Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 232 Local Underworld

Chapter 232 Local Underworld

The next morning, following Siman, Kurtu and others' explanation, and after buying tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition from the military defense sector, before leaving, Yang Tianlong called Liu Zhengyang to the cabin.

"Let's go back to Kinshasa." Yang Tianlong said with a serious face.

"Go back to Kinshasa?" Liu Zhengyang was taken aback, and soon his head shook like a rattle, "No, I won't go back."

"You don't want to go back to China for the Spring Festival?" Yang Tianlong looked surprised.

Liu Zhengyang nodded, "No, I won't go back this year. How can I come back to China after staying in Africa for less than a month. Hey, Uncle Long, let me tell you, I don't want to go back to Kinshasa either, I'm here to train , I am very happy."

After hearing the kid say that he was very happy, Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing, this smile made Liu Zhengyang a little puzzled.

He had already inquired about Liu Zhengyang's training situation before. In Sman's words, this guy is a real soldier. He trains harder than anyone else every day. Now he can basically fight against the black guy Doc with the best physical fitness. It's a tie.

Can you make a draw with Doc?At that time, Yang Tianlong was very surprised after hearing this. You must know that Duo Ke's physical fitness is not generally strong.

Siman told him that Doc is currently ahead of Liu Zhengyang in terms of physical fitness, and in terms of comprehensive ability, Liu Zhengyang still surpasses by a lot.

"Driving, shooting, fighting, this guy is also very comprehensive, but his personality is still very stubborn. After you leave, I will show him my fists." Sman said with a smile at the time.

"Uncle Long, what are you laughing at?" Liu Zhengyang looked surprised, he even touched his own face, fearing that his face wasn't clean.

"It's nothing, I'm just testing you." Yang Tianlong smiled softly, "Since you like it, just follow the training here."

Seeing that Uncle Long also encouraged him to train well in Boke Village, Liu Zhengyang nodded quickly, expressing that he must train well.

But he still always felt that he was more excited on the battlefield.

"How could there be so many bad guys in peaceful times." Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing this.

"Uncle Long, it's here in Bunia." Liu Zhengyang said with a face full of promises.

"What?" Yang Tianlong asked with narrowed eyes.

"There are militants. I have heard the story about you taking Siman and the others to the rainforest to suppress bandits last time. Why do you think I never encounter such a situation?" After finishing speaking, Liu Zhengyang sighed endlessly.

"Where did you know that kid?" Yang Tianlong asked with a smile.

"Those security team members said that you are very powerful." Liu Zhengyang has gradually begun to admire Yang Tianlong. He has not admired many people in his life. At that time, except for a veteran of the police force, he hardly admired anyone.

"Nonsense, do you think I look like Wenwen Jingjing?" Yang Tianlong seemed a little angry.

Liu Zhengyang tilted his head, and then asked back: "Why doesn't it look like that? At first, I didn't believe my father said that you went deep into the crocodile's lair to rescue the hostages, but now that I look at it, I think it's about the same."

"It's all nonsense." Yang Tianlong got up and looked out the window after finishing speaking, "I'm going back to Kinshasa tonight, if you want to train here, just be honest, otherwise, Siman and the others will beat you up. You kid doesn't even know your mother."

Hearing this, Liu Zhengyang couldn't help laughing, "Uncle Long, don't worry, I like to train here, so I definitely won't do those thorny things."

With Liu Zhengyang's words, Yang Tianlong was reassured. Before leaving, he couldn't help but patted Liu Zhengyang on the shoulder and said, "Zhengyang, train well, but safety is the most important thing, you know."

Looking at Yang Tianlong's calm face, Liu Zhengyang paused, then nodded slightly.

They were reunited at the Wilmots Hotel at noon, and Raff and others also came. According to Raff, the business of the scenic spot has been good since it was newly opened, and the daily income is still very considerable.

Everyone chatted happily after lunch in the restaurant until Yang Tianlong set off for the airport.

Each member of the commando has a car, which is their usual amount, and a convoy of five or six cars is marching towards the airport.

At the airport, Yang Tianlong hugged every old man one by one. He didn't walk towards the security checkpoint until the announcement sounded that the cabin door would be closed in 10 minutes.

Two and a half hours later, Yang Tianlong returned to Kinshasa smoothly.

After taking out the Wrangler from the plane warehouse, it took more than an hour to reach the villa area.

As soon as the car was parked, a tall man came over. This guy was his neighbor Brad.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon." Brad said with a friendly face.

"Hey, old man." Yang Tianlong smiled at Brad.

"Are you okay," Brad said, looking him over.

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong looked surprised, he couldn't figure out why Brad would ask him that.

"You Chinese people have been targeted in Kinshasa recently, and many businessmen have suffered losses." Brad told the whole story with a serious face.

After Brad reminded him, Yang Tianlong remembered what Li Weimin said to him on the phone last night, no wonder this guy looked at him in surprise.

"I heard that your Fuqing gang offended the local underworld. Those gangsters couldn't find people from the Fuqing gang, so they gathered their own minions and went to the Huaxia people's territory to find trouble."

"What kind of underworld is there in the local area?" To be honest, Yang Tianlong knows nothing about other underworld organizations except that there are local Chinese underworld organizations.

Brad smiled slightly, "There are many local gang organizations, and many of them are related to the local people. The Russian skinheads, the American mafia, and even the three-member group of little Japanese pirates have members here. It is no exaggeration to say that, Here as long as a country has a population of more than 200, they will have an organization."

"What about you Yingguo?" Yang Tianlong asked with a smile.

Brad laughed, "Of course Yingguo has one too. Our organization is called Pirates."

"Then what organization is called the Skeleton Party?" Suddenly, Yang Tianlong thought of the cult organization Skeleton Party.

Brad couldn't help being stunned when he heard the word "Skeleton Party", then he shook his head, "I don't know such a disgusting name."

"This is a group of extremist religious organizations. They have skulls on the back of their heads. Old man, you should be careful when you meet such people."

"What? What did you say?" Brad's eyes widened.

"I said the Skeleton Party is a group of extremist religious organizations, and members of their organization have a skull on the back of their heads."

"Really? One of my employees has such a logo, my God, I thought it was his tattoo." Brad's face was extremely horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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