Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 387 Advanced and vulgar on the line

Chapter 387 There is a thin line between advanced and vulgar
Yang Tianlong looked back and found that the bikini girl was Mi Qi again.

"Why are you here?" Yang Tianlong looked at Mi Qi with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't understand why Mi Qi came to such a place.Could it be that these local tyrants are all like Mickey?
"Why can't I be here? Dude, Rosalia and that bitch can be here, why can't I?" Mickey said, flicking her blonde hair, and then sat down on the sand next to her.

"You are really like a ghost who will never go away." After drinking a glass of wine with Mi Qi, Yang Tianlong half-jokingly half-seriously said.

"It seems that I should say this, why do I always meet you?" Mi Qi looked at Yang Tianlong with big watery eyes.

"Maybe I'm more annoying." Yang Tianlong laughed at himself.

"You stunner, how could you say you hate it?" Miqi chuckled, "I should be the one who said I hate it."

Yang Tianlong said, "Why?"

"Because you never look at me directly, do you think I'm annoying to you?" Miki said with a charming smile on her face. Judging from the appearance alone, in fact, Miki and Rosalia Not much difference, perhaps the only difference lies in her identity.

When Yang Tianlong heard this, he couldn't help but smiled, then shook his head, "No, it's not that you hate it, but I'm a serious man, I have a wife, and my child is about to be born."

"Youwu, do you mean that I'm not serious? Haha..." Mickey giggled.

"No, that's not what I mean. If I don't have a girlfriend and I'm not married, maybe I think something can happen to you, but it's absolutely impossible right now. A man must be responsible for his family. I think you understand."

"I don't understand." Mickey shook her head. "I just want to tell you that with me, I don't need you to take any responsibility. Even if your wife is present, we can pretend we don't know each other."

Yang Tianlong shook his head, "Sorry, I'm not an actor."

"There is none of you men who is not stealthy. I only believe half of what you just said, stunner."

"Which half?" Yang Tianlong asked with interest.

Mickey smiled slightly, "Of course you have a wife, and your child is about to be born. I have strong doubts about the rest."

"Why?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking again.

"It seems that you were having a tryst with that bitch that those people were looking for that night." After saying this, Mi Qi looked at Yang Tianlong calmly.

"Yes." Yang Tianlong did not hide anything, "You are right, I think you should have seen it?"

"I guessed it." Unexpectedly, Mickey said so.

"Guess?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

"You should believe that a woman's sixth sense is very good." Suddenly, Mi Qi gently leaned her body over, and the feminine fragrance of orchid on her body floated gently with the sea breeze.

"But I'm just friends with her." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Of course, I didn't say you two had sex." Mickey giggled.

"That woman is really amazing, she dared to jump off the roof wearing a wingsuit." Mi Qi said while shaking the wine glass in her hand, which still had the last trace of cocktail in it.

"I don't know about this." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"I know, otherwise those people will definitely interrupt your hands and feet." Mickey smiled softly, and swallowed the last trace of the cocktail in the glass.

"You seem to be very familiar with Dubai?" Yang Tianlong tried to change the subject.

Mickey nodded, "Of course, I have been in Dubai for two years, and I have slept with countless stinky men, but I don't have a penny in savings. I like it here, and I can buy whatever I want here. Luxury to buy, but I feel really stupid now."

Yang Tianlong couldn't help being taken aback by Mi Qi's contrasting tone before and after, "Why do you say that?"

"I shouldn't have sex with those stinky men casually. I should be like Rosalia and be a high-class whore, so I paid money to come to this party this time."

"How much did it cost?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"$1." Mickey stretched out a finger with a gloomy face.

"Then you still put your mind on me, and hurry up to find your prey." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Because I still don't give up on you. You have a great figure and a good face. Maybe having sex with you will make me feel like I'm floating in the sky." Miqi once again showed off her various amorous feelings .

"Oh my God, I'm speechless to be molested by you every time." Yang Tianlong looked mad.

"Just get used to it, okay, I'll let you go today, but do me a favor." Mickey showed a charming smile.

"What's busy?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"My swimsuit tether fell off, can you tie it for me, please?" Mi Qi looked at Yang Tianlong with big watery eyes, begging.

"This?" Yang Tianlong hesitated.

"In return for helping you that night? OK?" Mickey said again.

"Okay." In desperation, Yang Tianlong had no choice but to get up and come behind Mi Qi, and tied her loose tether.

"Goodbye, stunner, you really don't want anything to happen to me? Let me tell you the truth, maybe you won't see me in Dubai tomorrow." Mickey said again.

"See you by fate." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Seeing this guy was really heartless, Mi Qi didn't bother anymore, and after blowing a kiss to Yang Tianlong, she turned her plump buttocks and walked towards the group who were carnival at the seaside.

Could this woman be a spy?Yang Tianlong picked up the wine beside him, took a sip, and looked at Mi Qi who was not far away. At this time, Mi Qi was already flirting with a guy.

Compared with Mickey's flirting, Victoria's Secret Angel Rosalia looks a lot more ladylike. Although she is also wearing a sexy bikini, she did not laugh and quarrel with those men and women in the sea, but followed One or two men who looked familiar were chatting by the beach.

Not long after, the two men left, and Rosalia came to a reclining chair next to her, where she admired the beautiful scenery around her.

Sitting alone under the tree for a while, after seeing Hussein, Duraf, and Kareem coming up from the sea, Yang Tianlong picked up his wine glass and walked towards the three big players, all of whom were gold masters. , as the beneficiary, it is understandable to offer a cup to the Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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