Chapter 353

"The taste is great, very delicious. The taste of wine in different places in the mouth is completely different." Yang Tianlong said excitedly.

James laughed, "Haha, Huaxialong, it seems that you have a little understanding of wine. This is wine from a noble winery in Bordeaux, France. Think about it, it has been stored in my basement for more than 30 years. The taste is naturally delicious. Very good."

Nix couldn't help but nodded, "It seems that we didn't come in vain this time. Although we met wild boars, wild boars are nothing compared to delicious wines. Delicious wines are my favorite, Huaxialong , don't worry, when I get drunk, my inspiration will continue to burst out, and I'm afraid I will show you a completely different pasture." After saying this, Nix couldn't wait to say Poured a small half cup.

"It's full of wine?" After looking around for a week, Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking, seeing that there were about forty or fifty bottles of wine on the shelf.

James shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "Of course not, there are still bullets and shotguns inside. I fired a few shots when you were in the lake just now, but then there were no bullets, so Battelle and I came here again to get the bullets. Fortunately, we acted quickly and didn't waste time." After that, James walked to a huge dark cabinet by the corner. The color of this cabinet was similar to the color of the surrounding lights. If you didn't look carefully, you really couldn't find it.

"There are several Remington shotguns and thousands of rounds of ammunition in here, and I will give them to you together when the time comes." James said with a smile.

"No, Mr. James, I think it's best to convert it into a price." Yang Tianlong waved his hand quickly.

"Isn't this already in there?" James smiled easily, "Actually, I have to thank you for taking over my ranch, otherwise my plan to return to my hometown in the countryside in the United States will continue to be postponed, so all this is fate, and you don't want to I can't take these shotguns back to the United States at all, so I will give you all these shotguns and bullets, don't reject me, a little old man."

Seeing James being so generous, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded, and then smiled gratefully at him.

The two walked more than half a circle in the basement, and there were not many usable things in it, except for wine and guns and ammunition, but there was a lot of space inside. In James' words, with a little modification, it might be possible to make it An exhibition hall or something.

After walking around, Nix was still drinking slowly. To Yang Tianlong and James, this guy didn't seem to be tasting wine, but talking about life with wine.

"Hey, man, we have to go up." James patted Knicks on the shoulder and said.

Unexpectedly, Nix didn't seem to be moved, and continued to immerse himself in the wonderful world of talking with the wine in the glass. It wasn't until James patted him on the shoulder again that Nix walked out of the mood just now.

"What are you doing?" the guy asked with his eyes wide open.

"I said we have to go up." James laughed.

"Okay." After speaking, Nix picked up the opened wine bottle with the wine glass in one hand and the other.

"Let me come, Mr. James." Seeing that James was about to lift the bottle, Yang Tianlong said hurriedly.

"Okay, I'll leave them to you, I'm at ease." James said with a pun, with a meaningful expression on his face.

Soon, the three of them walked out of the basement and came to the first floor of the small wooden building.

Not long after they arrived in the living room, they heard the chug of a car engine at the door.

James smiled slightly, "This guy Battelle must be back."

Sure enough, when the door was opened, Battelle jumped off the off-road vehicle.

"Boss, where can I get some wild boar for lunch?" Battelle asked involuntarily.

"Get two pork legs, I'll give you a salt-smoked roasted pork leg." James said loudly.

Battelle nodded, then opened the trunk, took out a sharp dagger and scratched hard at the wild boar's hind legs.

"Child, come, help me move this charcoal fire rack outside." James said, pointing to the already burning charcoal fire rack.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and soon moved the grill outdoors with James.

Battelle's movements were also very agile, and after a short while, he brought over the two severed wild boar legs.

"Cut the pork leg into pieces," James said, "and the body of the suckling pig. Shave it and fry a tender pork chop later."

Battelle nodded, then walked into the kitchen with the pig leg and the little wild boar.

"Mr. James, why don't you try my craft at noon." Yang Tianlong looked at James and said.

"Let me come. You can take a good rest, or you can go upstairs to visit." James shook his head and insisted on coming by himself.

Unable to resist James, Yang Tianlong had no choice but to walk into the room. In the room, Nix continued to drink. This guy's way is really special.

It was already noon at this time, and it was also the time when the sun was shining the most intensely in the day. Looking at the work clothes on his body, Yang Tianlong decided to hang up his and Nix's clothes first. It took less than an hour for their clothes to dry.

"Hey, buddy, there's a washing machine over there." Just as Yang Tianlong picked up his clothes, Battelle came out with a large pot of pig's feet, and pouted at the location of the washing machine.

"Thank you." Yang Tianlong looked over and saw a fully automatic washing machine in the bathroom.

Having a washing machine is naturally a lot more convenient. Yang Tianlong patted Nix on the shoulder, indicating that he can take out the items in his underwear.

As before, Knicks didn't get out of his mood until he took a second shot.

"Mr. Nix, there is a washing machine over there. Before we have lunch, we can wash our clothes. See if there are any important items in your underwear."

Nix nodded, and then came to his underwear, and took out his mobile phone, wallet, keychain and other items from inside.

A mobile phone soaked in water is unusable. Nicks expressed regret about this.

Nix's clothes were washed first, followed by his clothes. Taking advantage of Nix's laundry, Yang Tianlong walked to the side of the car. After seeing no one around, he quickly took out two brand new mobile phones.

One for himself and the other for Nix, thinking that Mr. Nix almost lost his life today, and in the end it was just that the phone was ruined, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but feel guilty for a while, and giving him a mobile phone is understandable.

When Yang Tianlong handed Nix the phone, the guy looked surprised.

"Huaxia Dragon, where did you come from?"

"My friend just sent me two from China, and now we each have one." Yang Tianlong said while raising the mobile phone in his hand. Except for the different color from the Knicks, the rest are exactly the same.

"Made in China?" From Nix's tone, it seemed that he was still very interested in China's products.

"Yes, you can try it. I have been using it before, and it is very agile. I have already adjusted the language to English for you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll accept it." After finishing speaking, Nix stroked the brand new mobile phone in his hand with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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