Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 1031 John takes refuge?

Chapter 1031 John takes refuge?

What Yang Tianlong said in two days was probably a quantifier, because on the second day, his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was Linka who called him, which surprised Yang Tianlong, because in his opinion, Linka must be looking for him for something.

"Huaxialong, are you in Bunia now?" Linka's voice came over.

"Yes, sister, I'm in Bunia now." Yang Tianlong said honestly.

"John is in a bad state of mind recently. I want him to stay with you. You should welcome him," Linka said.

Yang Tianlong was even more taken aback this time, asking John to stay in his village for a while?To be honest, he didn't like them coming over, but they were all family members, so he couldn't object to anything.

"Okay, let brother-in-law come over, when will he come?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"Afternoon, he mainly encountered some annoying things at work, and some failures in our investment, so he is not in a good mood these two days, so I want him to find a quiet place to stay for two days, don't worry , it won't be too long." Linka said apologetically.

"This is not a problem, sister, then you can send him his flight number later, and I will pick him up." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay, thank you..." After finishing speaking, Linka hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Tianlong always felt that something was wrong, how could brother-in-law John come to him?
For them who are proud and arrogant, is this considered a kind of shelter?

Yang Tianlong was very puzzled. After thinking about it, he decided to call his wife.

He told his wife about the situation, and his wife Elena seemed to understand.

"Honey, my sister and the others failed in their investment and lost some money, so my brother-in-law is not in a good mood, but I don't think it's very good for you to arrange him in Mr. Wilmots' hotel just now, because they I know you have your own hotel in Bok Village."

What his wife said was right, after Yang Tianlong heard this, he immediately felt that his previous arrangement was too hasty.

"Okay, since their investment really failed, I'll also spare them a room in the hotel in Bok Village." Yang Tianlong said.

"Then I'll trouble you, dear, don't let them gossip." Elena warned softly.

"Don't worry, I will settle John down." Yang Tianlong said.

After finishing the call with his wife, Yang Tianlong called Lion Head to his room and told him the news that his brother-in-law was coming to Bunia to relax.

When Lion Head heard it, he didn't have any opinion.

"I will strictly restrict his activities and not let him wander around the village at will." Yang Tianlong said.

"Let me arrange it. When the time comes, arrange security personnel at important places. Once you find John approaching, stop him in time." Lion Head said after thinking about it.

"It's better for you to do this villain's business." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"That can't be helped, he's your relative, so you can't let him get caught, but I feel that the relationship between you and him seems to be..." Lion Head hesitated to speak, but finally held back his words .

"Yes, the relationship between me and them is not very good. It is very complicated. There are reasons for me as well as their reasons. Therefore, there is a saying in China called 'It is difficult for an honest official to break up housework', roughly speaking That's what it means." Yang Tianlong said with a rather helpless face.

"I believe most of it is his problem. You are the most perfect person I have ever seen." Lionhead smiled and said.

"There's no such thing as perfection." Yang Tianlong shook his head, but he was very happy in his heart.

Chatted with Lion Head for a while, because Mana had something to do with Lion Head, so Lion Head left soon.

Yang Tianlong looked at the various reports and plans sent to him by Belen in the room, and after reading too many of these business documents, he felt that his head was getting bigger.

Suddenly, a document caught Yang Tianlong's attention.That is the report on commercial and residential land use in Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi.

Sure enough, just as Yang Tianlong judged, in less than a year, the land in Bujumbura tripled.

That is to say, their previous investment of 1 million US dollars has now tripled.

Except for the construction of the 2000-acre Hugang Wharf, which has already started, the rest of the land is still vacant.

To be honest, this 3 times growth rate has greatly exceeded Yang Tianlong's imagination. He was crazy for a while, but he still suppressed his temper and replied an email to Belen, that is to ask Belen to combine the entire African region to investigate What is the maximum increase in land prices at once? At that time, based on the survey results, the next direction of land use will be determined.

After replying Belen's email, Yang Tianlong called Wilmots. During the phone call, he told Wilmots that the investment of 20 US dollars suddenly became 60.

Wilmots on the other end of the phone was in a daze for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"It seems that my hotel will be put on the construction agenda earlier." Wilmots said with a smile.

"Yes, by then the outsiders over there will definitely flock here." Yang Tianlong said.

"Old man, thank you very much for the advice you gave me at that time. I will treat you to dinner tonight." Wilmots said.

"No, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

"I should invite you." Wilmots also began to "persist".

"I'm still here to invite my wife's sister's husband to Bunia in the afternoon." Yang Tianlong told the truth.

"Okay, then please, I will treat you another day." After hanging up the phone, Wilmots had a smile on his face.

After staying in the room for a while, Yang Tianlong originally wanted to call Mr. Bazar, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and denied it. According to Bazar's wealth, he must have seen it. Those who don't, it won't be too late to tell him when he has actually made billions of dollars.

When he went downstairs to the lobby on the first floor, Yang Tianlong actually found Mr. Claire and Robert sitting in the corner of the lobby drinking coffee and chatting beautifully.

When I walked over and asked, Robert actually wanted to write his life experience into a book. Of course, his writing skills were not good, and he needed Claire's help.

After listening to it, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and couldn't help but said, "This is a good idea, and it might sell well."

"The life of an arms dealer has always been of great interest to the outside world, so there is no reason why it won't sell well." Claire nodded accordingly.

"You won't really announce your real identity, will you?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked.

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(End of this chapter)

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