Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 120 The Bomb That Can't Be Dismantled

Chapter 120 The Bomb That Can't Be Dismantled

"What? A bomb?" Yang Tianlong and Wilmots were startled.

When I went to the hostages, I saw that there were a lot of explosives tied behind them, and the timer on the explosives showed that it was less than 10 minutes.

"What should I do?" Yang Tianlong was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Wilmots also shook his head helplessly, and he told Yang Tianlong that only Lion Head in this group can defuse bombs, and the rest can't at all.

"Will you do it?" Albuquer pointed his black muzzle at the two robbers on the ground with a fierce face.

The two shook their heads in fright, "No."

"Then who would?" Albuquerque asked fiercely.

The two continued to shake their heads.

"Damn." After finishing speaking, Albuquer couldn't help kicking everyone.

"Huaxia Dragon, what should we do?" Wilmots also looked helpless, and he felt that maybe he should really give up at this moment.

"I will have some." At this moment, Siman spoke suddenly.

As soon as he heard that someone would defuse the bomb, Yang Tianlong hurriedly asked Siman to try it.

Siman squatted on the ground with a solemn face, carefully inspecting the structure of the time bomb.

Soon, dense beads of sweat covered his forehead.

Two minutes passed, and Siman shook his head helplessly, "Huaxialong, I'm sorry, I can't either. This time bomb is mechanical and cannot be dismantled. Once dismantled by force, it will explode immediately."

The hope that had just been ignited was immediately shrouded in darkness and fear, and Yang Tianlong couldn't help but fell into despair again.

The two migrant workers seemed to realize that they were bound to die.

Tears streamed from their eyes, and the instinct of survival kept them weeping for a while.

After a while, an older migrant worker suddenly smiled.

"Brother Yang, fate is predestined. When we arrived in Africa, we planned to risk our lives to make money. Now that we have done this, we have nothing else to ask, but you can help us take care of our family when the time comes."

Another migrant worker also seemed to be indifferent to life and death. After listening to it, he couldn't help but nodded, "Brother Yang, time should be running out, you should leave quickly." After speaking, he also had a slight smile on his face.

This is the first time Yang Tianlong has seen this kind of expression, and the meaning behind the expression is self-evident.

Seeing that there were still about 5 minutes left, Yang Tianlong did not intend to give up, but he said loudly with a serious face: "No, I will call Lion Head now, I will never give up."

After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Lion Head.

Lion Head's call was quickly connected, and the guy's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lion head, let me tell you, you must listen carefully and memorize." Yang Tianlong's voice was very loud, and it was too loud for Lion head to have any doubts.

Perhaps guessing the abnormality from his tone, Lion Head nodded quickly, "Okay, tell me."

After speaking briefly on the phone, Lion Head also had a straightforward expression, "Take a photo and send it to me."

Wilmots and the others were also very cooperative. Right now, it was a race against time. Seeing that Lionhead asked to take a photo, they quickly shone their flashlights on the time bomb.

There was a burst of flashing light, and the effect was not bad. Yang Tianlong quickly sent the photo after taking it to Lion Head.

It took nearly a minute for the two photos to be transmitted before the transmission was completed.

Yang Tianlong waited anxiously, looking back and forth between the phone screen and the time bomb.

Half a minute later, Lionhead called back.

His answer was exactly the same as Sman's, that thing is mechanical and cannot be dismantled.

"Could it be that the mechanical method has no solution?" Yang Tianlong said loudly into the phone microphone.

"Almost, unless the machine itself is damaged." Lion Head replied honestly.

Damage yourself?Hearing this, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads. The probability of this is really too small.

"Beep..." At this moment, the timer rang suddenly, and the sound came out of nowhere in the silent space, which shocked everyone.

Wilmots glanced at the timer, only to see his face change, and he exclaimed, "Oops, it's only 2 minutes."

"You go first." Yang Tianlong said decisively.

Wilmots, Albuquer and the others were taken aback, "What about you?"

"I'll stay." Yang Tianlong replied with a serious face.

"My God, are you crazy?" Wilmots yelled, tugging at his arm.

Yang Tianlong struggled to get rid of Wilmots' pull, and said loudly: "No, I'm not crazy, only if I stay can I save them."

Can only save people by staying?Wilmots and Albuquer were even more confused.

"Hurry up and go, listen to me, that's right." After speaking, Yang Tianlong pushed and kicked Wilmots and the others out.

"Hey, hey, big brother, help us take us away too." Seeing that the explosion was about to happen, the robbers who were tied to the ground also hurriedly called out.

"You want to leave too?" Yang Tianlong looked contemptuously at the robber on the ground.

"Yes, yes..." The two idiots nodded quickly.

"Dream, you stay and stay with me." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong turned his head to the two migrant workers.

"Brother Yang, let's go." Seeing that Yang Tianlong actually stayed with them, the two migrant workers were also very puzzled, and moved, they quickly comforted Yang Tianlong.

"No, if I leave, I really have nothing left." After speaking, Yang Tianlong sat in front of them with a smile on his face.

Not far away, Albuquer also saw this scene. Seeing this, he couldn't help but said with a look of doubt: "Old fellows, is Huaxia Dragon crazy?"

"Shut up, Albuquerque." Wilmots said loudly, "You don't understand him, I believe Huaxialong, this guy is amazing, he definitely has a way."

Seeing that Wilmots got angry, Albuquer had no choice but to shut his mouth obediently. He still refused to believe it. For him, it was better to believe in science than in miracles.

Siman and Albom also looked serious. Siman even drew a cross on his chest, begging God to bless Huaxia Dragon.

Ten seconds, nine seconds, after entering the countdown, the timer ticks every second. To ordinary people, ordinary timers always sound so precise and mechanical, but right now, for Yang Tianlong and For the other two migrant workers, every tick was like a sharp knife cutting through their fragile hearts.

At this time, a robber rolled his eyes, and then passed out on the ground.Such a scene may have been frightened to death without being bombed to death.

Five seconds, four seconds...

With two seconds left, Yang Tianlong and the two migrant workers lightly closed their eyes at the same time.

They are waiting for the choice of fate.

"Goodbye..." The corner of Yang Tianlong's mouth twitched slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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