Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 108 Did you tame the hyena?

Chapter 108 Did you tame the hyena?
Consistent with the previous domestication of the chief and Kubi, the whole body of several chickens was smeared with domestication liquid. After pouring a large bowl of chicken blood into the hole, Yang Tianlong quickly signaled the others to retreat.

Lion Head looked confused, "Hey, Huaxia Dragon, what's your situation? Is that liquid really that magical?"

"This is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors for thousands of years." Yang Tianlong deliberately boasted.

"You Chinese people are really amazing." Lion Head said while taking out a few sharp knives, ready to deal with those beastly hyenas at any time.

Yom and the others also took out the few remaining rifles, and pointed the black muzzles at the small hole.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes... More than 20 minutes passed, and the hyenas did not get out of it.

"Could it have run away?" Lion Head asked in a low voice.

Yom shook his head, "No, the other end of this cave has been sealed by us, and those hyenas can only pass through this cave."

While talking, suddenly a small pointed head protruded from the hole.

The lion head looked excited, "It's a hyena."

"Shh..." Yang Tianlong and Yom made a small gesture to him at the same time.

Lion Head smiled shyly, and then continued to focus on the movement of the cave entrance.

The hyena was very vigilant, and after keeping its head on the ground for a while, it slowly came out of the cave.

Soon, it licked the chicken blood on the ground without saying a word.

Shit, when the other hyenas behind this hyena saw the virtue of this hyena who wanted to eat alone, they all got out of the cave and licked the chicken blood on the ground.

Yo, and meat?
The hyena's innate sense of smell allowed them to quickly discover the dead chicken lying not far away. After seeing the delicious food, these beasts rushed to the delicious food one after another.

The hyena's bite force is really too powerful, just a few times, the four dead chickens were torn apart by them.

"The hyenas are domesticated." Just as the hyenas were happily eating the chicken, a systematic voice came from the back of Yang Tianlong's mind.

When everyone was watching the movements of the hyena group intently, Yang Tianlong stood up suddenly and said loudly, "Come here."

The hyena, which had been domesticated, quickly stopped eating, and immediately ran towards him like a pug.

Seeing the hyena running towards his position, not only Yom was nervous, but even the lion's head was holding the dagger in his hand tightly.

"Don't be afraid, they are already very obedient." After seeing their nervousness, Yang Tianlong quickly comforted them.

Consolation be comfort, they are still terrified.

"Stop." Yang Tianlong ordered again.

Sure enough, the hyenas immediately stopped their movements and looked at their new owner obediently.

"Line up according to size." Yang Tianlong ordered again.

These hyenas are very conscious. After receiving the instructions from the master, they quickly lined up one by one according to the size of the body, waiting for the master's next order.

"Oh my god..." Lion's head was in disbelief, and he quickly got up from the ground, "Is this an expert hyena? Looking at it now, it's no different from a pet dog."

What the lion head said was right, the hyenas who no longer had a ferocious face were acting like pet dogs at this moment.

"Don't be afraid, I'll go over to say hello to them." After speaking, Yang Tianlong strode over.

Touching their heads one by one, and after talking softly, Yang Tianlong waved his hand to indicate that Lion Head and the others could also come over.

"Let's go." Lion's Head patted Yom's shoulder and said.

Yom shook his head, still looking at the pack of hyenas in awe.

Lionhead had a cheerful face and made contact with the hyenas according to his behavior.

"These guys really stink." After finishing speaking, Lion Head tightly covered his mouth.

"They like to eat carrion, this habit has to be corrected." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong looked at the group of hyenas meaningfully.

The hyenas were very self-aware, and nodded involuntarily after hearing the master's lecture.

This action surprised the lion head, and after laughing, he quickly summoned Yom and the others.

"Jom, come here."

"No, I'm afraid."

"You don't come here again, boy, I'll let the hyenas bite off that thing under you."

Hearing this, Yom had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over.

After a greeting, Yom was surprised to find that the hyena was even more well-behaved than a kitten.

"Hey, come here." Yom called out to other villagers who were watching from afar.

"No, we're afraid."

"You don't come here again, I'll let the hyenas eat that thing under you."

Shit, the villagers who were "threatened" had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over slowly.


The guns and ammunition were successfully taken out from the cave, but Yang Tianlong told Yom and them that there was a temporary change today and they could not train for the time being.

When he heard that there was no training today, Yom's face suddenly became extremely disappointed.

"Hey, do you really want to train?" Lionhead asked loudly.

Yom nodded, pointed to the camouflage uniform on his body, and said seriously, "Do you think we are kidding?"

"Okay then, I'll give you a training subject." Lion Head said seriously.

"Isn't there an instructor?" Yom asked involuntarily.

"I can also be your instructor." Lion Head smiled slightly.

Yom was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lion Head suspiciously.

Swish, there was only a cold light in front of him, and Yom heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Looking back, it turned out to be the sound of bananas falling from the banana tree.

Yom gasped and nodded quickly.

"Run around the village ten times first." Lion Head said with a smirk.

Yom couldn't help being taken aback again, ten laps?What the hell is playing us?
"This is the order." Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying loudly seeing that Yom had a fearful expression on his face.

"Yes, sir." Yom accepted the task respectfully.

"Hush..." After a few flutes, all the militiamen were assembled.

"Run..." Yom said loudly.

All the militiamen hurriedly rushed forward...

"Hey, old man, I have to go back to Kinshasa in two days, we have to hurry up with your business." Standing in front of the helicopter, the lion head said seriously.

"No problem, let's go now." After speaking, Yang Tianlong opened the door of the plane.

The lion head nodded, put on the sunglasses, and took the position in the cab.

Soon, the helicopter made a loud roar, then jumped up and flew towards the vast and incomparably primitive forest.

(End of this chapter)

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