Chapter 180

Sure enough, as Yang Tianlong expected, not long after the group sat down, the two girls whispered something in the island language.

Although Yang Tianlong couldn't hear clearly, he could understand the key words.

And those men from the island nation had a look of domineering, they showed a very resolute attitude.

After several conversations, in desperation, this beautiful girl began to sob softly.

"Cry, it's useless for you to cry blindly. The contract has been signed. You must perform the contract. Otherwise, we will sue you for breach of contract." A man with a wretched appearance said seriously.

Another ordinary-looking girl seemed to be comforting the girl, but her comforting didn't seem to have much effect, the girl was still sobbing...

When Yang Tianlong couldn't help looking at the girl, it happened that the girl also seemed to cast her eyes on him. When the two looked at each other, he could clearly feel the cry for help in the girl's eyes.

Islander?Thinking of the history between China and the island country, Yang Tianlong hesitated for a while, but when he saw the girl's desperate eyes again, he couldn't hold back his temper anymore, walked towards the group of people, looked around them A week later, Yang Tianlong said, "Sir, who of you can speak French?"

A man wearing glasses nodded quickly, "I will, what's wrong?"

"Are you shooting A...V?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"A...V?" The man with eyes froze for a moment, but then he shook his head, "How could we shoot something like A...V, we are a big company."

"Big bullshit company." Yang Tianlong couldn't help snorting, "Is a big company difficult for the strong?"

The islanders next to him seemed to have heard the disdain of the man in front of him, who was also of yellow race, and they all asked about the man with glasses in the island language.

The man with glasses snorted coldly, "Sir, don't you have a crush on Ms. Hashimoto? Want to save the beauty in front of us?"

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, "I don't know about heroes saving the beauty, but I only know that you are forcing a girl to do something she doesn't want to do."

"Sir, it seems that you don't need to be nosy about this. We have a contract with Ms. Hashimoto. Now everything is legal, and we are only acting according to the contract."

"Did you tell her about the bullshit contract?" The tricks in this have already been interpreted countless times by Chinese people.

"Sir, they didn't tell me." Ms. Hashimoto couldn't help speaking in Island language, but soon, she realized that her language could not be understood by the Chinese who could help her.

Reluctantly forcing her to express it in vague English, Yang Tianlong finally realized after some painful explanations that they were not filming A...V, but another feature of the island country—personal portraits.

Photobooks are a big feature of the entertainment industry in the island country. Those who can shoot and publish photobooks are some top-notch women.

In front of Yang Tianlong, Ms. Hashimoto reprimanded these people for secretly revising the agreement,

"Miss Hashimoto, regardless of whether we have revised the agreement or not, this agreement is legal and valid. If you don't want to, there will be 100 million liquidated damages." The man with glasses said proudly.

After speaking to Hashimoto, the man with glasses said it to Yang Tianlong again in French, but this time he used the word pauper to humiliate him.

Upon hearing 100 million, the fledgling Hashimoto couldn't help but look desperate. She couldn't help covering her face and sobbing softly. The female assistant at the side quickly comforted her, but judging from her tone, it seemed that she was on the side of the film company. of.

The man with glasses seemed to have an innocent face, and he even said helplessly to Yang Tianlong, "Sir, did you see that, this is their usual method - pretending to be pitiful, getting so much salary but not acting according to the contract, we are just a family The company that produced it is all counting on the photobook to be a hit."

After seeing the other party say the specific liquidated damages, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smile slightly, and said with a cheerful face, "I'll pay the money."

Miss Hashimoto was stunned for a moment, not only she was stunned, even Wilmots who was beside her was also stunned.

"100 million US dollars in cash." The glasses devil emphasized again.

"Nonsense, if I don't give you cash, how can I give you a check." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong told good Wilmots to be optimistic, and he would come whenever he went.

In less than 5 minutes, Yang Tianlong came down with a large bag of dollars in vain, and threw them on the table.

The glasses man and the others looked shocked. To be honest, none of them thought that this guy would easily take out 100 million US dollars.

"It can't be fake, right?" the man with glasses pretended to be calm.

"You can inspect banknotes at any time, and I'll pay you [-] for a fake one." After speaking, Yang Tianlong took Hashimoto's hand and was about to leave.

"You..." The man with glasses just shouted out, but Yang Tianlong gave him a hard look, and he could only swallow the words that just came to his mouth with a resentful expression.

These devils had no interest in eating, and after hastily paying the money, they returned to the room with a disheartened face.

"Thank you, actually I can speak French." Shortly after the devils went upstairs, Miss Hashimoto suddenly said calmly with pear blossoms on her face.

"You know French?" Yang Tianlong and Wilmots were taken aback.

Hashimoto nodded, "The reason why I found out that they lied to me is because I overheard them talking in French, so I have to keep pretending that I don't know French."

"What's going on?" Yang Tianlong and Wilmots looked curious.

After Hashimoto rationalized his thoughts, he explained the reason of the matter from beginning to end.

Her name is Omi Hashimoto. She used to belong to a beautiful girl group. Later, due to the bleak popularity, after the beautiful girl group disbanded, she joined the photo industry.

Back in Africa, I signed an outdoor photo contract with this company. The biggest size is just a bikini. Unexpectedly, after Bunia, this group of people had to let her take it off, and said that such a photo shoot would make her popular. throughout the island nation.

Hashimoto is not stupid, knowing that once she took a full... nude photo, she would be caught by them, and she couldn't accept that style of photoshoot, so she turned against them.

Hashimoto was very grateful for Yang Tianlong's generous help, but she also said that she couldn't afford the $100 million.

Seeing that Hashimoto took the initiative to mention that he couldn't pay back the money, Yang Tianlong quickly waved his hand to comfort her, saying that the money is not in a hurry.

Seeing that the Chinese man in front of him was rather chivalrous, Hashimoto couldn't help but bow deeply.

"Old man, help Ms. Hashimoto open a room tonight." Yang Tianlong looked at Wilmots solemnly and said.

Unexpectedly, Wilmots shook his head, "Old man, it's full."

"Is it full?" Yang Tianlong looked shocked.

Wilmots nodded, he even mentioned his wife, "If you don't believe me, ask my wife."

"It's okay, I'll sit in the lobby overnight." Hashimoto looked embarrassed.

Regarding Hashimoto's plan, Yang Tianlong immediately denied it, "It's really not possible, you can go to my room."

"I'm a little scared by myself, so let me sit in the hall." Hashimoto pleaded.

"Hua Xialong, isn't that your standard room? If it's not possible, you can stay with Ms. Hashimoto for one night." Wilmots said seriously.

Yang Tianlong was sure that Wilmots was not joking, and he also knew the old man's character.

"Huaxialong, we trust you." Wilmots said seriously again, "Don't stay in the hall, you must know that group of people is still threatening Miss Hashimoto."

(End of this chapter)

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