Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 328 He Molested My Girlfriend

Chapter 328 He Molested My Girlfriend (Recommendation Ticket Please)
Hearing the sudden scolding, Yang Tianlong and Liu Shengli couldn't help but look back, only to see a Chinese man in his 20s pointing at Liu Zhengyang's nose and yelling.

But Liu Zhengyang had a calm expression on his face, as if this had never happened.

Seeing that the young man in front of him was neither humble nor overbearing, the guy couldn't help but continued to curse again.

"Damn it, are you fucking blind?"

Seeing that there seemed to be a conflict between his son and others, Liu Shengli quickly stood up from his seat and walked straight to the table of young people.

"Hey, young man, if you have something to say, don't scold your parents." Liu Shengli restrained his emotions.

The guy couldn't help but glanced at Liu Shengli, then raised the corners of his eyes, and said contemptuously, "Who the hell are you, pretending to be a peacemaker."

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is whether we are at peace when we have something to do? Don't scold your father or mother." Liu Shengli smiled.

Yang Tianlong knew that Liu Shengli's temper was also a fiery guy. Although he was trying his best to restrain his temper right now, he was not sure when it would explode.Seeing this, he couldn't help but wink at Vasily and the others. Vasily and the others immediately understood, stood up from their seats, and surrounded them.

"Heh, it's not bad if I didn't beat this grandson up. You let me talk about it." The guy looked disdainful, and he didn't take Liu Shengli seriously at all.

"What did you say? Beat this grandson?" Liu Shengli narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

"Yeah, beat this grandson, why? Are you unconvinced or why?" This guy is not alone, and there are quite a few young people sitting around him. They are all full of tattoos, and you can tell by this posture that they are people who are making their way in society.

"Say it again." Liu Shengli's expression suddenly became a little hideous.

"Hehe, threaten me." The guy looked cynical, and even leaned towards Liu Shengli, which was quite provocative.

"What the hell did I say to beat up this grandson? Old deaf man, can you hear me clearly now." The guy said word by word.

"Grass mud horse." Although Liu Shengli is over 40 years old, his skills are extremely agile. After he swears, he immediately punched the guy on the bridge of the nose.

"I'm rough." Seeing the middle-aged man using force, those guys also picked up the beer bottles on the table and prepared to beat Liu Shengli indiscriminately.

"Fack." Vasily and the others had been preparing for a long time, and these gangsters didn't have any guard against them at all, they just thought that these blond crooked nuts were onlookers.

Yang Tianlong saw a guy take out a dagger, and when he was about to stab Liu Shengli, he couldn't help but kicked that guy's wrist, and the hit was another elbow, and the guy who hit him was nestled in the corner all of a sudden. inside.


For a while, the entire barbecue restaurant was in chaos.

Seeing this posture, the boss and the proprietress were too scared to vent their anger. After the boss was in a daze for a while, he immediately took out his mobile phone.

Soon, these guys were beaten to the corner of the barbecue restaurant by Vasily and Liu Zhengyang.

"This matter is not over." Liu Shengli's temper became stubborn because he didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. He was going to argue with the guy who took the lead in making trouble just now.

"Bang..." Suddenly, at this moment, a gunshot rang out from the door. The sound was so loud that everyone inside was startled.

"What the hell are you doing?" After the gunfire, a strong man in a black T-shirt came in with a group of men, and that guy was holding a domestic 54 pistol in his hand.

And the guys around him all put their hands in their pockets, and it was obvious that they also had something with them.

"Brother." The guy who was punched by Liu Shengli just now couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw someone coming in, and he quickly ran towards the person.

"Qiaozi, what's going on?" The big black man stared at Yang Tianlong and the others intently.

"Brother, these guys flirted with my girlfriend just now, I argued with them, and I was beaten by them before I knew it." The guy called Qiuzi said hurriedly, covering his face.

"Really?" The big black man couldn't help but look at Yang Tianlong and the others, and then at his younger brothers who were beaten just now.

Liu Shengli was about to speak, but Yang Tianlong gently pulled him back, and then he fell silent.

"This brother, there must have been some misunderstanding just now." Yang Tianlong smiled, looking like a peacemaker.

"Misunderstanding? Misunderstanding is misunderstanding, Qiuzi, tell me, who molested your girlfriend? Who hit you in the face." The tone of the black man was quite threatening.

"Brother, that little boy flirted with my girlfriend, that crew-haired man hit me just now, and those crooked nuts are all in the same group." Ball said loudly.

"Oh, little brother, this matter is already so complicated, how dare you say it was a misunderstanding?" The black man couldn't help but look at Yang Tianlong with a disdainful expression.

"Brother, let me just say a word, I didn't molested his girlfriend just now, I just accidentally touched him while walking, and I also said sorry to him, if you insist on holding on to this matter, then I will tell you I will accompany you to the end."

Yang Tianlong also knew Liu Zhengyang's temper, and he was even more stubborn than Liu Shengli when he was stubborn.

"Little brother, it's not about being sorry now, but about hurting my brothers after molesting my sister-in-law." The black man replied with a reason.

"Then why are you scolding me?" Liu Zhengyang stiffened his neck and said.

"Have you ever scolded?" The big black man turned around and looked at the ball boy.

Qiu Zai shook his head, "No, brother, I didn't scold them at all."

"Have you heard, little brother, our people didn't scold you at all, do you have evidence? No, but I see that my brothers have injuries, and this is evidence." The black man looked a little reckless, but he didn't expect But they are so cunning, which surprised Yang Tianlong and the others.

"It means keep going horizontally, right." Liu Zhengyang and Liu Shengli actually said in unison at this time.

"Go on? Haha." The big black man laughed, "There are two ways to go now, one is that we beat you up until we are relieved, and the other is that you give us one hundred thousand dollars as compensation for our losses."

"Then what if I disagree with both?" Liu Zhengyang said as he walked forward a few steps. At this moment, in his dictionary, the word "fear" is not at all.

"Then I'm sorry, you are on our territory, can you still make you mess around?" The big black man's finger has been quietly placed on the trigger.

The same is true of his subordinates, they only wait for the big black man to give an order.

The atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point in an instant, and conflicts may break out between the two sides at any time.

Both Liu Shengli and Liu Zhengyang looked at each other calmly, and they were thinking about how to attack to minimize their own losses.

"Everyone, how about listening to me?" Yang Tianlong interrupted at this time with a calm expression.

"Who are you?" The black man continued to look disdainful, "What capital do you have to chat with me?"

Immediately, the big black man made a sharp movement of shooting, and the black hole of the gun directly hit Yang Tianlong's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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