Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 170 The Unminable Diamond Mine

Chapter 170 The Unminable Diamond Mine

The water in the river kept dropping, but it didn't take a while to get down to a safe value. Fortunately, Yang Tianlong didn't give up, and stayed with Chen Liyan and the others until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and finally the water level reached the safe range.

Seeing that the water potential reached the safe range, the peacekeeping officers and soldiers quickly turned on the headlights and worked together to lift the speedboat into the water. Soon, the speedboat sailed towards the isolated island.

In less than 3 minutes, the five Chinese skilled workers who were trapped were successfully rescued. However, compared with the previous trapped people who were confused and lifeless, they were more energetic. After all, they had tents, sleeping bags and food provided by Yang Tianlong. Except for a slightly worse state, the rest of the physical indicators seem to be no different from ordinary people.

Chinese people far away overseas have a sense of kinship with their compatriots, especially after encountering a crisis, the five rescued skilled workers couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

When they learned that they were rescued by the officers and soldiers of the peacekeeping force and the ordinary young man in front of them, they hugged Yang Tianlong and Chen Liyan excitedly.

On the way back, due to the limited number of vehicles on site, the seven skilled workers drove towards Kinshasa in the cars of Yang Tianlong and Chen Liyan.

Chatting along the way, the two skilled workers did not hide anything from Yang Tianlong, but instead told him the geological conditions here.

During the conversation, Yang Tianlong learned an amazing secret, that is, there are indeed diamond mines buried under this dry river bed.

However, he soon became disheartened again. It turned out that these diamond mines were hidden hundreds of meters underground, and the geological structure was extremely fragile. In the words of these technicians, these diamond mines were visible, but eating No fat.

At this moment, the system sound rang again.

"Host, the little one has been exploring there this afternoon. There are at least hundreds of tons of diamonds that can be mined down there. The host can send it now."

"Sent?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help being stunned, and then he quickly recovered, "System, let me ask you, with your ability, is it okay to dig these diamond mines?"

"That is." In the words, the system revealed infinite pride.

"With your words, it will be done." Yang Tianlong said excitedly.

"Hey, wait." Seeing that something was wrong, the system quickly said: "Host, my abilities are fine, but your current level is definitely not enough, you can only upgrade to the highest version and the highest level. .”

"The highest version and the highest level?" Yang Tianlong savored this sentence carefully in his heart, and soon he cast out his own doubts, "Is this the highest version and the highest level different?"

"Of course it's different." The system quickly explained.

"This highest level is the highest level you have, and the highest version is the highest version of this system. To tell you the truth, I haven't found the transmission method with the home planet yet." After finishing speaking, the system played a loud cry emoji.

After listening to the system's explanation, Yang Tianlong couldn't help being taken aback. He didn't expect that the system would produce so many moths.

"I understand, it's not difficult for me to upgrade, the hard thing is to upgrade your version." Yang Tianlong suddenly realized.

The system nodded, "That's right, the host, that's what it means, but don't worry, I will try my best to search for the best signal access point, but please don't worry, this signal access point is near the middle of the African continent."

Seeing the system working hard, Yang Tianlong felt relieved.

After finishing the dialogue with the system, the vehicle almost drove to the rented place of the seven skilled workers. After a close farewell, Yang Tianlong drove back home.

It was already two o'clock in the morning at this moment, and most of the lights in the community had been turned off, only the night light was still in good spirits as if it was welcoming the owner who had returned home late.

Since the flight to Bunia today was at four o'clock in the afternoon, he had a good sleep and didn't wake up until after ten o'clock.

The first thing after waking up was to call Liu Shengli. Soon, Liu Shengli's phone was connected. It was exactly as Zhang Weidong said. This time Liu Shengli came back specifically for his son's future and his old mother's health.

After finishing the call with Liu Shengli, he called the property management of the community. Not long after, two Filipino maids came to the house and cleaned up the house for him.

Mopping the floor, cleaning the windows, washing clothes... The price of the Filipino maid is reasonable, 50 US dollars for a housekeeping service.

The quality of Filipino maids is very good in the world. Needless to say, the quality of these Filipino maids who have been carefully selected can travel thousands of miles to work in Africa. They cleaned up neatly and neatly.

Yang Tianlong was also very satisfied with this kind of service. On the basis of 50 dollars, he also gave each person an extra 10 dollars.

After accepting the extra tip, the two Filipino maids in their forties expressed gratitude.

After getting some food at home, seeing that there were still more than three hours before the boarding time, Yang Tianlong decided to go shopping in the prestigious Chinatown in Kinshasa.

Compared with those hundred-year-old Chinese streets in big European and American countries, the Chinese people in Kinshasa have only a few decades of history. Yang Tianlong didn't know the existence of this street before, and he only knew about this street after hearing about it from Liu Shengli and others. of.

Compared with those Chinese streets in Europe and the United States, this Chinese street in Kinshasa does not appear tall, and it is no different from the domestic market. Clothes, electronic products, electric vehicles, and small household appliances are the most popular among locals on this street. Welcome merchandise.

It is reported that many inland countries in Central Africa will come here to buy goods.

This China Street in Kinshasa is located at the end of the city close to the airport. Yang Tianlong checked it visually through the map. It is only half an hour's drive from China Street to the airport. That is to say, he still has two hours to go shopping there. visit.

Soon, he came to this Chinatown. As soon as he entered the street, several national flags fluttering in the wind reminded him that Chinatown had arrived.

In Chinatown, yellow-skinned Chinese are the most numerous. It is reported that there are about 2 to 3 Chinese in Kinshasa. These Chinese are distributed in every corner of the city and are engaged in various jobs.

When he saw Yang Tianlong, who was also yellow-skinned, a tall, thin middle-aged man was particularly enthusiastic, and he waved to Yang Tianlong with a smile on his face.

"Hey boss, what can I do for you?"

Yang Tianlong couldn't resist the enthusiasm of his compatriots. He quickly replied that he needed to buy some flashlights and rice cookers.

When he was in China last time, he didn’t think much about these things. This time, Yang Tianlong planned to send a flashlight and a rice cooker to every household in Boke Village. In fact, the reason for buying a rice cooker is very simple. One is that the local people The eating habits of the local people are very bad, and a simple stove can be used by building a triangular wooden frame; second, the locals like to drink coffee, and it is quite good to use a rice cooker to make coffee.

"Hey, these are not trivial, let's go, I'll take you there." After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man took out a Huaxia cigarette and handed it to him.

Yang Tianlong quickly shook his head, "Sorry, I don't know how to smoke."

"The boss is quite frugal." The middle-aged man chuckled, showing his big yellow teeth.

"People are stupid, they can't learn." Yang Tianlong laughed at himself.

"Come on, I'll take you to those shops of yours." The middle-aged man enthusiastically guided him to the shops.

Strolling left and right, I finally gathered 40 rice cookers and 40 flashlights in several shops.

Compared with domestic prices, the prices of these products have basically doubled by 4-5 times.

Fortunately, he didn't feel bad about these things, so he took out a bunch of dollars in a hurry.

"Hey, I knew the boss was straightforward, 100 USD labor fee." The middle-aged man who called himself Lao Huang smiled with his yellow teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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