Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 598 Preparations Before Going to Columbia

Chapter 598 Preparations Before Going to Columbia
Originally, those comrades thought that they were the ones Raff knew when he was serving in the Foreign Legion, but unexpectedly he shook his head and told Yang Tianlong that these guys are all from Yingguo.

Ying people?How did you meet?Yang Tianlong was very curious.

Raff smiled, "It's a coincidence, maybe this is fate. I met them at London's Heathrow International Airport. Their wallets were stolen, and I had some money at that time, and then I I rescued them, and then we kept in touch frequently, and they even went to Bunia several times. Those guys are from Nepal, and they came to Ying to join the Gurkha Army. Gurkha Army, you should You know, the British foreign mercenary corps with explosive combat power, they retired later, and they simply did not enter the government civil service department, but used the retirement subsidy to jointly open a security company."

Yang Tianlong, the Gurkha army mentioned by Raff, has seen from the news that the young people in Nepal are proud to join the Gurkha army, and their fighting power is absolutely strong. hand.

"No problem, we can let them fly directly to Colombia." Yang Tianlong said calmly, "Give me an account, and I will transfer some money to them."

Unexpectedly, Raf shook his head, "I don't need this for now, let's turn it around when the mission is over."

At this time, Vasily couldn't help but speak, "Boss, do we need an interpreter when we go to Colombia?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing instantly. Damn it, other issues were discussed very enthusiastically just now, but why did they forget about this language issue.

Most of the official languages ​​of the African continent are English and French, while most of the American continent are Portuguese and Spanish.

The official language of Colombia is Spanish.

Wilmots shrugged apologetically, "Sorry, I don't know anyone who can speak Spanish."

Raff was also a little helpless, obviously, he didn't know him either.

On the other hand, Vasily smiled. He said that he actually has a comrade-in-arms who can speak Spanish. Coincidentally, that guy is also an adventurous guy like Raff. His name is Alonso, and he is an out-and-out Spaniard. .

"Then let him go together, we'll wait for him in Medellin." Yang Tianlong smiled.

Vasily nodded, then picked up his cell phone and quickly called Alonso.

As soon as he heard that there was a job to be picked up, Alonso, who was happy on the bed, stopped quickly. He said that he was very happy to cooperate with Vasily.

"Get your passport done as soon as possible, and see you in Medellin." After saying this, Vasili hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

Wilmots also said in a timely manner, "Now that everything is clear, let's go back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and finish the passport business."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

"Kenny, where is your passport?" Suddenly, Yang Tianlong seemed to have noticed something.

"My passport is still being processed." Kenny said with some embarrassment.

"How long will it take to finish?" Raff also asked with concern.

"Maybe it will take another 4-5 days." Kenny said seriously, "There is no way, the government here is too loose, we have to wait."

"Then let's wait for you to go together." Raff said seriously.

"No, no need." Kenny quickly shook his head, "Brother, you go first, don't worry, I will protect myself, I will definitely not go anywhere these days, as long as the immigration office informs me that I can go get a passport , I can go to Bunia on the same day, I will definitely go on the same day.”

Seeing Kenny's relaxed face, and he had to go back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to apply for a passport, so Raff didn't say anything more.

After staying in Mogadishu for another day, Yang Tianlong and the others returned to Kinshasa by special plane from Addis Ababa after seeing that the wounded militiamen had recovered.

In Kinshasa, the passport application materials were delivered very quickly, and of course a very expensive benefit fee was indispensable.

"You can come and pick it up tomorrow." The staff member said happily.

"So fast?" Things were progressing so quickly that Yang Tianlong and the others dared not even look at them.

At this time, a white man next to him couldn't help saying softly, "Hey, buddy, you were teased by them."

Hearing this, Yang Tianlong and the others were taken aback for a while, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Colombia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo both have visas on arrival. As long as you have no criminal records, you can apply for visas at the airport there after purchasing the air tickets."

After seeing that this was the case, Yang Tianlong and the others finally understood.

But they didn't bother to bother with these guys from the Immigration Bureau, and left the Immigration Bureau directly.

This time, they brought about 10 militiamen from Bok Village, and with the previous ones, there were still about 30 people.

Considering that everyone's starting together will definitely attract attention, so Yang Tianlong and the others simply summed up, Yang Tianlong's first wave, Vasily's second wave, Wilmots' third wave, and Raff's It is the fourth wave.

At that time, Raff's trauma could also heal.

In the evening, several of their core members stayed in Yang Tianlong's villa, while the black militiamen were arranged in the hotel.

This time Yang Tianlong still didn't bother Liu Shengli and Li Weimin, he had to deal with the arrest of Eddie wholeheartedly.

Everything went well. The next day, at noon, Yang Tianlong and the others flew directly from Kinshasa to Cairo, the capital of Egypt, from Cairo to Paris, the capital of France, then from Lanfei to Bogota, the capital of Colombia, and finally from Bogota to the second largest city, Mai Delin.

Yang Tianlong and the others arrived in Medellin at [-]:[-] noon. They traveled from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, and then from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere for two days and two nights. They found a hotel nearby, and Yang Tianlong and the others slept all the time. .

This sleep went straight to ten o'clock in the evening, and then he walked out of the hotel.

But as soon as they went out, Yang Tianlong and the others were completely dumbfounded.

Because of the language barrier.

Fortunately, the vendors here can occasionally speak a sentence or two of English, so that the two sides cannot communicate at all.

Although Medellin is the second largest city in Colombia, the scale of the city is not large. Unlike Africa's preference for red, green and yellow, the houses here prefer reddish brown.

After walking a few hundred meters, Yang Tianlong and the others found that the buildings here are basically all reddish brown.

They found a stall outside and had a simple supper. When they were about to go back, they suddenly saw a jeep speeding away from the path in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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