Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 355 Delicious but Dumplings

Chapter 355 Delicious but Dumplings
James didn't follow Yang Tianlong to Franlo's villa. The two drove in different directions when they were approaching the city, but Yang Tianlong took James's box of wine back. .

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Tianlong parked the car at the gate of the villa steadily.

"Huaxialong, here comes my inspiration." Just as Yang Tianlong was about to open the door to get out of the car, Nix, who had been sitting quietly in the co-pilot's seat, spoke suddenly.

"What inspiration?" Yang Tianlong asked subconsciously.

"About your inspiration for building the small villa." Nix smiled with confidence.

"Tell me." Yang Tianlong was not in a hurry to get out of the car, he really wanted to hear Nix's thoughts.

"My idea is that you can actually buy a forest as your back garden." Nix said seriously.

"Buy the forest?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, think about it, wouldn't it be very warm and romantic to build a tree-lined path in the middle of the forest?" Nix couldn't help but smile.

Yang Tianlong thought about it carefully, what Nix said was unreasonable, and he did not object, but as for the difficulty of this matter, he was not too clear.

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking Nix how feasible this matter was.

"Of course it's very big, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up." Nix said seriously, "At the edge of the forest, the vegetation there is often not very dense, so it is relatively easy to build tree-lined trails inside. Things, but as for the specific area needed, I have to look it up online."

"Did the relevant procedures go through smoothly?" Yang Tianlong looked at Nix and couldn't help asking.

"It's not difficult. You need to apply to the forestry department, and at the same time, you need to ensure that the habitat of animals there will not be destroyed. But I'm not sure about the price. I'll check it with my mobile phone now." After that, Nick Si then took out his mobile phone and inquired about the purchase price of forests in Addis Ababa.

"About 20 US dollars per mu." Nix pointed to the information on the phone.

"It's only 666.66 square meters per mu. The price is too high." Yang Tianlong shook his head.

"That can also be rented. The price for one year is..." Nix quickly moved his finger on the screen of the phone. The sensitivity of this phone is really not bad.

"The annual price is $1000 per acre." Nix said excitedly.

"Can I rent it?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"Of course, we can just lay stone slabs in the forest, just like the stone slabs in your Huaxia Palace Square. Does it feel like returning to your hometown when you walk inside?" Nix said loudly.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded while listening, don't tell me, Nix's inspiration is really good. When you are free, you can not only watch the blue sky and white clouds in the pasture, but also hold your lover's hand and walk into the nearby tree-lined path. It also feels great.

"How many acres of woodland will it take?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"I have to check the denseness of forest vegetation on the Internet. To be honest, how much rent can you accept every year?" Nix feels that the area is not up to him, but depends on the needs of customers.

"About twenty thousand dollars." After thinking about it, Yang Tianlong told Nix.

"Okay, I'll go to your house and measure it on the electronic map." After finishing speaking, Nix picked up the laptop in the back row and was about to get out of the car.

When they walked into the villa, the whole family was busy. Elena, who had a big belly, helped Mrs. Sofia make snacks, cakes and cheese, while Mr. Franlo brought Jonny to the table beside him to discuss the beef. Meat such as pork chops, herring, etc. are cut and marinated.

"Son, what are you holding in your arms?" After greeting Nix, Franlo couldn't help asking when he saw his son-in-law holding a large wooden box.

"This is the wine Mr. James asked me to bring." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"James' wine?" Franlo couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then his face was covered with a smile, "Haha, I haven't had the wine in his cellar for a long time."

"Mr. James said to enjoy it at night." Yang Tianlong replied in the original.

"Yes, I have to have a few drinks with him in the evening." Franlo smiled slightly.

After moving the wooden box to the cool corner of the back door, Yang Tianlong returned to the car, taking out the dumpling wrappers, old godmother, sesame oil and other condiments from the warehouse while there was no one around.

Mr. Franlo's family has pork, but it's not minced meat. In the kitchen, Yang Tianlong took out pork, cabbage, and celery, and quickly chopped them into fine pieces...

"What is this?" Looking at the round dumpling wrappers, Mrs. Sophia couldn't help asking curiously.

"Mother, this is the dumpling wrapper that Huaxia people like to eat. Huaxialong was chopping the stuffing just now." Elena quickly explained.

"Why chop stuffing? Does the dumpling wrapper have anything to do with this?" In Madam Sophia's view, the dumpling wrapper should be boiled in water just like noodles.

"Mother, this stuffing is wrapped in dumplings." Elena smiled, and then saw her take a spoon, gently scooped a small spoonful of meat stuffing, and put the meat stuffing into the dumpling skin "Mother, look, then I will dip some water on the dumpling wrapper, gently fold the dumpling wrapper in half, and make folds from the sides..." Elena patiently explained to Mrs. Sophia how to wrap the dumpling wrapper. Make dumplings.

After seeing her daughter demonstrate three times, Mrs. Sophia couldn't help but nodded. She smiled slightly and said, "Son, I can do it now."

After all, Mrs. Sophia made dumplings according to the method Elena taught her just now. After a while, a beautiful dumpling appeared in front of Yang Tianlong and Elena.

"Ms. Sophia, you are really good. You have learned it in just a few efforts, and you are better than many Chinese people." Yang Tianlong praised.

"Really?" From Mrs. Sophia's bright smile, it is not difficult to see that after being praised by her son-in-law, her mood has improved a lot.

"Of course." Yang Tianlong nodded affirmatively.

"Then come over and make dim sum with us, and I'll make dumplings for Elena later, what do you think?" Mrs. Sophia suggested.

"Of course." Yang Tianlong rolled up his sleeves after finishing speaking.


By the time I was busy until six o'clock in the afternoon, everything was ready, and I just waited for the guests to come and put them in the steamer for steaming.

James also brought his wife to Franlo's house. Before James came, several middle-aged men and women who looked like artists had gathered in the living room of Franlo's house. Everyone was chatting together, and it was very lively.

"Hey, old man." Seeing James, Franlo hurried forward and gave him a big hug.

"Old man, I brought the contract, why don't you let your wife take a look first." James smiled.

 Thanks to my brother for the support of the "Yiwei Poison Rivers and Lakes" monthly ticket, brother, happy Chinese New Year, make a fortune in the new year

(End of this chapter)

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