Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 321 The Erupting Volcano

Chapter 321 The Erupting Volcano

A volcanic eruption is a manifestation of crustal movement caused by the release of ejecta such as magma from a volcano vent to the surface in a short period of time.Due to the large amount of volatile matter contained in the magma and the confining pressure of the overlying rock, the volatile matter is dissolved in the magma and cannot overflow. When the magma rises close to the surface, the pressure decreases and the volatile matter is released sharply, thus forming a volcanic eruption.

At this time, Yang Tianlong was also surprised to find that the system upgrade was stuck at 98% of the progress, and there seemed to be no sign of any increase.

The volcanic activity beneath them became more and more intense, threatening to break through the sky. Seeing this, Vasily and Hank couldn't help but quickly lift the plane. Unexpectedly, they found that it was difficult for the helicopter to climb again due to the cold current and the cross-current generated by the volcano.

"Oops." Vasili, who was the main driver, couldn't help screaming secretly. He knew that if he didn't fly out of this airspace, the only thing waiting for them was to be swallowed by huge volcanic ash.

Hank also saw Vasily's plight, he quickly pulled the rudder, but the plane had no power at all.

The foreheads of the two of them began to be covered with dense sweat, and the situation was critical.

Yang Tianlong also saw the inner reactions of the two people. He couldn't help but look at the volcano below him. Fiery red magma had already started to spread inside. These magma melted the surrounding snow in large chunks. Countless The snow blocks fell under the action of violent crustal movement and the high temperature of the magma.

Suddenly at this moment, only a loud noise was heard. Although they were in the air, they still felt the impact of the volcanic eruption to varying degrees.

A piece of magma rock hundreds of kilograms was thrown high into the sky, less than 30 meters away from them.

After flying to the highest altitude, the magma rocks fell freely like meteorites in space, dragging long thick smoke behind them.

"Fack, this damn engine." Vasili couldn't help but cursed.

After the first magma stone flew into the sky, countless magma stones flew into the sky under the influence of huge force. These scenery were undoubtedly beautiful to Siman and the others who were standing in the distance, but to Siman and the others standing in the distance For Yang Tianlong and the others who were in trouble, it was a disaster.

"Host, is it beautiful?" Just as the helicopter was trying to get rid of the influence of the cold current and cross current, the voice in Yang Tianlong's head rang.

"Fuck, what is this?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help cursing.

"This is a step that must be completed for the upgrade. The access point has been fully activated. Don't worry, I will absolutely guarantee your safety. Soon, I will be able to upgrade successfully in less than 2 minutes." The system looked smug, Little did they know that Vasily and Hank were anxious like ants on a hot pot.

"Host, stick your head out of the window." The system reminded.

"Stretch out the window?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help being taken aback.

"That's right, stick out the window." The system nodded, and then gave him a big thumbs up.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong said as he opened the porthole.

"Hey, boss, don't open it." Hank said loudly.

Before Yang Tianlong had time to reply, he saw a gust of cold wind pouring into the cabin, and instantly, the temperature in the cabin dropped several degrees.

"Hey, buddy, don't worry. I'll close it soon." After Yang Tianlong finished speaking, he stuck his head out of the window.

At this moment, the helicopter is basically surrounded by thick smoke, and countless magma stones fly above, reflecting the surrounding space extremely brightly.

Just less than five seconds after Yang Tianlong's head stuck out of the window, he saw a fist-sized magma stone heading straight for his head.

Yang Tianlong didn't seem to pay attention, but Hank found out, and he couldn't help shouting, "Boss, pay attention."

"What's wrong?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback, then turned his head a little.

The magma stone hit his head accurately.

Hank and Vasily were so frightened that they even forgot the rudder and lever in their hands.

Yang Tianlong also felt the presence of foreign objects, but he only felt a beam of light shooting into his head, activating all the cells in his head.

In an instant, a voice rang in his ears.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the upgrade."

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong quickly checked, and sure enough, the progress bar had completed 100%.

The magma rocks outside were still flying, and Yang Tianlong, who had completed the system upgrade, was so frightened that he quickly closed the porthole heavily.

"Boss, are you okay?" Hank's eyes widened. Just now, the fist-sized magma stone hit Yang Tianlong's head, but now he is unscathed. Could it be that he is delusional?

Hanke couldn't help rubbing his eyes again, Yang Tianlong in front of him had changed into a calm look, as if nothing had happened.

It seems that I am really delusional.

"Boss, you sit still. The engine power of the plane is out of power. I have to descend." Vasili knew that the plane could no longer rise, and he was ready to lower the flight altitude with his rich driving experience.

This is a very dangerous move, because the lower the altitude, the higher the chance of being hit by magma rocks.

But that was the end of the matter, and there was nothing else they could do.

"Come on, let the storm come more violently." Yang Tianlong nodded at them and said loudly.

Vasily and Hank couldn't help but nodded, and then pulled the rudder, only to see that the flying altitude of the plane dropped a lot in an instant.

"Bang..." There was only a loud noise. It seemed that the plane had been hit by a magma rock, and its balance was lost again.

Fortunately, the three of them sat relatively firmly so that they would not fall down.

Vasili was not very afraid. He knew that now was not the time to think about the problem, but a race against time to restore the balance and power of the plane as soon as possible.

"Look, the magma has flowed to the middle of the mountain." Hank's eyes were sharp, and he immediately found the lava halfway up the mountain.

The fiery red lava is spreading everywhere on the peak of Kabul Mountain, countless rolling stones are rolling down, and thick smoke is rising from the main peak. If you look at it casually, it gives people a feeling of the end of the world.

Looking at the fiery red magma outside the window, Yang Tianlong and the others suddenly felt that the temperature in the cabin had risen a lot.

Vasily couldn't help looking out the window, and when he saw the scene outside the window, he couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, the magma has flowed out."

The outflow of magma means that the power of the crustal movement is weakened, and it also means that the magma stones will no longer fly horizontally as before.

In a blink of an eye, the altitude of the plane has dropped to about 3000 meters, and the distance from the erupting volcano is almost 1 kilometer.

By feel, they knew they were out of danger.

As soon as Vasily turned the rudder, the helicopter soon passed through the canyon and flew straight to its destination.

 Thank you "I Love Bookworms" and "TgA" for their monthly support, thank you bro, and thank you "The Sky Has Turned Gray" for their frequent recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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