Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 275 A Brainstorming Imagination

Chapter 275 A Brainstorming Imagination

Like Nubi, Xisai and Dudo are also militants active in Lake Albert. Before, the three of them had enmity with each other, but later they saw that fighting each other was of no benefit to him at all. In the end, the three armed leaders actually formed an alliance, claiming that whoever grabs first will be the one, and whoever arrives first will be the one.

After more than a year and a half like this, not only did the three armed groups live in peace, but they even lived a peaceful and beautiful life.

Things were discussed over lunch.

"Everyone, let's call everyone together today..." After Laf told the three bosses, they nodded quickly, expressing that they would definitely not bother them. In the fat area, from time to time, dozens of young men can emerge armed, and no one can be sure.

"The Huaxia Dragon's security guards will deal with those small armed forces, and our cruise ships are also patrolling the lake, so they can also help." Raff has long been prepared for this problem.

"That's good." Xisai and Dudo couldn't help but nodded.

"Of course, today I have an appointment with some old buddies not only to discuss this issue, but also to discuss business matters. We all know that Huaxia's products have always been of high quality and low price, so today..." Raff's eloquence is also good, and he said Xisai and Dudo couldn't help but nodded.

Africans have always liked weird things, and these militants with tens of hundreds of hands are no exception. Seeing Huaxialong, a businessman who can provide high-quality and low-cost goods, Xisai and the others, like Nubi, quickly A lot of needs have been raised.

Yang Tianlong took out his mobile phone and recorded their voices.

"Hey, what kind of phone is this?" Seeing that this phone is not only beautiful in appearance, but also very delicate in workmanship, the three armed leaders were suddenly curious. Although they are currently using Apple phones, they are old phones from several years ago. Style it.

"We made it in China." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "This phone has dual cameras..."

After a triumphant introduction, the three guys couldn't help but nod their heads in praise.

"In this way, I will send you three copies for free, and deliver them together with those goods." Yang Tianlong knew that these guys are notoriously greedy for petty gains.

Sure enough, when they saw it, they gave it to everyone for free, and after one person had three movies, the three of them immediately became more enthusiastic about Yang Tianlong.

Africans like to drink, and Yang Tianlong followed Laf and drank wantonly with them, but these guys can't drink very well. After each of them blew seven or eight bottles of beer, the three bosses were knocked down one after another.

"Come on, let's drink the rest." Raff said while biting off the bottle cap.

There was clearly nothing wrong with the two of them.

Unlike Yang Tianlong and Raf who ate and drank, Vasili didn't drink. He knew his responsibilities and knew that these guys were collaborators now, but he didn't guarantee that they would be collaborators in the future.

After drinking the remaining five or six bottles of beer with Raff, the two walked out.

"Let's go, go back just in time for that guy Wilmots' hotel to open."

On the way back, Vasily was still driving the vehicle, and Raff himself took several brothers into his Mercedes.

"Hank, did you catch those four people?" Sitting in the car, Yang Tianlong called Hank.

"Boss, I have received it. They are now resting in the hotel. At five o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Wilmots' hotel officially opened." The drive time between Wilmots' two hotels is not long, only about 10 minutes.

"Okay, take them there directly around four o'clock later, we still have about an hour to arrive."

"Understood, boss."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but think of the few deals he made just now. To be honest, if these three deals are settled, his plane warehouse will be completely emptied, and he has to go to China to buy again. , Although it was money, but it made me go back and forth, and the time was wasted a lot.

Thinking of this, Yang Tianlong suddenly thought of another question, that is, since this system has the seller's ability of Taobao store, will it have the buyer's ability after the system is upgraded?
For example, he bought a mobile phone on a domestic website, and then through some mysterious power, the mobile phone appeared directly in his plane warehouse. In this case, he could save a lot of energy and financial resources.

The more Yang Tianlong thought about it, the more excited he became. This was an idea that opened his mind. Although it seemed unscientific and unrealistic, it didn't mean it couldn't be realized.

"System, system..." After thinking in his heart, Yang Tianlong woke up the sleeping system.

"Why..." The system made a big lazy expression.

"If you upgrade, can I buy it as a buyer..." I said all my doubts in my heart.

The system's answer is simple, "Of course."



"Okay, then I understand." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Hey, host, I can't upgrade casually. First, I have to go to Tutan to complete the system upgrade package download, and then I can upgrade after your beef cattle are sold to Mr. Moore."

The beef cattle are usually slaughtered in about one and a half months, plus the buying and selling time in between, it is only about two months. These two months are not so difficult for Yang Tianlong, and after two months, all the projects in the village will be completed. At that time, he will be completely free to buy any home appliances and furniture on the online store to equip the villagers.

"I know, thank you, you can sleep a little longer." After speaking, Yang Tianlong hung up the phone excitedly.

The country is now in a civil war.

Thinking of this, Yang Tianlong quickly opened the electronic map and locked the coordinates in the territory of Tutan.

Tutan is a plateau country in central Africa, bordering Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya...

After roughly looking at the electronic map, Yang Tianlong had a detailed understanding of this country again.

The current president of Tut has only been in office for five years, yet another civil war broke out.

Logically speaking, this place is very barren, but why there are so many civil strife, Yang Tianlong seems to be a little puzzled.

Wait, suddenly, Yang Tianlong remembered someone.

This person is Claire, a freelance media person who once cooperated and helped them oust Kabika.

Yang Tianlong remembered that Clare once said about a small country whose fate was changed because of his report, and it happened that this small country was also located in the middle of Africa.

Is it possible that it is Tutan?

Thinking of this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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