Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 123 Peacekeeping

Chapter 123 Peacekeeping
Four hours later, the plane landed steadily at Kinshasa International Airport.

Compared with the cloudy days in the Bunia region, Kinshasa has a clear sky here.

"Huaxialong, do you have a car? If not, take ours." Ram sitting in front turned his head and looked at Yang Tianlong and said enthusiastically.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Thank you, sir, my friend will come to pick me up."

"Well then, we'll leave you alone." After speaking, Ram was the first to step off the passenger plane with a smile.

The person who came to pick up Yang Tianlong was Liu Shengli. The relationship between the two became stronger day by day, especially after Liu Shengli learned to use WeChat, the two chatted on WeChat from time to time.

When we met, it was still a big hug.

"Brother, Mr. Wang has returned to China, and he asked me to take full charge of handling the equipment." Liu Shengli said with a chuckle.

"Really?" Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, "Then let's take a look first."

Liu Shengli nodded, and then started the car.

Soon, they came to the garage of the engineering department.

According to Liu Shengli, the performance of these foreign-aid equipment is much better than that of domestic ones. Many parts are made of the best materials. A new machine can be used for a year without any problems.

When Liu Shengli brought Yang Tianlong to the garage, the workers were maintaining the equipment.

"It's no different from the new one after all the replacements." Liu Shengli assured Yang Tianlong by patting his chest after taking Yang Tianlong around for a while.

"Then I want 2 excavators, 2 loaders, and 2 trucks." Yang Tianlong stated his needs in one breath.

"No problem." Liu Shengli continued to speak boldly.

As for the price, Liu Shengli also gave him the biggest discount, basically 2-3% off the original price, and the 6 sets of equipment cost less than 100 million yuan.

Just after reading the equipment and preparing to go to dinner, Liu Shengli's phone rang.

"It should be Mr. Wang calling. Mr. Wang always mentions you in front of us." Liu Shengli smiled and took out his mobile phone.

But to his surprise, it was not Mr. Wang who called, but a colonel surnamed Zhang.

Colonel Zhang?There are soldiers from Huaxia Kingdom in the Kinshasa area?Yang Tianlong was also surprised.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Shengli said with a smile: "Colonel Zhang is the captain of the transport brigade of our country's peacekeeping force in the Congo. Two of their trucks broke down and there are no accessories for the time being. We need to go over and help."

"Our country still has peacekeeping troops in Congo?" To be honest, Yang Tianlong didn't think of this at all.

Liu Shengli nodded, "Yes, I have been here for several years, with our engineering team. How about it, why don't you go to the peacekeeping force?"

"Okay." Regarding Liu Shengli's suggestion, Yang Tianlong didn't think about it at all, and he readily agreed.

Liu Shengli yelled loudly, "Old He, Da Zhou, take the brake pads of the truck and let's go to the peacekeeping force." After speaking, Liu Shengli opened the door of the car.

The Chinese peacekeeping force stationed in the Congo is located in the suburbs of Kinshasa, not far from Liu Shengli and his project headquarters, only half an hour's drive away.

When he came to the camp of the peacekeeping force, Yang Tianlong's first impression was that it was clean, unified and grand.

I saw that the officers and soldiers of the peacekeeping force were conducting subject training according to their respective divisions of labor. Some practiced individual tactics, some practiced driving, and some performed maintenance operations. Every officer and soldier here seemed to be so energetic. The old soldiers in the brigade formed a clear contrast.

As soon as he saw Liu Shengli, Colonel Zhang, who was in front of the breakdown vehicle, hurriedly greeted him. He had a smile on his face, and he didn't have that kind of domineering feeling.

These few are old friends, after some greetings, Colonel Zhang turned his attention to Yang Tianlong.

"Captain Zhang, let me introduce you. This is my buddy, Yang Tianlong, who is currently working in agriculture and animal husbandry in Bunia." Liu Shengli introduced with a smile.

Before Liu Shengli could finish his introduction, Colonel Zhang stretched out his right hand enthusiastically, "Hello, Comrade Tianlong, my name is Zhang Weidong, and I am the captain of the transport brigade of our country's peacekeeping force in the Congo."

"Captain Zhang, it's a pleasure to meet you. It's the first time to come to our barracks, and it's also the first time to have close contact with the People's Liberation Army. I feel that they are really tall." Yang Tianlong praised sincerely after speaking.

"Where, where, you are being polite." Zhang Weidong smiled, and then he suddenly asked a question.

"Comrade Yang, where are you in Bunia?"

"It's in the town." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Really?" Zhang Weidong suddenly smiled, "If you don't mind, we may need to trouble you."

"Oh?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback, but he still said quickly: "Captain Zhang, we are all Chinese, if you have any instructions, just say it."

Seeing that the young man was very enthusiastic, Zhang Weidong told the whole story.

It turns out that in two days, the peacekeeping force will have a convoy of ten vehicles heading to the border between Congo and South Sudan. There, they will bring some faulty equipment of the peacekeeping force in South Sudan back to Kinshasa for overhaul. Check the map carefully Afterwards, the peacekeepers decided to use Bunia as a resupply point along the way.

They are about to send people to investigate there.

"It's really hard to find a place to walk through iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get here." Zhang Weidong sighed while holding Yang Tianlong's hand excitedly.

"I will do my best to provide as much protection as I can for our heroic, civilized, and victorious teachers." Standing under the national flag of the camp, Yang Tianlong said solemnly.

"Thank you, thank you..." Zhang Weidong nodded in gratitude.

"Captain Zhang, are you really going to Bunia?" Liu Shengli also stood up at this time.

Zhang Weidong nodded, "Yes, if there is no accident, it should be the day after tomorrow."

"Can you do me a favor?" Liu Shengli said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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