Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 215 Hashimoto's Incoming Call

Chapter 215 Hashimoto's Incoming Call

"Of course it's you." Sman and Albuquer smiled.

"My treat?" Yang Tianlong looked innocent, "Hey, old guys, but I didn't pay for these at all?"

"Haha..." Siman and the others couldn't help laughing, "Old man, have you forgotten to pay us for your hard work?"

As soon as he heard the words "hard work", Yang Tianlong suddenly realized, he smiled and said, "That's your reward, but it has nothing to do with me."

"But you gave the money, so it's your treat." Although Siman is usually cold, he is also kind-hearted. After seeing Yang Tianlong doing a lot for the villagers, he boldly took out $5000, please have a good meal.

"You guy, I won't make it up for you later." Yang Tianlong said while taking a sip of beer.

"Hey, the wool comes from the sheep, boss, whether you mend it depends on your mood, right." Albuquer winked.

"No, my wallet is not determined by my mood." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong took out a bunch of yellow barbecued meat from the charcoal fire and handed it to Elena.

After the temperature of the barbecue dropped for a while, Elena took a bite, and soon she said honestly: "Honey, to be honest, it's not as delicious as your roast."

"Really?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help picking up a bunch, and after taking a bite, he very much agreed with Elena's statement.

"Then let me roast it for you." After speaking, Yang Tianlong came to the villagers who were still cutting beef and mutton.

"Marinate for 10 minutes first." Yang Tianlong said while demonstrating, "Then roast, be sure to sprinkle chili powder and cumin evenly when roasting, and finally you can add some chopped green onion..."

Under Yang Tianlong's demonstration, after more than ten minutes, more than ten strings of golden kebabs were grilled.

This time the barbecue was obviously much better in taste, and everyone was amazed when they ate it.

After stuffing their stomachs, Yom and Yanke took the initiative to invite the crooked nuts to dance around the bonfire. Yang Tianlong and the others naturally agreed happily to the warm invitation of the villagers.

Africans are very good at singing and dancing. They are good at expressing their inner rich emotions with rich body language. The villagers are no exception. They sing and dance around the campfire to express their gratitude to this group of crooked nuts. Made a lot of body movements.

Kurtu and the others are also very happy. Although he is usually a little strict with the villagers, the old man's sense of responsibility in doing his work is all admired by the working villagers. Before, many villagers liked to be lazy or make various excuses, but After being taught by the old Belgian man's words and deeds, the villagers who were used to stealing, raping and playing tricks gradually became hardworking.

This night, everyone happily carnivaled until the early morning.

After the bonfire party, Yang Tianlong discovered that there were several missed calls in his mobile phone. When he opened it, he found that they were all from strange numbers calling from the magic city.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong dialed the phone.

Soon, a familiar voice came over the phone, it was Omi Hashimoto's voice.

"Hua Xialong, hello, I'm Omi Hashimoto." Hashimoto's voice sounded very reserved.

"Hashimoto?" Seeing that it was actually Hashimoto calling, Yang Tianlong subconsciously looked at Elena at the side.

Elena who was beside her didn't seem to notice this, and walked towards the cabin happily, holding her lover's arm.

"Hello, Hashimoto, how are you doing?" There was nothing between him and Hashimoto. After being surprised, Yang Tianlong quickly asked her about her recent situation.

"Hua Xialong, I'm already studying at the Film Academy. Everything is going well, and I have a good relationship with my classmates. We are currently rehearsing a play. If you have time to return to your country, you can come and see me, okay?" Hashimoto The voice gradually became smaller, and at the end it was full of begging.

Yang Tianlong didn't answer Hashimoto right away, but glanced at Elena who was beside him, and saw that Elena was still holding his arm intoxicated, "Okay."

When he said these words, Yang Tianlong only felt mixed feelings in his heart.

"Thank you." Hashimoto seemed to feel the weight of his words, so he couldn't help replying.

"Contact often when you are free." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, as if the excitement of having an affair without being discovered was really the same.

Elena still had the same actions and expressions as before, but this time Yang Tianlong felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he promised to visit Hashimoto when he returned to China.

But he soon felt relieved, after all, the original intention of his contact with Hashimoto was to treat her as his little sister.

Back in the cabin, Elena went into the bathroom after learning Chinese for a while.

The night temperature in Congo is not bad, with a cool breeze, without the scorching heat of the day, so after taking a shower, Elena walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a clean white towel.

Seeing his lover's perfect figure presented in front of him, Yang Tianlong couldn't help feeling a little excited. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he hadn't done that thing for two days.

"Honey, you are so beautiful." Smelling the faint fragrance of Elena's body, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but move his head closer.

There are no villagers living within 200 meters around the cabin, so Yang Tianlong's movements are relatively large-scale.

After several times, Elena quickly made Yang Tianlong gasping for breath.

"Ah..." Elena couldn't help but frowned, and then said in a low voice, "My dear, go and wash up."

"No, I want you to take a bath with me again." Yang Tianlong's voice sounded in Elena's ear, which made her shy again.

"Okay, okay." Just as Elena finished speaking, Elena carried her directly into the bathroom.

The bathroom in this cabin is not big. After exercising in it for a while, Yang Tianlong found that he couldn't use it. After whispering a few words in Elena's ear, Yang Tianlong came with Elena in his arms. bedroom.

On the spacious bed in the bedroom, after a meal of intimacy, Yang Tianlong entered Elena's body again...

The next day, when Yang Tianlong was still sleeping soundly, Elena suddenly screamed.

"My God..."

(End of this chapter)

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