Chapter 419

Since the volts adjusted to the voltage were not very high, Kabika was only slightly unconscious. When the basin of "blood water" was poured on him, the coldness and the smell of "blood water" made his sensory nerves suddenly shocked. Stimulate.

When he woke up, he found that his whole body was blood red, and the surrounding walls were also covered with a lot of blood.

Instinctively made him open his mouth and prepare to yell, but just as he opened his mouth, he found that his mouth was blocked, he couldn't speak at all, and could only make pitiful groans from his mouth .

And this is obviously not the scariest thing, because Kabika swears that the scariest thing he has ever seen in the next second is the scariest thing he has ever seen in his entire life.

I saw a giant python with a thick bowl mouth coming out of nowhere. This giant python spit out blood-red letters and swam on the smooth floor. It was getting closer and closer to Kabika's position.

Kabika could even smell the thick fishy smell in the air, which made it hard for him to breathe.

When Kabika saw that the target of the giant python was himself, he was so frightened that he lost control of his bladder and bowels instantly. He struggled hard to run away, but only then did he realize that his hands and feet were tied together, and he couldn't escape at all. The bathtub was like a vast ocean to him, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape.

The boa constrictor didn't move fast, but Kabika's heart was always tense. He prayed in his heart that the boa constrictor wouldn't swim towards him, but obviously things didn't work out. The bathtub, the long letter is only a few feet away from his head.

Kabika was desperate, because the big python started to wrap around his body. He knew that soon, the big mouth of the big python would start from his head. In less than two hours, he He will be swallowed into the belly of the boa constrictor, and under the corrosion of the strong acid gastric juice, he will soon become completely unrecognizable.

When Kabika was the mayor of the town, he saw a python swallow the goats of the villagers. That scene made him feel nauseous every time he recalled it, but today he actually became a delicacy in the belly of the python. I didn't think of it.

The boa constrictor began to wrap itself around Kabika's body with extremely slow movements. When the cold body touched Kabika's body, his body couldn't help shivering. He didn't dare to move at all, for fear of angering the giant python. Then the giant python swallowed itself.

Just when Kabika was physically and mentally exhausted from the torture, and her breath was dying, she saw that the bathroom door was slowly pushed open.

Kabika stared wide-eyed in horror, looking for the sound, it turned out to be the Chinese man who had done business with him.

"Mayor Kabika, long time no see." Yang Tianlong was not fighting alone. He was accompanied by two hyenas. Compared with the stench from the python's big mouth, the rancid smell from the hyena's mouth was stronger. It was unbearable for Kabika.

What's more terrible is that the two hyenas jumped into the bathtub like the boa constrictor, rubbing their wet tongues on Kabika's face.

Kabika was so frightened that he lost control of his urine again. As a native African, how could he not know the great power of hyenas.

"Kabika, do you want to die or pretend to be dumb." Yang Tianlong looked at Kabika with a smile on his face.

Kabika's eyes widened in horror, and a pitiful whining sound came out of his mouth.

"If you want to die, just nod your head, if you don't want to die, just shake your head," Yang Tianlong said to Kabika.

Kabika nodded quickly. At this moment, he was as well-behaved as a kitten. No, to be precise, he should be a fish waiting to be gutted on the cutting board.

Seeing that Kabika still didn't want to die, Yang Tianlong sneered and tore off the tape on his mouth, Kabika couldn't help but groaned in pain.

Yang Tianlong glared at him, and this guy immediately became more honest.

"How dare you shout and scream, I guarantee you will die ugly." Yang Tianlong said while stroking the hyena's head, and the hyena stuck out its rotten tongue to Kabika's big fat face. lick.

The whole process lasted for more than 20 seconds, and the hyena withdrew its rotten tongue until it was too much to bear seeing Kabika.

They didn't forget to lick their pointed lips with relish.

Yang Tianlong took out the Gurkha saber and stretched it towards the corner of Kabika's mouth who was at a loss.

Kabika looked at Yang Tianlong in horror, and he quickly shook his head, expressing that he still didn't want to die.

What a soft bag, Yang Tianlong couldn't help sneering, and picked out the towel stuffed in Kabika's mouth with the tip of the Gurkha saber.

Kabika was terrified.

As for whether he had incontinence just now, he no longer felt anything.

"Say, where are you locked up?"

"No, Hua Xialong, we didn't touch Mr. Wayne." Kabika quickly replied, but he regretted it as soon as he finished speaking.

It was Yang Tianlong who set a trap for Kabika. He didn't say who, but Kabika took the initiative to say Mr. Wayne's name.

"Kabika, you should die..." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong's facial expression became terrifying, and he took a sharp saber and lightly stabbed Kabika's shoulder.

Blood flowed down the cut wound in an instant.

"Zizi..." The giant python still wrapped around Kabika stretched out its blood-red letter and licked it gently towards the wound.

The sudden movement of the giant python made Kabika tremble all over. When he saw Yang Tianlong just now, his attention was completely on Yang Tianlong, and he completely forgot that there was a giant python on him.

"Huaxia Dragon, I, I say." Kabika said quickly.

"Isn't that good? If I said it earlier, I wouldn't have to suffer from these flesh and blood." Yang Tianlong smiled.

Kabika looked dejected, "Mr. Wayne was imprisoned by us in Rom's private house."

Rom?Yang Tianlong's mind quickly came up with the guy who used tricks to steal the Lion's Head Bar.

"Okay, you go to Bunia with me and bring Mr. Wayne out." Yang Tianlong said to Kabika.

"I..." Kabika looked at Yang Tianlong as if, and then he lowered his head.

"Huaxialong, I admit it, can you let my family go." Kabika looked dejected.

"Besides, as long as you cooperate, I won't make things difficult for you." Yang Tianlong said to Kabika.

"Then when are we going to Bunia?" Kabika asked.

"Soon, let's not be in a hurry. You can call your friends here first and tell your friends that you are going to Kinshasa." Yang Tianlong said while taking out Kabika's cell phone that had been placed on the table.

Although Kabika had already been arrested by him, Yang Tianlong was not overwhelmed by the victory, and he fought steadily step by step.

"Huaxia Dragon, help me untie my hands and feet, and I'll fight." Kabika said.

"Really? I don't believe you." Yang Tianlong winked, meaning to ask Kabika to unlock the phone's lock screen.

"The password is..." Kabika looked frustrated again.

"Tell me your name, I'll call." Yang Tianlong said.

Suddenly at this moment, Yang Tianlong's cell phone rang.

It's Doc calling.

"Boss, they reported to me just now that an old friend of Kabika just came in through the back door, and his license plate is..."


"The license plate... whose is it?"

"I, I have to think about it." Kabika rolled his eyes.

"Then you want to go to hell." After finishing speaking, Yang Tianlong inserted the saber into the wound just now with a fierce face.

Kabika couldn't help crying loudly for a while, but when he met Yang Tianlong's murderous eyes again, he quickly shut his mouth obediently.

"If someone knocks on the door, you will die." Yang Tianlong showed a hideous face again.

Kabika was taken aback for a moment, then nodded blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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