to rest early, he walked towards the elevator.

This time, the peregrine falcon's cleverness was completely used on the idea. In less than an hour, a peregrine falcon locked on Rules on a small road 30 kilometers away from Aswan City.

The notification sound of the peregrine falcon came over all at once.

Yang Tianlong's drowsy consciousness also suddenly realized the voice of the peregrine falcon. The voice was like a shot of stimulant, which shocked his whole body.

"Lock the target, let's set off immediately." Yang Tianlong told Peregrine Falcon with his own consciousness.

"Chirp..." Peregrine Falcon let out a long cry, answering his master.

Soon, Yang Tianlong called his fellows, got on the off-road vehicle, and drove all the way towards the escape route of Rules.

When they caught Rules, they saw that this guy was already a strong bow and a frightened bird. They didn't even need to spend too much effort before Rules was caught.

At first, Rules' mouth was as hard as a dead duck, but after waiting for Yang Tianlong and the others to use the lynching, Ruers, who used to make people's lives worse than death, also thoroughly felt the cruelty of these cruel lynchings this time. smell.

"I said, I said, I said everything, just please let me go." Rules, who was lying on the ground, said with snot and tears.

"Okay, then tell me." The lion's head took back the throwing knife that was on the thing under Rules.

Rules, who was already as docile as a little sheep, made a clean move this time.

Sure enough, Nuerman and the others asked him to do this.

They made explosives in the caves in the desert oasis and trained their people. The purpose is to wait for the right time to smuggle to Karta on a large scale to carry out terrorist attacks, so that Prince Hussein and King Haziz will feel the pressure, so that he can be at any time Come to power.

And they planned to kidnap Ms. Ratti just to make Ms. Ratti pay them a high ransom. After all, except for some real estate real estate that Nuerman's property can be used, the rest has long been given by the Karta government. frozen.

"Where is Nuerman running now?" Yang Tianlong attached great importance to this information, and asked after he yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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