Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 142 Worshiping the Heaven

Chapter 142 Worshiping the Heaven (4 more)
The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is carried out under a blue sky and white clouds.

Early in the morning, all the men, women and children of the village gathered at the land in the village.

Yang Tianlong did not invite Wilmots and Raff. Firstly, these rough old men are also very busy. Second, although they are rough, they still know a lot about science. No way.

After Siman was sent away yesterday afternoon, the machines such as excavators and loaders were already in place, and all the boys who drove in the village were put into use.After overnight construction, they dug a huge earth pit on the edge of the land.

The night before yesterday, when Yom went back, he told the old patriarch and a few managers in the village about Yang Tianlong's story about the land master. Everyone was stunned. No wonder Boke Village lacks water, and the relationship is not right. reason.

Seeing that the legendary land master is so powerful, Yang Tianlong can only preside over this sacrificial ceremony.

Although I am not superstitious, I do know a thing or two about the procedure of offering sacrifices to heaven.

After firing firecrackers, he first slaughtered the two live cows he bought on the spot, and then uttered a lot of chatter, not to mention that the villagers in Boke Village couldn't understand, even he himself didn't know what he was talking about.

After this is over, firecrackers are set off again...

It went on and on for a while before it ended.

After the sacrifice was over, Yang Tianlong picked up a hoe and said loudly to the villagers, "Everyone, put on the hoe and follow me. I'm going to start looking for the eye of the river."

Seeing that everyone was going too, Yom couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Hua Xialong, shall we go too?"

"Of course, you thought you were just kidding around." Yang Tianlong said with a serious face, and strode towards the edge of the forest with a hoe on his shoulder.

The villagers also looked curious, carrying hoes and walking around behind his ass.

Seeing Yang Tianlong's knocking, patting, and his unfathomable look, the villagers were even more curious after seeing it.

After a while, Yang Tianlong finally stood still. He held a hoe and asked the villagers to line up with a serious face.

"Why?" Yom continued to look puzzled.

"The eye of the river is here, let's dig a ditch later."

When they heard that the ditch was going to be dug, the villagers were no longer as lazy as before. They raised their hoes and dug down vigorously.

However, the texture of the land is too hard, seeing that the effect is not good, Yang Tianlong just asked them to symbolize it a few times.Then let Yom command the villagers to carry water.

"Bring the excavator over here." Yang Tianlong ordered again to Yom.

Yom nodded, and quickly asked his servants to pass the order over.

Not long after, two excavators were in place.

I saw Yang Tianlong with a serious face, "Dig a straight line from here to the pit."

"Okay." The two black boys are also militiamen. After seeing this Chinese man give everyone food and clothing and give everyone monthly money, they are also grateful to Yang Tianlong from the bottom of their hearts.

The efficiency of the excavator is really good. The ditches that 80 No. [-] villagers can complete in one day can be done in one and a half hours.

After the ditches were dug, two transport vehicles filled with cement and lake sand also drove here.

I have told Yom and them before that after finding the river eye, the gully must be repaired before the spring can be opened, otherwise it will not work.

In fact, the purpose of Yang Tianlong's doing this is very simple. One is to ensure that a large amount of water will not seep into the ground, and the other is to keep the water source pure.

"And sand." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong directed two strong men to mix a large bag of cement with a large pile of lake sand. He picked up a shovel and kept turning it up and down. The sand is completely and evenly mixed together.

Digging a big hole in the middle of the pair of sand, and then adding an appropriate amount of water, Yang Tianlong quickly picked up a shovel to mix the sand and water evenly.

Soon, the cement concrete will be completely reconciled.

It's okay that the village doesn't have the tools of the masons. They pick up the planks and continue to work. With Yang Tianlong's personal efforts, these villagers quickly started working.

For those guys whose standards were not high, Yang Tianlong hurriedly scolded them and made them mess up again.

After scolding more than a dozen villagers back and forth, everyone's standards have improved a lot.

From morning to six in the afternoon, the ravine had been completely completed, and most of the earth pit had been completed. The two excavators were not idle. On the basis of the ravine just now, they dug another earth ditch leading directly to the village.

Lion Head's flight arrived at around [-]:[-] p.m., and after having a carnival with the villagers for a while, Yang Tianlong briefly explained to Yom what happened tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then hurriedly drove towards the airport.

When he saw the lion's head for the first time, he felt that the guy had lost weight.

"Recently, I have been busy up and down, and finally finished all the basic projects, and now I am short of the $300 million to buy equipment." On the car to the Wilmots Hotel, Lionhead did not forget to discuss work.

Seeing the lion's head coming, Wilmots looked surprised. He quickly took out his mobile phone, "I have to call Raff and the others quickly, so we can have a good get-together tonight."

"Hey, old man, don't fight for now, I'm here on business this time." Lion Head begged with a smile.

Seeing that this guy had something to do, Wilmots didn't force it, but he still said that he should invite him for the meal.

It doesn't matter who invites you, what matters is that everyone is happy together.

Wilmots prepared the dishes, Yang Tianlong was in charge of marinating the beef, and everyone had a clear division of labor.

Lion's head was not idle either, he helped fry the steak in the kitchen.

"After the Huaxia Dragon's farm is established, I will treat you to the best beef in the world." Wilmots said with a smile.

"Okay." The lion head, as his name suggests, is fond of meat, and he is naturally overjoyed when he sees the best beef.

"This beef is not bad, I like it." The lion head said as he tossed a large piece of beef with sesame oil on the oven.

The aroma of roast beef immediately filled the entire restaurant.

"Hey, dear." At this moment, Mrs. Wilmots walked in with a smile on her face.

"What's the matter? My dear." Wilmots was carefully dividing the beef, and he asked without raising his head.

"Honey, your old friend Mr. Stones is here." Mrs. Wilmots smiled.

"Who? Stones?" Yang Tianlong and Wilmots couldn't help but glanced at each other, they had a good understanding.

To be honest, Yang Tianlong and Wilmots never thought Stones would come.

As far as Wilmots could remember, Stones hadn't been here for at least a year and a half.

(End of this chapter)

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