Chapter 272
Early the next morning, Yang Tianlong had just woken up when he saw a Toyota car stop at the entrance of the hotel.

The person who came was Chebi, the mayor of Bunia Town.

Compared to him who was full of vigor a few months ago, Chebi now looks a lot haggard.

After seeing Yang Tianlong, Chebi showed a rare smile.

"Huaxialong, you are back." Chebi's big black hand held Yang Tianlong's hand tightly and said.

"How are you doing recently?" Yang Tianlong pretended to be relaxed.

Chebi smiled bitterly, and couldn't help shaking his head, "Huaxialong, to be honest, my life here is much more difficult after you leave."

Then there was a lot of bitterness.

It turned out that although Kabika fell, his backstage in the province did not fall. Obviously, those backstages who did not have much interest would not buy Chebika's account, so on some issues related to the local people's livelihood However, Kabika's backstage has continuously reduced the preferential treatment for Bunia, which has directly caused the local people's livelihood to be very dissatisfied. Some people even publicly commented that the era when Chebi was in power was far worse than Kabika's time.

"The government wants to advance the project, but there is no money." Chebi shook his head helplessly.

"Can't the bank get a loan?" Yang Tianlong was very surprised.

Chebi nodded, "The bank can't get a loan at all. Now the town government is already heavily in debt, and the people at the bank are all Kabika's old acquaintances. Now they will not buy our account."

The complicated political situation here made Yang Tianlong a little unexpected. Before he came to Africa, he knew that corruption and corruption were common here, but he really didn't expect the situation to be worse than he imagined.

"Then what is Kabika doing now?" Yang Tianlong was curious about Kabika's life after he retired.

"He is doing business now, and he often travels between Kinshasa, the province, and Bunia. He has funds and contacts, and he is a small oligarch." Chebi already hated Kabika to the bone.

Chebi also told Yang Tianlong that he had collected a lot of materials on Kabika's corruption and sent them up, but later there was no news at all, and sometimes he asked the staff around him to ask questions, and the answers above were basically Everyone covered up for Kabika.

Chebi kept pouring bitter water, and Yang Tianlong accepted it all. After Chebi finished speaking, he didn't answer right away, but remained silent for a while.

Chebi didn't dare to vent his anger. He looked at Yang Tianlong with a look of horror. He hoped to seek favorable support from Yang Tianlong.

After a while, Yang Tianlong finally spoke, "Mr. Chebi, your laws are formulated by Western countries, but they are not strictly implemented. For you, can the laws be implemented according to the personal wishes of decision makers?"

Regarding this point, Chebi did not deny it, even though the slap on the face was so hot, he nodded and said honestly, "That's right, this is the biggest drawback."

"Then is there any law not to blame the public?" Previously, Yang Tianlong knew that the African region had always been chaotic. As long as there were many people making trouble, unless there was a big fault, otherwise, it would basically be nothing.

"Yes." Chebi nodded, but then he added, "But the scorer, if it is a person of high esteem, then the punishment must be severely punished. If it is the kind of person with a bad reputation, then Basically just let it go, and even everyone will applaud."

After getting Chebi's answer, Yang Tianlong had a lot of confidence in his heart, he smiled slightly, and said all the thoughts in his heart.

"Then what good will it do us to drive Kabika away?" Although Chebi has a lot of ideas in politics, he actively pursues progress.But after all, he is in the middle of the game right now, and many things cannot be seen through.

"Once Kabika is gone, it will be difficult for his power to penetrate into Bunia. Even if his remnants are still there, it will be difficult to cause a storm." Yang Tianlong replied.

"Why?" Chebi may be really afraid of fighting with Kabika, and now he feels that everything must be stable.

"Because everyone has selfish intentions." When he said this, Chebi only felt that there was an unfathomable green light in Yang Tianlong's eyes.

Chebi nodded, and then said, "Then I'll go back to the office now and let the secretary write it."

Unexpectedly, Yang Tianlong shook his head, "Mr. Chebi, I am not talking about you. Now that you are the mayor, you have a bit of official authority. From the beginning, you let the secretary do everything for you. You should know that this is our responsibility." The trivial matter between them has nothing to do with your government."

Chebi couldn't help but nodded after Yang Tianlong made such a call, he knew that this matter had to be kept secret, otherwise, he, the person behind the scenes, would soon surface, and then he would become the target of Kabika's crazy revenge.

"Remember, we need to mention a few more corrupt rich people, but Kabika is definitely ranked first, and his information must be detailed." Before leaving, Yang Tianlong explained truthfully.

Chebi nodded, and quickly left.

After finishing the conversation with Kabika, Yang Tianlong took Vasily, Li Tao, He Jun and the others straight to Lake Albert after simply having breakfast.

After driving for an hour and a half, it stopped at the destination.

This is the lower mouth of Lake Albert.

Seeing that the lake was full of yellow sand, Li Tao's eyes lit up immediately, this nima is simply gold.

At present, in China, the selling price of one side of ordinary river sand is about 150 yuan, let alone in places like Africa, where the price is at least 2-3 times that of China. The poorer river sand is 200 yuan.

Lake Albert has accumulated at least one million square meters of lake sand over thousands of years.

Li Tao and the others were very surprised, this Nima's is simply a natural cornucopia, why the Africans don't dig such a good cornucopia, they really can't figure it out.

Right now their living area has been surrounded by barbed wire with hobs. In the middle of the barbed wire is a few acres of living land. Dozens of prefab houses have been built to the same extent. Each prefabricated house can accommodate 4-6 people. All air-conditioned, Bunia's militiamen carry AK47s, M16s, and even two bazookas.

The rocket launcher is specially used to deal with the gangsters coming from the lake. Once it hits, all of them will go to the sky.

Not long after arriving at the destination, Li Tao called the rest of the workers to install the dredger. These domestic workers worked very efficiently. When Li Tao called them to work, none of them complained, and they even talked and laughed. up.

According to the plan, the dredger can start working this afternoon.

After taking a closer look by the lake and solving a lot of problems, Yang Tianlong took Vasily towards the scenic spot of Raf.

Right now, Vasili seems to have become Yang Tianlong's personal bodyguard.

(End of this chapter)

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