Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 333 Gossip

Chapter 333 Gossip
When he came to the building materials market, Liu Zhengyang and Li Yanhong were busy. It turned out that the employees of Liu Shengli and his company came to Li Yanhong's store to buy building materials.

However, since the building material store hadn't been open for a long time, Li Yanhong and Liu Zhengyang didn't know what to do. They didn't even know how to issue the most basic invoices.

In desperation, he had to turn to fellow villagers who were also in the building materials market.

With the help of this fellow, they quickly learned how to use it.

This busy, almost busy for nearly an hour.

After waiting for them to finish their work, Liu Zhengyang pulled Yang Tianlong aside. He told Yang Tianlong that they had checked at the police station today, and there was no record of Wang Dalei's departure.

After listening to Liu Zhengyang's report, it seems that Wang Dalei's scope has been narrowed down to the Congo. Of course, the possibility of being hijacked by someone is not ruled out, but the possibility of this possibility is too small to guess from reality. .

"Zhengyang, are there many Chinese women in this building materials market?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Liu Zhengyang was taken aback for a moment, he looked at Yang Tianlong a little bewilderedly, obviously, he was a little at a loss.

When Yang Tianlong saw Liu Zhengyang's strange expression, he instantly understood.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly, "I mean, Sister Li is a woman, and it's inconvenient to live with us, you can understand now."

"Hmm." Liu Zhengyang nodded, "Uncle Long, it's really inconvenient for her to live with us as a woman. In this way, my father's company also has female employees. I know they rented a building for these female employees. It's not far away, I'll ask for help, if you have time, let her live there, there are many women's homes, at least there is only one companion."

"Okay, you can call your father now, and let him come to my house for dinner by the way." Yang Tianlong said to Liu Zhengyang with a smile.

Liu Zhengyang nodded, took out his mobile phone and was about to call, but he waved his hand quickly, "Hey, Zhengyang, go out and call."

Liu Zhengyang nodded, gave him a sly smile, and then quickened his pace.

Not long after Liu Zhengyang left, Li Yanhong also walked out.

"Mr. Yang, there is something I want to tell you."

"Sister Li, what's the matter?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling.

"I'm really sorry for bothering you all the time. I plan to live in the market tonight." Li Yanhong said embarrassingly.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, but said in his heart, could it be that she heard my conversation with Zhengyang?
But soon he denied this guess in his heart. When he said this to Liu Zhengyang just now, his voice was very low, and he was still at least ten meters away from Li Yanhong.

"Sister Li, you can't live here alone." Yang Tianlong immediately vetoed her, "It's very dangerous here."

"No, Mr. Yang, I always trouble you. I don't know how to repay you. I don't have any problems with being your nanny, but you and Xiao Liu are not very old. Maybe there will be some gossip. It won't be good for anyone if it gets out." When Li Yanhong said this, she obviously mustered up her courage, and her face was flushed.

Her starting point is the same as that of Yang Tianlong and the others. After all, gossip can sometimes completely cover up the truth.

"Sister Li, I know what you mean. In fact, Zhengyang and I also have the same intention. Old Liu's company also has female workers. They rent houses for these female workers outside. Now he is calling, if there are spare rooms there If not, I think it would be a good idea for you to live there." Yang Tianlong said to Li Yanhong seriously.

After Li Yanhong listened to it, she thought about it for a while, and then couldn't help but nodded, "Well, that's not bad, I'll pay the rent, utilities, etc. as I should."

Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "Sister Li, let's talk about this later."

At this moment, Liu Zhengyang quickly walked into the market again, but when he saw Yang Tianlong and Li Yanhong together, he couldn't help hesitating for a while.

"Zhengyang, come here." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded from Liu Zhengyang.

Liu Zhengyang immediately understood the meaning of Yang Tianlong's words, he hurried over, took a breath and said, "Uncle Long, no one answered my dad's phone, I called several times."

"This old Liu." Yang Tianlong couldn't help smiling, and then he turned his head to Li Yanhong, "Sister Li, how about this, you work here first, I will go to Lao Liu's company with Zhengyang."

Li Yanhong nodded, and then said, "Okay, don't make things difficult for Brother Liu."

"It's okay." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong gave Liu Zhengyang a wink. This kid was really smart, and quickly drove out of the car.

It took only about 10 minutes to drive from the building materials market to Liu Shengli's company by taking a shortcut. The driving speed was very fast along the way, and they arrived at Liu Shengli's company in only 15 minutes.

There were two black security guards with guns at the entrance of the company. Seeing that Yang Tianlong and Liu Zhengyang wanted to go in to find Manager Liu, but they couldn't produce relevant certificates, they refused to let them in.

"No, we will be expelled if you enter." The attitude of the black security guard was very firm.

In desperation, Liu Zhengyang had no choice but to call his father again, but unexpectedly no one answered the phone.

"Uncle Long, my dad still didn't pick up." Liu Zhengyang looked hopeless, and he even had the urge to smash the phone.

"Let me try." Yang Tianlong seemed a little unbelieving, what happened to this old Liu today, and no one answered the phone.

Liu Shengli still didn't answer the phone.

Just then, a voice came.

"Mr. Yang, why are you here?"

The voice seemed a little strange, and Yang Tianlong couldn't help but look back, only to see a little old man in his fifties.

"Mr. Yang, have you forgotten me? I am Mr. Chen from the company." The visitor said with a smile.

"Hello Chen Gong, it's not that I forgot you, but you look younger than before. I wonder if you are his younger brother." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled.

The Chen Gong in front of him is the little old man who took Qin Kexuan and the others to the commercial street in Kinshasa last time. Qin Kexuan and the others were entangled by several black people that time, thanks to Yang Tianlong who found out in time.

"You can really talk, no wonder our Mr. Liu appreciates you very much." Chen Gong smiled a little embarrassedly, "Mr. Liu and the others are still in a meeting."

"Didn't it start in the morning?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Chen Gong nodded, "Yes, from nine o'clock in the morning until now, doesn't it mean that we have a project manager candidate to be determined? It is estimated that the leaders have different opinions."

After hearing Chen Gong, Yang Tianlong's heart sank, and it really confirmed his assumption yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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