Chapter 390
Following the order of the ski instructor, Yang Tianlong first stepped forward with his left foot, then raised his right foot, and at the same time kicked the snow stick in his hand backwards, his body was like sitting on a skateboard The same slipped out.

According to the skills taught by the coach, Yang Tianlong constantly adjusted his position and speed through changes in his body posture, and his speed became faster and faster. .

There was the sound of the cold wind whistling in my ear, and there was a vast expanse of white snow in front of me. After experiencing tension and fear, Yang Tianlong's movements became extremely proficient. At the finish line, he made a beautiful sideslip He stopped his body movements.

"Beautiful." The ski instructor who finished before him couldn't help giving him a thumbs up, "Sir, you are the most enlightened student I have ever seen."

"Really?" Taking off the helmet, Yang Tianlong couldn't help taking a long breath, it was too exciting just now.

"Yes, many people usually have to study for at least several hours to complete such a set of movements, but you only spent half an hour." The ski instructor said seriously.

"Thank you, it's all because of your professor's kindness." Yang Tianlong and the ski instructor began to cherish each other.

"Do you want to do it again?" the ski instructor asked again.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong nodded and agreed without hesitation.

After sitting on the cable car above his head, Yang Tianlong stood on the top of the snow field again in less than 2 minutes. This time he did not have any fear. After putting on the gear with a smile on his face, he took a breath and followed the previous instructions The action slipped out.

This time he didn't have any stiff movements at all, and everything seemed natural, especially when he passed some so-called small snow hills, Yang Tianlong even slid up from them boldly, and the waves of the small snow hills changed his force and pushed him raised his body high.

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong quickly bent his knees, clamped his arms, and tried to keep his body balanced in the air.

When he was about to hit the ground, Yang Tianlong's limbs stretched out again, and he landed steadily on the snow in a chic posture, and his inertia made his body slide forward again at high speed.

"Beautiful..." The ski instructor couldn't help but shouted.

Hussein and Bazar also saw Yang Tianlong's chic posture, and they couldn't help applauding him.

"Huaxia Dragon, your understanding is really good." Hussein couldn't help but praised.

"It's okay." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly and said with a relaxed face.

"Your Highness, it's getting late, shouldn't we be over?" Seeing that it was almost five o'clock, Bazar reminded.

"Okay, let's stop here today and come back another day when we have time," Hussein said.

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but turn his gaze to Yang Tianlong, "Huaxialong, the Falcon Conference will start the day after tomorrow. Let's go to familiarize ourselves with the venue tomorrow afternoon."

Yang Tianlong nodded, and said happily, "No problem, just listen to your arrangements then."

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, let's go to the competition venue on time." Hussein, who has participated in more than ten Falcon conferences, knows the competition process well.

Bazar also said at this time, "Huaxia Dragon, I will give you a schedule of the Falcon Conference after dinner."

"Okay, thank you." Except for the official competition, he doesn't need to do everything by himself. Yang Tianlong thinks it's good, at least he can save a lot of energy.

Compared with other falconers, he is undoubtedly much luckier.

In the evening, I ate at the hotel's underwater restaurant. Due to the large number of diners, Bazar directly booked the restaurant.

Before the dinner, Elena gave the scarves that had been prepared to Hussein and his wives. Seeing these beautifully crafted scarves, Hussein's wives couldn't help feeling a little bit of surprise.

Enjoying the top ingredients of this planet, listening to soothing music, and just looking up, you can enjoy all kinds of beautiful tropical fish in front of you. This feeling is also very good.

After having dinner with Hussain's family, since Hussain would take his wives to the Dubai Grand Theater to enjoy the opera, Yang Tianlong had some time to spend with his family.

"Honey, let's go for a walk." After staying in the 560-square-meter presidential suite for a long time, it is inevitable that it will be a little boring. Seeing his wife looking at the scenery outside, Yang Tianlong suggested.

"Okay." Elena agreed happily.

"Call mom and sister's family." Before going out, Elena said suddenly.

"Okay, let's take a walk around the hotel." Yang Tianlong nodded.

As soon as they heard about the walk, everyone immediately thought of going together. Soon, after the ladies changed their clothes, they walked out of the room.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening at this time, and the surrounding sky began to darken, and the cool sea breeze blew over, making the night walk extraordinarily comfortable.

Walking around the small road around the sea outside the hotel, I was sweating all over my body, which also achieved the purpose of exercising.

"Children, let's go back." Seeing that the weather was slightly brighter, Mrs. Sophia suggested.

"En." Elena and Linka couldn't help but nodded, and they walked towards the hotel with sweet expressions on their lover's arms.

"Huaxia Dragon." As soon as he entered the hotel gate, Bazar appeared in front of him.

"What's the matter? Mr. Bazar?" Yang Tianlong looked at Bazar and said.

"It's nothing, I just want to go out for a trip, and I happen to give you the schedule of the Falcon Conference." After speaking, Bazar took out a beautifully printed picture book from his briefcase.

Yang Tianlong flipped through it briefly. The brochure of the Falcon Conference started from the historical origin and included many photos of the wonderful competitions in the past. However, after looking through the list of previous winners, Yang Tianlong discovered a problem.

In more than 30 competitions, the Kingdom of Karta has never won the championship. Their results seem to be the worst, and even the countries in North Africa have the least twice.

Yang Tianlong immediately understood why Prince Hussein's idea of ​​winning the championship was so strong, because for the Arab countries that have always admired falconry, winning a falconry championship is more powerful than an Olympic champion. The political chips on him will undoubtedly increase a lot.

"Mr. Hua Xialong, take a look, I'm going out first." Seeing that he was looking seriously, Bazar said quickly.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and said to Bazar, "Go ahead, I'll get to know you well."

After sending Bazar away, Yang Tianlong was not in a hurry to go upstairs with his wife and the others. He felt that he needed to find a quiet environment to take a good look at this brochure.

After talking to his wife, Elena nodded, and simply told him to come back early to rest.

After finding a corner in the hotel's coffee shop and ordering a glass of boiled water, Yang Tianlong carefully flipped through the manual.

(End of this chapter)

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