Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 692 The Unusual Woman

Chapter 692 The Unusual Woman

From Yang Tianlong's point of view, Latty seemed a little too much, because she was the only one talking endlessly, while Rosalia basically said nothing.

"Don't you know who I am?"


"Isn't it just someone who wears underwear? Hmph..."


The quarrel between women is a very troublesome thing, but before Yang Tianlong passed by, the staff leading the team separated them.

Latti was still full of pride, while Rosalia seemed to have been wronged.

"Johnny, come here." Ratty said loudly to Johnny.

"This woman is probably going to lose her temper again." Jonny said in a low voice, and then ran towards Latti with a full face.

"Why are you running around if you don't follow me all day?" Latti said angrily.

"I..." Jonny has been with Latti for a while, and he is quite familiar with Latty's character and temper. As a manly tofu, he is too lazy to argue with Latty.

"Let's go back, don't lower your quality." Latti snorted coldly after saying this, and walked straight into the elevator.

"Miss Rosalia, are you okay?" Yang Tianlong found that Rosalia's emotions were more or less aggrieved

"It's okay." Rosalia smiled, "I should have done something wrong just now, which made Miss Ratty lose her temper."

"Ma'am, it was Latty's fault just now. She lost her temper with you because of her status as a pop queen. I don't think she will be popular for a few years." Rosalia's female assistant was very angry. The face said indignantly.

"Let's be ourselves." Rosalia smiled slightly, not taking the unhappiness just now to heart at all.

In this way, they walked into the elevator until the elevator went up and down again.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Yang Tianlong's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it belonged to Police Officer Remandi.

But because Rosalia was right in front of him, Yang Tianlong didn't answer Remanti's call, but directly pressed the call.

"Huaxialong, I live in this room, where do you live?" Rosalia couldn't help asking at the door of the room.

"I'll live right across from you." Yang Tianlong smiled, "If you have any orders, just tell me."

"Thank you, then go ahead, let's meet in the restaurant later." Rosalia said as she pushed open the door.

After waiting for Yang Tianlong to close the door of the room tightly, he took out his mobile phone and called Leimanti back.

"Yes, at the restaurant on the third floor in 25 minutes."

"Where are you now?" Remanti seemed not satisfied with this simple news, but took the initiative to ask his location.

"I'm in room 8023 now." Yang Tianlong said.

"OK, I'll come and find you now." After saying that, Remanti hung up the phone.

In less than 3 minutes, the doorbell of his room rang. Looking through the cat's eyes, it was indeed Police Officer Remandi, but compared to the way he was dressed in Sicily, he looked more like a cowboy from the west. kind of.

"Hey, old man." Yang Tianlong no longer called Lei Mandi a police officer, but directly called him an old man.

Hearing this new title, Remanti's eyes lit up, and he smiled, "I like this title."

"Come in." Looking at the corridor, seeing no one around, Yang Tianlong hurriedly greeted Remanti and walked into the room.

"This time you said that I was a friend of yours, a zoologist, and let me approach Rosalia." Remanti said.

Yang Tianlong hesitated for a moment, then nodded involuntarily, "No problem."

"That's good, we have to be consistent, otherwise we will lose our way." Remanti said.

"It's what you say." Yang Tianlong looked relaxed.

"Hua Xialong, I feel more and more that this woman is a bit unusual. After I parted from you last time, I entrusted a colleague who works in the police station to investigate this person. She is not from Sicily, and her ancestral home is not Sicily either. island." When he said this, Remandi had an extremely serious face, emphasizing the objectivity and fairness of his words.

"Then where is she from?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking quickly.

"I don't know." Remanti shook her head in a daze, "Anyway, she's not from Italia."

"Not from Italia?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

Remanti nodded affirmatively, "Yes, she is not from Italia, because the current population information is all on the national network, there are quite a few names like Rosalia, but with her identity and conditions But none of them."

After listening to Remanti's words, Yang Tianlong was silent for a while, and then spoke after a while, "I will introduce her to you when I have a chance, and then you can talk to her in Italian, see How did she react?"

Remanti nodded cheerfully, "Okay."

Seeing that the time was approaching, Leimanti told Yang Tianlong again that he would be at the hotel restaurant later, and they pretended to meet by chance.

After exhorting, Remanti hurriedly said goodbye and left the room.

There were still more than ten minutes before the meal time, Yang Tianlong was not in a hurry to go out, he tidied up his things, and then stood in front of the window to look at the night view of the entire city of Juba before walking out.

The security of the hotel is quite strict, there are security inspection equipment when entering and leaving the restaurant, these stars came to the restaurant one after another from the room, Yang Tianlong followed Rosalia and walked towards the restaurant of the hotel.

Sure enough, Yang Tianlong and Lei Mandi had a "chance encounter" at the entrance of the restaurant of the hotel.

"Old man, long time no see, why are you here?" Yang Tianlong said "surprised."

"I just came here to investigate." Remanti smiled and said, "What about you? Are you here for business?"

"No, I'm here for other things. Let me introduce you. This is my good friend, Miss Rosalia. She is also from Idalia."

"Really?" Remanti couldn't help but "behold light up", and then followed Rosalia in Italian.

Rosalia barely made it through, telling Remanti that her grandfather was from Italia, from the region of Sicily in Italy.

"Then you are still from Italia. Italia has always produced handsome men and beautiful women. Looking at it now, it is even more well-deserved." Remanti complimented her face.

"Thank you." Rosalia smiled with a charming look on her face.

"Miss Rosalia, I'm here to chat with the old man, why don't you eat first." Yang Tianlong said at the right time.

"No problem." Rosalia nodded.

After saying this, Rosalia left with her assistant.

Remanti looked around for a while, then winked at Yang Tianlong, "There are elements of acting in it."

"You mean we have a loophole?" Yang Tianlong frowned involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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