Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 1045 Feng Shui Layout of Genting Hotel

Chapter 1045 Feng Shui Layout of Genting Hotel

The car was driving quickly on the winding mountain path, and I don't know how many turns and bridges to go on. Finally, after more than an hour, Yang Tianlong and the others boarded the Yunding Plateau.

Compared with the heat in downtown Kuala Lumpur, the climate here is like a different environment, giving people an extremely refreshing feeling.

The first impression given to Yang Tianlong here is that it is not like a mountain top, but more like a city.

Several skyscrapers, shopping plazas, musical fountains, and the tall Ferris wheel, they seem to be in a magical entertainment venue.

The lion head said to Da Peng: "Old man, where is the Feng Shui master? Give him a call."

The feng shui master was invited by Dapeng. It is said that he is very famous in Southeast Asia.

Da Peng nodded, then took out his mobile phone and made a call with the Feng Shui master.

There was a lot of chatter in his mouth, and after a while, Da Peng put down the phone.

"It will be over in a while, we might as well wait here."

"Old man, we can only wait here." Lion Head said to Yang Tianlong.

"That guy Robert is with you now?" Da Peng asked in surprise.

"Yes, that guy is with me now, and we made a fortune in Africa together. When you were locked up together, did you know that he was an arms dealer?" Lionhead asked with a smile.

Da Peng shook his head, "He seldom spoke after he was imprisoned. Even if he was bullied by the cell bosses, he still kept silent. Fortunately, I didn't bully him at that time."


Lion head chatted with Dapeng, but Yang Tianlong looked at the hotel that was called the largest in the world.

The two skyscrapers are connected to each other, with a height of more than 20 floors. In addition, the exterior walls of the hotel are painted with colorful paint, which looks as mysterious as the local primitive aborigines.

For some reason, Yang Tianlong always felt that these two buildings looked like two big mountains standing in front of him, which made it difficult for him to overcome.

The climate of Genting Highlands is indeed cooler, and it is even so cool that they stand outside for a long time, and they can't help but want to run to the sun to accept the temperature of the sun.

Fortunately, the sun is quite sufficient this season.

The group stayed outside for more than half an hour, only to see a small old man get out from nowhere under the entourage of several people.

"Mr. Lin is here." Da Peng said quickly.

Lion Head and the others quickly stood up, looking expectantly at Mr. Lin, the Feng Shui master.

"The layout here is very mysterious." Mr. Lin's first sentence was like this.

"When you go to Genting Highlands, turn around, go up and down, if you are not careful, you will be stared at by a few big knives and axes at a certain entrance; or lion's mouth rocket missiles and the like, if no one tells you What do you mean by these things, you can only sigh that the decoration here is really magnificent! When you follow the tour guide after nine turns and ten turns in the garden, and finally arrive at the hotel lobby or casino, then you are almost the same. I'm so dizzy! This is the genius of Genting Highlands!"

After swallowing his saliva, Mr. Lin continued, "This casino is solely owned by Lin Mutong, a Chinese from Fujian. The gamblers go up the mountain, and nine out of ten have already become the turtle in the urn. Boss Lin used Feng Shui to try his best to set up a puzzle. , the purpose is to make visitors lose money. For example, if banana trees are planted all over the mountain, I thought they were wild. The waiter told Teacher Zhu that this is what the boss means: "Let your own bananas (recruit) make money and make gamblers win bananas." (Fucked)". On the way up the mountain, we also saw lifelike statues of savages in the forest. Don't think that they are the characters in fairy tales. In fact, those "savages" pointed their arrows at the visitors and prepared to take all their money. Go, there is a group of tiger statues in the forest near the top of the mountain. It is no wonder that those visitors will not be eaten by tigers when they walk up the mountain! Even the casino is arranged on the 7th floor. The number 7 is like a hook. When you step into the casino on the 7th floor, The boss can always hook all the money in your pocket! Genting Casino designed the kitchen on the third floor, and decorated the ceiling into a vaulted shape, which looks like a pot. The gamblers upstairs are betting in a daze. I feel being cooked by the boss invisibly, even if you win [-], the boss can make you spit out the money you won before going down the mountain...”

"Then is there a way to break this Feng Shui bureau?" In fact, this is what Lion Head and the others are most concerned about.

"It's very difficult to break through, but if I set up a game, it should be no problem to barely draw with them." Mr. Lin said after thinking about it.

"Okay, then I will trouble you to set up a plan for us." Lion Head said humbly to the Feng Shui master.

"Let's go open first, the smaller the better, and the more cloudy the location, the better. At the same time, you must also change all your outfits. When you enter the casino later, you wear slippers, shorts and vests. Remember , There must be no pockets in the shorts." Mr. Lin explained.

Yang Tianlong and the others were a little puzzled, what is the reason for this.

Da Peng saw the doubts in their hearts and explained, "Our attire means that we enter the casino with nothing. Our shirtless ones are not afraid of their brocade clothes. This is the inner hint of Feng Shui. Without any money, even if those golden toads take a fancy to them, they still won't get a penny."

After listening to Mr. Lin, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Then let's go to the supermarket to buy." Lion Head also saw a big supermarket just now, he said hastily.

"Don't go to the supermarket to buy it, I have it here, and I can't buy it in the supermarket." Dapeng said.

"So you have already prepared it." Lion Head smiled and said.

Dapeng smiled and said, "It's not so easy to mess around in Southeast Asia."

A group of people entered the hotel and raised their needs.

In fact, the room design of the Genting Hotel is very small. To make the gamblers bear more pressure in the narrow and depressing environment center, and then in the huge casino, all the pressure on them will be released, and There is actually another reason for the small room design, that is, gamblers would rather lose money in the casino than return to that narrow space.

After booking the house, Yang Tianlong and the others soon came to the room.

Sure enough, all the facilities inside are much smaller than normal hotels or hotels.

(End of this chapter)

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