Chapter 600
But Ricardo and Perez didn't fall asleep immediately when they returned to the room, and their emotions seemed rather agitated.

"Ricardo, do you suspect that Huaxialong is a drug dealer?" Perez couldn't help asking, recalling the kick just now.

Perez didn't answer him right away, but asked instead, "Perez, do you think he looks like him?"

Perez was obviously taken aback, then shook his head, "I don't think it looks like it at all."

"Are you referring to the appearance?" Ricardo said with an extremely serious face.

Perez shook his head, "Appearance is one thing, but I can't tell from his words and deeds that he is a drug dealer. Have you ever seen such a polite drug dealer?"

Ricardo hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Although I haven't seen it before, there are no birds in the forest. Do you remember that when he walked into the hotel just now, he was accompanied by a few black people, a Chinese man arrived When Colombia comes to discuss business, it does not bring its own people, but black people, which is very problematic.”

When Ricardo said this, Perez suddenly realized something, and he thought about it carefully, as if it was really like this just now.

"Ricardo, you mean that we must have less contact with him in Medellin this time." Perez said seriously.

Unexpectedly, Ricardo shook his head, "No, I think we should follow behind him. If he is really a drug dealer, he will definitely contact the local drug lord, and then we can just follow the vine."

"If I find Korba, I will kill him with my own hands." Perez suddenly burst into anger.

"Yes..." Ricardo said seriously, "He must be killed."


However, to the surprise of Ricardo and Perez, the Chinese man either stayed in the hotel or picked him up at the airport for several days.

A drug dealer with so many people?Now Perez and Ricardo are even more confused.

They couldn't sit still anymore, and decided to go to the local slums in Medellin to look for clues about Corba.


After waiting for three days in Medellin, all the guys arrived, including Spanish Alonso and two Nepalese Gurkhas Buka and Zeng Dan.

Alonso, Bucca, Zeng Dan also joined their core group.

In Yang Tianlong's room, Wilmots distributed a piece of paper to everyone, which explained in detail the situation of Corba, a local drug lord in Medellin.

"Korba, the biggest local drug lord in Medellin. This guy used to be a policeman. Later, because he couldn't understand the corruption of the police chief, he resigned and became a drug lord. In the 90s, Cole Bali took advantage of some loopholes in the laws of the Colombian government to start drug cultivation, production, and sales. After fighting with dozens of large and small local drug trafficking groups, Corba is currently the largest drug dealer in the entire Medellin area. The drugs he produces are exported to Europe and Africa, this guy is powerful and the scale..."

Wilmots paused, then looked at Yang Tianlong and said calmly, "I'm afraid they are similar to General Sardin's troops, but the weapons and equipment of his private armed forces are obviously better than those of African warlords. According to the current reliable According to the news, Corba’s base is hidden in the local Ampaka Mountains in Medellin, where the dense virgin forest is their best drug manufacturing base.”

"Hey, buddy, we want to know where Eddie is now?" Raff couldn't help interrupting Wilmots' words. In Raff's opinion, Wilmots is good everywhere, but there is one thing that is not good, that is A little too wordy.

"This..." Wilmots hesitated, "Should be under house arrest somewhere in Korba's manor."

"Dude, are you kidding me?" Alonso couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Medellin is so big, you told us it might be somewhere in Corba's manor, how do we find it?"

"I really don't know about that." Wilmots apologized.

"Man, I wonder if Eddie will be let out?" Alonso said again at this time.

"No." Raff shook his head seriously, "Our guy is in Somalia, and he is still in contact with one of Eddie's bodyguards occasionally. As far as I know, the reason why Eddie was detained by Korba The main reason for this is that Eddie swallowed a batch of goods last time. This guy didn't realize the viciousness of the Korba criminal group. They are the most vicious criminal group in the world. The Mafia is like a little brother who doesn't understand."

"But what good does it do for Korba to detain Eddie?" Alonso asked suddenly, "I don't want to let him out, and I don't want to end Eddie's life with a knife, I really can't figure out why Corba will do that."

Alonso's words suddenly awakened the dreamer, and after a moment of silence, everyone nodded involuntarily. That's right, could it be that Korba is feeding Eddie?Just let him lose his freedom for the rest of his life?

And there is no such thing as ransom in Somalia...

This is strange.

For a moment, everyone's goals were a little shaken.

However, Yang Tianlong's words dispelled their concern again, "Guys, this is a mystery, and it is for us to solve it."

Yes, this is a mystery that needs them to solve.

But how difficult it is to solve this mystery, they don't know anyone locally...

Raff has a lot of ideas, "The slums are the best place for us to get news. There are many people of different religions and classes there. I remember a movie called "Slumdog Millionaire", so everyone must not underestimate the people in it. There may be some very low-key drug dealers hiding out in the slums."

"Don't they know how to enjoy it?" Alonso couldn't help asking.

"I don't know if they know how to enjoy themselves, but I know they know how to use all the resources around them to survive." Raff said seriously.

"That's it. Starting tomorrow, let's go to various places in Medellin to investigate and see if there is any useful news. Of course, it would be better to find where Corba's manor is." Yang Tianlong said seriously .

No one objected to his words, there were many, and everyone made a clear division of labor.

After waiting for Alonso to return to the room, all of a sudden, he only felt the passion in his body become surging. When he turned on the TV, when a sexy bikini girl appeared on the TV screen, Alonso felt itchy all over again. .

After holding back for a long time, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He took his mobile phone and wallet and walked out of the hotel.

Although Alonso has never been to Medellin, one of his greatest strengths is that he is good at summing up experience.

(End of this chapter)

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