Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 594 Fire Suppression

Chapter 594 Fire Suppression
"Are you okay?" Seeing that Kenny didn't have too many scars on his body, Raff hurriedly asked with concern.

Kenny shook his head, thanking Dane and said, "They didn't do anything to me. In fact, Eddie was detained in Columbia. How could it have something to do with me, but this is good, and I can see their intentions more clearly. Nature."

"But Soma has already been killed by us." Raff looked coldly at Soma's body lying not far away.

"Just kill it." Kenny also looked indifferent, "Anyway, I have made up my mind to go with you, big brother."

"That's good." Raff couldn't help but smiled, and then he and Kenny couldn't help fisting.

"But brother, what should I do now that Eddie can't come back from Columbia?" Kenny couldn't help asking.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. All of us will definitely find a way." Raff said calmly. Although he couldn't see how resolute the expression on his face was, it was not difficult to see from Raff's calm words. Confidence.

Suddenly at this moment, Vasili couldn't help but look serious, "Hey, guys, look at the sea, their reinforcements seem to have arrived."

"Where is it?" Yang Tianlong and the others were stunned, and quickly looked in the direction of Vasili's finger. They didn't know if they didn't see it, but they were shocked when they saw dozens of speedboats driving towards Soma's villa. When I came over, I saw those guys had vicious looks on their faces, and most of them looked like they were fooling around, and they could tell they were not good people at a glance.

"Oops, they still have bazookas." Vasily said hastily.

Yang Tianlong and the others took a closer look, and they saw armed men with rocket launchers on several speedboats.

"Run, guys." Vasily's eyesight was very good, and he suddenly noticed that several guys had carried the bazooka on their shoulders, and were about to aim and fire at the villa.

Before Vasily's words fell to the ground, they only felt their bones shake, and then there was a loud noise...

Caught off guard, Yang Tianlong and Kenny were overturned to the ground by the air waves generated by the huge explosion. It seemed that this was not one rocket, but several.

"Quickly evacuate." Seeing the boss fell to the ground, Vasili hurried forward and pulled Yang Tianlong up.

Yang Tianlong and Kenny were not injured, but just fell heavily.

Raff also quickly grabbed Kenny and ran out of the villa with them.

"Get rid of them." After running out of the villa, seeing that this was the blind spot where the group of militants were shooting, Raf's violent temper suddenly followed.

Yang Tianlong and Vasily nodded at the same time, they can't admit their cowardice at this time.

Everyone picked up their weapons and quickly dispersed around the villa.

Wilmots also noticed the abnormality, and hurried over with his brothers to support him.

The two unmanned attack aircraft were still in the sky, Yang Tianlong quickly took out his mobile phone, and prepared to remotely control the unmanned attack aircraft to launch an attack on the group of militants.

It's a thing that allows them to meet God in comfort.

Unexpectedly, the two unmanned attack aircraft had just flown less than 100 meters, and Yang Tianlong only found that his mobile phone was turned off all of a sudden.

Day, how could there be no electricity.Yang Tianlong was very angry.

But right now, he can't afford to find a place to charge his batteries, so he simply gave up using the unmanned attack aircraft.

Although the opponent has nearly one hundred and eighty people, their current position is not bad, and they feel that they can let go of their opponents.

Vasily and Raf were in charge of one side, and more than a dozen militiamen quickly scattered on both sides of the villa.

They raise their guns and shoot.

However, due to the low accuracy, for the militants, it can only be said to temporarily delay their shore penetration.

These militants are also smart. They don't seem to be in a hurry to go ashore, but keep firing rocket launchers towards the shore.

Although the militiamen said that they trained fairly hard, they lacked actual combat training after all, so dozens of rockets were fired over, and several guys were seriously injured.

"Old man, quickly find someone to take them away." Yang Tianlong shouted at Wilmots.

Wilmots froze for a moment, then glanced at the injured guy next to him. The injury is not serious. If he is not sent to the hospital in time...

"Take care, Huaxia Dragon, my brother..." Wilmots greeted two militiamen after speaking, and the wounded guys on their backs quickly ran towards the van.

"Raff, the opponent's rockets are very powerful. We must restrain our firepower and beat them hard when they get close." Vasili also saw that the enemy is currently in an advantage, but if it is an absolute advantage , which is obviously impossible.

"Okay, I understand. Damn, let their rockets fire a few more shots. I don't believe that they are bugs in the game and have unlimited ammunition resources." Raff's extremely unhappy scolding came from the headset.

As soon as Raff's voice fell, the other party fired a few more shells. Although they didn't hit any of them, the dust raised by the explosion caused Raff and the others to suffer a lot.

Under the cover of the rocket launcher, the opponent's speedboat quickly came to the shore. Several militants had already jumped off the boat and were about to attack the shore.

Perhaps because they felt that the opponent's firepower was completely suppressed by their own rocket launchers, the militants who were still at sea became a little unscrupulous, and they even gathered the speedboats together.

When Yang Tianlong saw the other party's posture, he couldn't help but smiled slightly. Taking advantage of Raf and the others not paying attention, he also hurriedly bought a bunch of bazookas from the plane warehouse.

Raff looked surprised when he lifted the bazooka over his shoulder.

"Hua Xialong, where did this guy come from?"

Yang Tianlong smiled, and said while aiming, "I found it in this broken villa."

"Haha..." Raff smiled heartily, "Well done, old man, but why didn't I find it."

"You cover me." Seeing that the enemy's bazooka no longer fired continuously like before, Yang Tianlong quickly pressed the trigger.

"Whoosh..." I saw the unloaded rocket flew into the location of the speedboats that were gathering on the shore with long smoke.

"Bang..." With a loud noise, four or five speedboats were blown up in an instant, and then landed on the sea with a bang, quickly ignited a raging fire.

"Nice job." Raff couldn't help clenching his fists tightly.

 Thank you "Zeng Wu Ai" brother for the reward, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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