Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 704 The Wild Beasts of the Prairie

Chapter 704 The Wild Beasts of the Prairie

The Patrick Prairie is one of the largest grasslands in central Africa. The entire grassland covers an area of ​​2 square kilometers. It is also a nature reserve with relatively good natural protection in the entire African region. Therefore, it is also a national nature reserve in South Sudan. In the area, there are African lions, cheetahs, wildebeests, crocodiles, antelopes, hyenas, giraffes and other animals.

After almost four hours of long-distance driving, finally at noon, the members of the European and American star sympathy group came to Patrick Prairie.

However, the celebrity condolences group did not enter the reserve immediately, but ate at the restaurant in the scenic spot first.

The meal is also quite rich, euphemistically called the Feast of Hundred Beasts, but the beasts are actually all kinds of meat.Mainly beef and venison, I saw the staff of the restaurant roast it with a fork, then bring it to the guests, pick a piece off the plate of the guests, keep serving and eating, this big piece of meat is enough It was as big as an adult's slap, and Yang Tianlong felt as if his stomach was already full of food, and there was no room to eat at all, but when the staff brought it over again, Yang Tianlong Quickly waved his hands, and kept saying NO, NO...

Everyone seemed to be very happy with this feast of beasts. After eating, they did not enter the scenic spot immediately, but first had to take a rest, because the road conditions must be relatively poor when driving on the prairie later. If the digestion is not good , Maybe the food in the stomach will be spit out in a bumpy way.

During this time, Yang Tianlong answered a phone call and waited for him to return to the restaurant after answering the call, only to see that Remanti had chatted with Rosalia at some point.

Seeing that Leimanti's goal had been achieved, Yang Tianlong didn't bother him, but found a place to sit down quietly.

He looked at Jonny all of a sudden, and saw that Jonny and Rosalia's good friend Miss Irina were also smiling and talking, as if they were a couple in love.

To Yang Tianlong's surprise, he didn't find Miss Latti in the restaurant...

Half an hour later, under the call of the tour guide of the scenic spot, everyone took a minibus welded with iron railings and galloped on the endless prairie.

The tour guide was riding in an off-road vehicle, which also had protective measures. Through the wireless walkie-talkie, the tour guide emphasized three points for attention.

First, you are not allowed to step out of the minibus!
Second, abuse, scare, kidnap, and feed any wild animals are not allowed!

Third, no garbage and man-made objects are allowed to be left on the grassland.

For these rules, no one dared to violate them. After all, most of them came to this vast prairie for the first time. Curiosity and fear coexisted.

For example, Miss Rosalia seemed very timid, she didn't dare to sit by the window at all, for fear that lions, cheetahs and other ferocious beasts would open their mouths and bite her.

At first, the vehicle was driving very fast on the grassland. About half an hour later, a voice came from the vehicle intercom.

"Hey buddy, we found several cheetahs in Barto's now."

"Come on, let's go to Barto." The tour guide said loudly.

"Where is Bator?" The tourists on each minibus seemed to explode, and they were basically looking forward to a chance encounter with the cheetah.

Soon, the convoy changed its direction and drove towards the so-called "Bator".

About half an hour later, the vehicle stopped and surrounded a tiny forest.

"What are they doing?" Rosalia couldn't help but frowned, looking at everything around her in surprise.

"The cheetah is on this tree." The tour guide in the car said.

"What? On the tree?" Not only Rosalia was taken aback, but also the other passengers in the car.

"Of course it's on the tree. You must know that cheetahs are good at climbing trees." The tour guide said with a smile.

"But where are they?" His eyes looked towards the dense bushes, but he couldn't see the cheetah at all.

"Shh, don't worry, you'll see it later." The tour guide put it off on purpose.

In anticipation, a tour guide threw a piece of bloody fresh meat onto the ground.

"Roar..." A slender cheetah on the tree jumped down from the tree with lightning speed, this sudden movement startled Yang Tianlong and the others.

As soon as this cheetah came down, another cheetah jumped out of the tree. This cheetah was also unceremonious, ready to compete for food with the powerful opponent in front of it.

It was the first time for everyone to see such a wonderful scene, so they couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts. They took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the two cheetahs under the tree.

"Bang..." Just when the two cheetahs were about to fight, Yang Tianlong suddenly felt a bang on the top of his head, as if something heavy fell on the roof of the car.

"Don't open all the windows." The tour guide has a lot of experience, so he quickly reminded him loudly.

"What's going on?" Rosalia asked with her eyes wide open.

"There is a cheetah above the head." The voice of the tour guide was much lower, lest the cheetah above the head be alarmed.

Everyone hurriedly closed all the windows, so scared that they didn't dare to let out the atmosphere inside.

The cheetah's paws kept scratching on the roof of the car, as if it wanted to scratch the iron roof.

But after a while, the smart cheetah seemed to find that the roof of the car was indestructible. After a brisk walk, the cheetah jumped onto the tall trees again.

At this time, everyone patted their chests with lingering fear, as if they had escaped a catastrophe.

The battle between the two cheetahs also ended quickly. The powerful one climbed up the tree with great agility while holding the meat in its mouth, while the defeated one left with a resentful expression.

After visiting the cheetahs from Barto, the minibus drove to the next destination, which is said to be to see the lions.

"Mr. Remandi, what we saw just now was a cheetah, and I heard that there are also leopards. Is there any difference between the two?" Rosalia asked the police officer beside him with great interest.

"The physique of the leopard is much larger than that of the cheetah. It is of the strong type, while the cheetah is of the lean type, because the cheetah needs to run fast on the prairie..."

Remanti introduced a lot with a full face, and Yang Tianlong was also taken aback when he heard it. It seems that he must have made up a lot of animal knowledge about the Patrick prairie.

(End of this chapter)

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