Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 493 White people are second-class citizens of the country

Chapter 493 White people are second-class citizens of the country
Yang Tianlong received a call from Belen on the day he and the fleet returned to Bunia. In the call, Belen told him that they would fly to Cape Town tomorrow to negotiate medical equipment.

"Boss, do you have any other followers?" Beren asked involuntarily.

"Book a plane ticket for Vasily, Alexander and Doc." Yang Tianlong blurted out.

"Okay, then I will book a flight from Bunia to Kinshasa tomorrow morning, and then from Kinshasa to Cape Town tomorrow afternoon. If everything goes well, we will arrive in Cape Town around [-]pm local time, At that time, the seller will send a car to pick us up." Belen said quickly.

"Okay, let's get ready." Yang Tianlong nodded.

After hanging up the phone, he told Vasily and Alexander the news, and Akinfeev would be responsible for the escort of the fleet.

Akinfeev nodded, expressing his reassurance that he would ensure safety.

Time passed quickly, and after a night's rest at Wilmots' hotel, Yang Tianlong took his guys to fly directly from Bunia to Kinshasa.

After staying at Kinshasa Airport for more than two hours, I boarded the flight to Lanfei Cape Town again.

Due to Lanfei's special geographical location in Africa, Lanfei is the closest country in the entire African region to Europe, and the economy here is relatively developed. When overlooking the entire Cape Town from the sky, this neat city gives Yang Tianlong's first impression was that it was a typical European city.

Cape Town is brightly lit at night, and the skyscrapers near the sea are illuminated by countless bright lights, and the bustling night scene makes Cape Town famous.

The plane descended slowly, and finally landed smoothly at Cape Town International Airport at around [-]:[-] pm local time.

When they got off the plane, most of the people who caught Yang Tianlong's eyes were white people, followed by black people. Of course, the countless faces that appeared in front of them were definitely Chinese faces.

In the era when white people were in power, the economy of Lanfei was close to the level of developed countries. Later, after being ruled by black people, Lanfei's economy declined rapidly.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even so, the economy of Lanfei is still the leader in the African continent. This country even hosted the 2010 World Cup.

After leaving the terminal, Belen quickly got in touch with two receptionists from the medical sales company.

After a brief introduction, everyone boarded the car quickly.

The sales company booked a local five-star offshore hotel for them. Compared with other African countries, the prices in Lanfei are still at a relatively stable level. Therefore, the accommodation fee in this five-star hotel is not expensive, only 400 US dollars one night.

Considering Yang Tianlong's status, the seller booked a presidential suite for him.

After checking in at the hotel, the seller invited them to a seafood restaurant by the sea for dinner.

Because Lanfei is located at the southernmost tip of the African continent and is "enclosed" by the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, this beautiful country has excellent ports and extremely rich marine resources!Here is rich in salmon, tuna, abalone, crayfish, especially abalone is a treasure of Lanfei.

Living by the sea, the seafood here is naturally much cheaper than inland countries.

Perhaps it is because they often deal with Chinese people, so these dealers are very generous and order a lot of seafood.

Eating delicious seafood, drinking refreshing cold beer, enjoying the sea breeze coming slowly, listening to the sound of waves hitting the reef, this feeling is really great.

After eating for a while, Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking the sellers if they knew where the Piccolo agency was.

The sellers were taken aback for a moment, and the two of them were you looking at me and I looking at you, then shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

"I still want to find an intermediary company to cooperate with." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Lanfei has a lot of intermediary companies, and has cooperated with many large companies in Europe."

"My friend recommended Piccolo Agency to me, but that guy doesn't know where it is."

Seeing that the boss in front of him was quite willing to cooperate with Piccolo Agency, the lead dealer said that he could help to find out.

Immediately, this guy picked up his phone and went outside...

After a while, he walked in.

"Sorry, sir, to keep you waiting, they said they had to look up too."

"It's okay, we will stay in Lanfei for a few days, and take a look at the beautiful scenery by the way." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"The scenery in Lanfei is very good, but the law and order at night is relatively poor, especially in the black area. I suggest you don't go there at night."

"Why?" Hansa also followed, and she asked with a puzzled face. You must know that when she was in Addis Ababa in the past, she could visit black colleagues' homes at night.

The dealer glanced at Hansa, but he didn't hide it, "Miss Hansa, I can't go like you."

This time Hansa was even more confused and looked at a loss.

"The incidence of rape in Lanfei is very high." The dealer said with a serious face, "In the past, when we white people ruled, the law and order was no different from that in Europe. At that time, Lanfei was the backyard of Europe. As long as As soon as the winter in the northern hemisphere comes, many white people will come to Lanfei for vacation, but it is completely different now. The unemployment rate of white people here is very high. We are also considered God’s favor. We cooperated with the medical equipment company in the United States and managed to do so. I can barely find a job to support my family." At the end of the speech, the dealer couldn't help but smile bitterly.

These words made Belen and Hansa a little unbelievable. In fact, before Yang Tianlong came, his impression of Lanfei was still in a beautiful country, a country where white people are rich and black people are poor, but the seller's words now make people He was extremely shocked.

Seeing that these customers couldn't believe what he said, the dealer smiled and said, "When we finish the negotiation, I will take you to the white slums when I have time."

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to be a little awkward, and the dealer also saw the clues, and he offered a toast and suggested that everyone have a toast.

After staying in the seafood shop for a while, the dealer's car took them to the hotel.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening at this time, and the street in front of the hotel was still brightly lit, with people coming and going.

Suddenly at this moment, there was a burst of laughter and laughter not far away, followed by a burst of begging that sounded very pitiful.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning, and looked in the direction of the sound not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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