Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 724 You Can't Let Weapons Wait For You

Chapter 724 You Can't Let Weapons Wait For You

Sure enough, waiting for Liu Shengli and the others to follow Yang Tianlong to the top of the mountain, the training ground beneath them was filled with dust, and dozens of armored vehicles and tanks were performing various tactical actions on the training ground.

Dozens of black soldiers stood at the foot of the mountain, watching the situation seriously.

"Brother, what do these black people do?" Liu Shengli asked even more curiously.

"They are from Nuertu, South Sudan, and they are currently training in my training ground." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

Although Liu Shengli is not well-educated, he likes to pay attention to international current affairs, especially after coming to Africa, he pays more attention to the situation in Africa. In his words, it is impossible not to pay attention. If you don’t know the situation in Africa The international situation, ranging from heavy losses in wealth, to serious loss of life.

"Aren't the Nuertu people fighting against Musala's Light of Freedom rebels?" Liu Shengli said, frowning.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "That's right, they are fighting against Musala's army. Because their ability is far inferior to the opponent's army, they select the best fighters to come to me for training."

"So what if they have been trained? When they return to the land of South Sudan, they still don't have these equipments." Liu Shengli said calmly.

"But you can't train people just because of what kind of equipment you have. Maybe if the equipment suddenly becomes available one day, it might be too late." Yang Tianlong also said seriously.

At first Liu Shengli thought that his point of view was correct, but after thinking about Yang Tianlong's words carefully, he suddenly felt that his point of view was not that correct, because Yang Tianlong was right, he could not equip others, but Men wait for equipment, as the great leader once said, men are the deciding factor in war.

"Brother, you are right." Liu Shengli nodded involuntarily, "Actually, in essence, there is no distinction between justice and injustice in war, but in terms of the audience, there is a distinction between justice and injustice."

"Yeah, when you are in a war, you will find that peace is such a desirable thing." Yang Tianlong added.

"The training effect of these guys seems to be good." Standing on the top of the mountain and observing for a while, Liu Shengli came to such a conclusion.

"Really?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled, "How did you find out?"

"Because I found that they at least understand tactics. In fact, the armies of African countries are really low-level. They only use those equipments simply. They don't know what tactics are. So many African countries All the troops in our country will come to our country to learn from the PLA, and they only need to simply apply the methods of the PLA to their own troops. It is common for them to win battles.” Liu Shengli said with a smile, “When our company first arrived in Congo, there were There are more than a dozen veterans who have retired from the army. After a local army unit heard about it, they invited them into the army and taught their soldiers how to coordinate infantry tactics.”

"Indeed, just like when we went to Tutan, the government forces and rebels there are actually very low. If it were a country like Lao Mi or Israel, half of us would be super special soldiers if we survived." Yang Tianlong nodded in agreement.

"So, in this world, the combat effectiveness of the People's Liberation Army is still very strong." Liu Shengli laughed.

"Let's go, brother, first take you to visit our farm and ranch, and then take you to shoot." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"Okay." After watching tanks and other heavy equipment training on the top of the mountain for a long time, Liu Shengli also felt fatigued. He agreed to Yang Tianlong's proposal without hesitation.

After coming down from the top of the mountain, they didn't go to the farm and ranch immediately, but walked along the boulevard of Bok Village.

"This is the apartment building, that's the entertainment room, and there's the meeting room, and there's the stadium, which has a basketball court, a badminton court, and a football field..." Along the way, Yom introduced the buildings here with an eloquent look of excitement. layout.

"All our street lights use solar energy, and they are very bright at night. Everyone likes to play football and basketball at night..."

"There is also an indoor swimming pool, but I usually don't let them swim in it, Huaxia Dragon, if you want, you can go for a swim in it in the afternoon." Yom said, pointing to a large building that resembled a mushroom.

"Is there a swimming pool?" Liu Shengli asked in surprise.

Yom nodded, "Of course, does it look like an alien building?"

Liu Shengli also nodded, "It really looks like an alien building."

"We can go for a swim in it then." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

The entire newly-built Bok Village is very large, so they walked very slowly. Like a local tour guide, Yom gave them a detailed introduction to the situation inside.

Suddenly, they came to a courtyard wall, and inside the courtyard wall was a three-story building.

"Is this a hotel?" Yang Tianlong asked suddenly.

Yom nodded, "Yes, there are nearly 100 rooms inside, which can accommodate 150 people."

"Why don't we stay in this village tonight." Yang Tianlong looked at Liu Shengli beside him and said with a smile.

Before Liu Shengli could speak, Yom took the initiative to speak, "Every room has 24-hour hot water, international calls, satellite TV, and wireless network coverage."

"There is also wireless WIFI?" Liu Zhengyang was surprised this time.

"Of course." Yom smiled, and then took out a large-screen mobile phone, "Here, look, is the signal good?"

"Not bad, not bad." Liu Zhengyang smiled, "Uncle Long, Dad, Brother Zhang, let's stay here at night."

"Okay, I think it looks good. There is also a football field. I think I can still play football." Liu Shengli said with a chuckle.

"You can also play football?" When Yang Tianlong heard that Liu Shengli also likes to play football, he couldn't help but beam up.

Liu Shengli nodded, "Of course I will, but I can't run anymore, so it's not a problem to be a goalkeeper."

"Well, let's exercise at night, and then go swimming." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay." Everyone nodded involuntarily.

"Yom, organize it tonight, and we will participate then." Yang Tianlong is also an avid football fan. Seeing that he could play on the field in Bok Village at night, he couldn't help but excitedly said.

For Yang Tianlong's request, Yom naturally complied.

Before they knew it, they had wandered to the farm and pasture.

This time, Liu Shengli was even more surprised. He didn't expect that this remote African village planted the fields very artistically.

 Thanks to the "Earth Legion Commander" brother for the monthly ticket reward and the bounty support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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