Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 351 Battle of the Wild Boar King in the Water

Chapter 351 Battle of the Wild Boar King in the Water

Under the water, Yang Tianlong lowered his body as much as possible, the purpose is to prevent the wild boar from noticing his movements.

Nix, who hadn't dived yet, saw the wild boar king rushing over, and he was [-]% sure that the distance between him and the wild boar king was within the killing range of the wild boar king.

In desperation, Nix squatted directly below the surface of the water.

The Wild Boar King was taken aback for a moment, and then found Nix squatting underwater through the clear lake water.

The water they are in is not deep, only to the height of the neck, which is about 1.6 meters deep. Nix did not squat to the bottom all at once, but arched his body.

The wild boar king was irritated again, it yelled again, and then it was ready to use its long fangs to plunge into the water to deal with this cunning human being.

However, before its mouth was completely closed, the Wild Boar King suddenly felt his body sinking suddenly, and in an instant, he felt an inexplicable force on his hind legs that was dragging him down towards the water .

When a person encounters an emergency in the water, he usually yells, let alone a wild boar whose IQ is far inferior to that of a human. Therefore, the moment he entered the water, the wild boar king suddenly opened his mouth wide and prepared to roar.

The icy lake water suddenly poured into the wild boar king's big mouth, and the feeling of suffocation drove it to kick its hind legs suddenly. The strong desire to survive made the wild boar king want to continue floating on the water.

If it was on land, the wild boar king's kick might have killed Yang Tianlong, but now in the water, the buoyancy and resistance have wiped out most of his strength, so Yang Tianlong was not injured, but his body receded slightly tens of centimeters.

Nix, who was half-squatting under the water, also quickly regained consciousness in the water. Seeing Yang Tianlong dragging the wild boar's hind legs, he was not to be outdone, and immediately stretched out his hands to grab the wild boar king's front legs and pull him towards the water.

However, as the Wild Boar King's body kept churning, Nix only held one of its legs.

However, it was this leg that saved the Knicks' life.

The front left leg was suddenly pulled, and the Wild Boar King, who had just gotten rid of Yang Tianlong's entanglement, lost his balance in the water in an instant, and his fangs happened not to be aimed at Nix.

Seeing the wild boar king's embarrassment in the water, Nix couldn't help but his morale was boosted, but before he could move, he was kicked directly by the wild boar king, and his hand was also separated from the powerful front left leg of the wild boar king.

Yang Tianlong also saw Nix's assistance underwater, and just when the wild boar king's head came out of the water and exhaled heavily, he made another decisive move and pulled the wild boar king into the water again.

The buzzing lake water was pouring into the Wild Boar King's head at this moment, and for a while it was poured into a daze.

At this time, Battelle also swam to them.

Regardless of 21, Battelle picked up the dagger and stabbed the wild boar's buttocks. The leather tissue here is not very thick. Once the knife was cut, the painful wild boar king screamed. A lot of lake water.

As a grassland man, Battelle is very brave. After stabbing the wild boar king's buttocks several times, he used his hand to pull the wild boar king's tusks. This guy's weight of nearly 190 catties pushed all the wild boar king under the water. .

Under the water, the poor Wild Boar King had no power to resist except struggle.

Nix also rushed over. Now that the wild boar king's fangs had been pulled by Battelle, he didn't care too much, and directly pulled the wild boar's front legs to prevent the big guy from floating up.

The three of them were exhausted in the water like the wild boar, but their instincts and potential far surpassed the wild boar's. They didn't let go of their hands until the wild boar passed out.

"Go, drag it to the shore." Battelle is not willing to eat a wild boar that was drowned by the lake directly in the water.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded.

"I grabbed its tusks, and the two of you grabbed its front legs one by one, and the other by its hind legs. Every ten meters, let this guy hold his breath in the water for a while, otherwise, we will be in trouble when he wakes up. "Battelle's experience is very rich, and Yang Tianlong and the Knicks are also very useful to him.

The three of them dragged the huge wild boar king and walked slowly towards the shore. The huge sense of conquest made them forget their physical exhaustion.

And the group of wild boars on the land did not disperse, they began to gather together in twos and threes.

The trick of catching the thief first and capturing the king has already been used, and James is no longer afraid of the remaining minions. He skillfully loaded the ammunition, and then aimed and fired. Years of hunter experience allowed him to shoot the nearest one at once. The head of the little wild boar was hit directly.

Knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, the remaining wild boars saw that the wild boar king had been caught, and the little wild boar beside him also had flowers on its head, and with the huge gunshots from the shotgun, they quickly fled into the forest not far away.

Waiting for Yang Tianlong and the others to go ashore, he felt exhausted all over his body, and then he and Nix sat down on the grass.

But Battelle didn't rest. He took out his dagger and aimed at the wild boar's heart, and the blood spurted from the heart artery sprayed Battelle's face. The pig's blood licked into his mouth.

The poor wild boar just grunted a few times, and then remained motionless.

"Good guy, it's so big." James walked around the wild boar king, and couldn't help but wonder in his mouth. He can guarantee that he has never seen such a huge boar in his decades of dealing with wild boars. wild boar.

Seeing the wild boar's blood dripping all over the floor, Nix couldn't help panting, "Hey, guys, did we kill this wild boar?"

James nodded, "Yes, I was killed by you, you are real warriors, guys."

"Haha, I'm so fucking happy, Huaxialong, we actually killed such a big wild boar." Nix suddenly felt a huge sense of conquest in his heart, and then he got a few long sneezes in exchange.

"Hey, Mr. Nix, do you have a cold?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"No." Nix shook his head, "It's just a little cold."

Nix didn't say that, Yang Tianlong really didn't feel it, but now that he said that, he couldn't help but feel the goosebumps all over his body.

"I have to take a photo as a souvenir." After that, Nix was about to take out his phone.

Unexpectedly, the moment his hand touched the phone, he shook his head involuntarily, "Fake, the phone is flooded."

"Use mine, buddy, I'll send it to you later." James handed over his phone.

After waiting for Nix to take a few photos, James said, "Battelle, you will dispose of this wild boar. I have to take Huaxialong and the others back to the cabin and find some clothes for them there."

Battelle nodded, and then began to skin the wild boar again.

"Hey, old man, can you help me peel this wild boar skin into a whole piece? I want to hang it on the wall of the office." Nix begged.

Battelle smiled slightly, "No problem."

"Let's go, let's get in the car." James and Yang Tianlong had already got in the car, and the only thing missing was the Knicks.

After hearing this, Nix nodded quickly, and then he also opened the car door and jumped on it.

In James' small wooden building, James found a set of overalls for Yang Tianlong and Nix. Although the overalls didn't fit them very well, they were still warm.

After changing his clothes and coming to the living room, James had already started to ignite the charcoal.

"Let's eat roast pork leg at noon, two guys, oh, by the way, Hua Xialong, what is this gentleman's name?"

 Thank you "Ten Masters" brother monthly ticket, happy Chinese New Year, brother, make a fortune in the new year
(End of this chapter)

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