Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 638 The mysterious man in black

Chapter 638 The mysterious man in black

Although they were very puzzled in their hearts, Liu Shengli and the others followed suit one by one.

Yang Tianlong continued to walk forward, and when he reached a slightly open place, he looked around and stopped involuntarily.

His gaze moved towards the mine in the dark night. In the endless night, the towering mining equipment was like a group of huge monsters quietly waiting for the arrival of weak prey like Yang Tianlong and the others.

I don't know what's going on, after Yang Tianlong saw the equipment built with cement and steel bars, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression in his heart. This feeling of oppression was still very strong, and his breathing was tight I pressed it in my heart.

After taking deep breaths for a while, Yang Tianlong recovered a little bit from the strong oppressive feeling.

Turning on the electronic map, his eyes quickly searched for the target.

Started from the gate, and sure enough, I saw two sturdy wolf dogs tied to the guard room at the gate.

Except for a few streetlights that were still on in the entire mine, everything around it was extremely quiet. Yang Tianlong looked around the entire mine for a week, except for a few dogs, he couldn't even see a ghost.

However, this did not affect his plan. With the taming fluid, he could use ordinary livestock. To him, the two big wolfhounds in the mine were simply the best gift from heaven.

Taking out the roast chicken and the taming liquid, Yang Tianlong quickly spread the taming liquid on the roast chicken.

Then he hung the roast chicken on Meng Diao's ankle, and after instilling his own consciousness into Meng Diao, Meng Diao nodded in a very human way, and then quickly flew towards the target with flapping wings.

Yang Tianlong turned on the electronic map again and watched closely the movement at the entrance of the mine.

However, just as his gaze reached the door, he was suddenly surprised to find that the two big wolfhounds had disappeared.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, and immediately stopped Meng Diao's next move with his consciousness.

The big wolfhound is missing?Yang Tianlong was so surprised, he hurriedly searched carefully on the electronic map. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it, but he was shocked when he saw it.

I saw two big wolfhounds lying on the ground, and not far from their corpses, there were seven or eight black shadow men tiptoeing forward.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, could it be another group of people who came to rescue Li Zhengqing?

Immediately, he walked down quickly, told Liu Shengli about the matter, and asked Liu Shengli to confirm whether there was still someone from them to rescue Li Zhengqing.

Hearing what Yang Tianlong said, Liu Shengli didn't think about it at all, and shook his head straight away, saying that there was absolutely no such thing.

"Really?" Yang Tianlong frowned.

Liu Shengli nodded, "Brother, do you think too many people need to know about wiping your ass? And even if there is, Mr. Hu will definitely tell me. Could those people be thieves or something?"

"The thief can't be so obvious." Yang Tianlong said while opening the electronic map again, only to see that the group of people did not enter the house, but one of them climbed up the water tower, and then took out a bag from his arms. thing.

The guy poured the package of powdery stuff into the water tower with a grim expression.

After doing this, the seven or eight shadow figures quietly moved towards the gate.

Judging from their appearance, they should be preparing to slip away.

Sure enough, the shadow men tiptoed open the door, and then filed out.

Just as they walked out, the two big wolf dogs were miraculously resurrected. The two big wolf dogs continued to look at the place as if they were all right...

Yang Tianlong's gaze no longer continued to look into the mine, but followed the people in black.

I saw the man in black walking down the mountain quickly.

"Quick, hide." Yang Tianlong said quickly when he saw that the other party was going down the mountain.

"What's the matter? Brother." Liu Shengli said in surprise.

"I feel someone walking towards us." Yang Tianlong quickly motioned them to hide.

Sure enough, the footsteps were getting closer and closer. When the group of people in black came into Yang Tianlong's sight, Yang Tianlong noticed that most of the people in black were is white.

"Catch the living." Yang Tianlong gave Vasily an order, and Vasily understood it.

Soon, except for Liu Shengli who didn't know their next move, everyone including Liu Zhengyang knew that they were going to catch this group of people alive.

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

After all, it was the first time for them to meet these men in black at such close range, and they didn't understand the strength of the other party.

Of course, Yang Tianlong and the others are not stupid, they have made this clear before, once the opponent uses guns, they will definitely use them; not only is the opponent using it first, even if the opponent's strength is higher than theirs, they will also use guns .

After all, you can't be a fool.

"Go..." Just when the last guy had all entered their sight, following Yang Tianlong's order, everyone jumped out of the grass.

Everyone waved their strong fists in their hands, which surprised the people in black who were caught off guard.

The fists hit their heads one after another, and the people in black couldn't help shouting in pain.

Vasily's movements were the most agile among them. After a fist went down, there was another hug and throw. The guy hadn't reacted much, and then Vasily's fist hit his temple heavily. .

The guy didn't even have time to snort, and passed out directly.

The fighting power of the people in black was scumbag, and they were beaten to the point of crying after a short while.

Just when Yang Tianlong and the others were about to end, suddenly the leader took out a handful of things from his arms and threw them into the air.

In an instant, Yang Tianlong and the others sensed the abnormality of this thing, "Flash." Liu Shengli could see clearly from the side, and he issued an early warning.

Yang Tianlong and the others flashed back one after another, taking advantage of this opportunity, the group of men in black quickly slid down the hillside on the other side.

"What's the smell, so pungent?" Liu Zhengyang couldn't help covering his nose tightly.

"Quick, get your cuffs wet." Vasily had a lot of experience, and he quickly directed everyone to wet their cuffs, and then breathe through the wet cuffs.

Fortunately, there are bottled water in the car, and soon, everyone started doing it one by one...

When Yang Tianlong and the others were surprised, the bag of powdery things in the air did not dissipate quickly, but condensed like mist.

(End of this chapter)

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