Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 137 The Story of the Hunter School

Chapter 137 The Story of the Hunter School

"Old man." Seeing that Laf was about to punch Xiong Zihao hard, Yang Tianlong quickly stopped him.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon, are you calling me?" Raff turned around and asked.

"Forget it." Yang Tianlong looked at Raf calmly and said.

"Forget it?" Raff's face was in disbelief, one must know that his temper and character are vindictive.

Wilmots couldn't help but nodded, and gave Raff a look.

Seeing that the two old buddies wanted to calm things down by coincidence, and thinking about the task tonight, Raff had no choice but to give up resentfully, but he still didn't give Xiong Zihao a good face.

"Get out of the hotel now, as far as you can, if I see you again, I'll hit you once." Raff's voice was not loud, but full of momentum, everyone present heard it I felt an inexplicable fear in my heart.

Xiong Zihao wasn't stupid either. Now that he had a step down, he gave his little brothers a wink, and they fled the hotel in a hurry.

"Hey, your luggage." Seeing that their luggage was still in the hotel, Wilmots couldn't help reminding him quickly.

However, the soles of Xiong Zihao and the others seemed to have been wiped clean. By the time Wilmots said this, they had already run more than ten or twenty meters away, and they couldn't hear the voice behind them at all.

"These bastards." Raff sat down on the sofa with a look of contempt, "Hua Xialong, why don't you let him apologize to you?"

"He's my classmate, so it's not a big deal." Yang Tianlong wrote lightly.

When he heard that the two were still classmates, Raff looked surprised. In his opinion, classmates can be compared with buddies and brothers. "Classmates? How can this happen between classmates?"

"That guy is a rich second generation." Yang Tianlong said with a slight smile.

"You're not bad either," Raff said.

"So he sees people as inferior, so why should I care about him?" Yang Tianlong smiled heartily, it seemed that he didn't take what happened just now to his heart at all.

Yang Tianlong's words convinced Laf. Although Laf is not well-educated and has a bad temper, once he has explained one thing clearly, he will not continue to stick to it.

"Huaxia Dragon should be magnanimous about this matter. After all, Huaxia people are very friendly to classmates." The well-informed Wilmots said while handing Raff a cup of coffee.

Raff nodded, expressing agreement with Wilmots' words.

And Yang Tianlong sent a positive look to Wilmots.

The hotel closed earlier, so instead of resting, these guys chose to brag in the lobby.

All the way from ancient times to the present, from the east to the west, and finally Chen Liyan was mentioned.

"That guy must be a master." Raff said with a confident face.

Regarding Chen Liyan, Yang Tianlong only knew that he was from the most elite special warfare brigade in China, but he couldn't tell exactly where he was so awesome.

"Looking at his lean appearance, he must be a good wrestler." Raff said with certainty.

"Then is he your opponent?" Wilmots said slyly.

"It's hard to say." Raff looked serious.

"Huh?" Yang Tianlong and Wilmots were quite surprised when they heard that Raff might not have singled out Chen Liyan.

"We Westerners are big-boned and powerful, while you Easterners are small-boned but flexible. Fighting is all about controlling the enemy with one move. I can see that his calves are full of muscles. If he kicks you , I will probably lose my combat power." Raff analyzed seriously, "Of course, if he gets punched by me first, he might not be able to hold on."

Raff's words are not unreasonable. For special forces, the most important thing is to control the enemy with one move.

"You must know that your Chinese soldiers are among the soldiers with the best grades in the Hunter School." Raff said solemnly.

"Hunter School?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but tremble when he heard these four words.

The first time he heard about Hunter School was the movie "Out of the Amazon" he watched in junior high school. The Hunter School in the movie is located in Venezuela, South America, and is a world-renowned special forces training center.It was built in the early 20s.

The Hunter School holds an international class dedicated to special operations training every year. The semester lasts for about half a year. It mainly trains special operations members for friendly countries.The special forces of the United States, Britain, France, Italy and other countries all sent people to train.

Hunter School is best known for its "devil training".The training of this school is characterized by starting from actual combat, designing and creating all kinds of unimaginable and beyond-limit situations and difficulties, training the physical fitness, skills, and tactics needed for special operations, and tempering people's extraordinary will.Due to the difficulty of training, the elimination rate is surprisingly high.

"I also trained there, but later I got appendicitis and had to stop training there. There were two Chinese soldiers who entered the school with me. They were very good and could endure hardships." Raff recalled his time with pride. hunter school career.

"Old man, is that why you retired?" Wilmots asked with a frown.

Raff nodded, "That's right, I felt ashamed when I returned to the army, and my old buddy Nagolan needed my help, so I submitted an application for retirement the year I returned to China."

"You are also an amazing soldier." Yang Tianlong, who listened enthralled, praised him.

"Hey, that's all in the past." Raff looked embarrassed.


This conversation lasted until twelve o'clock in the morning, and seeing that it was getting late, Wilmots said goodbye to Yang Tianlong and Raff and went back to their rooms.

The entire hall on the first floor was pitch black, and Raff was sitting in the darkest corner, staring at the door intently.

Albuquer was on the top of the building, Siman and Fan He were on the third floor, and Alberm was on the second floor. This kind of security seems to be about the same for a head of state.

Returning to the room, Yang Tianlong didn't take a rest immediately. He directly opened the electronic map and began to check around the hotel.

After checking for more than half an hour, nothing unusual seemed to be found.

"Papa..." Suddenly, at this moment, there was a burst of gunshots outside the window.

In an instant, the electricity in the room was also turned off.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of loud hip-hop sounds and the roar of car engines on the street.

Pulling back the curtains, Wilmots couldn't help but look at the group of young people outside the window, cursing, "These bloody bastards."

(Not surprisingly, it will be on the shelves at 12 noon today. As for the testimonials on the shelves, wait until it is confirmed. I will wait for you in the wind and rain, thank you for your support)
(End of this chapter)

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